Nigel Farage and Donald Trump: Will Brexit Party boss meet Trump during UK visit?

Nigel Farage and Donald Trump: Will Brexit Party boss meet Trump during UK visit? (Image: GETTY)

FORMER UKIP leader Nigel Farage was the first British politician to meet Donald Trump following his US election victory in 2016. The two populist politicians have been friends for years and are likely to meet when Trump visits the UK later next month.

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US President Donald Trump will make a state visit to the UK from June 3 to June 5. During his time in Britain, he will attend a state dinner, hosted by the Queen and have talks with Theresa May at Downing Street, but will Trump meet his old friend and Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage while he is in the UK?


Nigel Farage is riding high after leading his fledgeling Brexit Party to victory in the recent European elections.

The former UKIP leader and Donald Trump are long-term allies after supporting each other during the Brexit and US Presidential campaigns.

Farage attended Republican rallies ahead of Donald Trump’s election and was the first British politician to meet him after he won the presidential race in 2016.

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The pair were pictured grinning together in Trump Tower following Mr Trump’s election success and he may wish to congratulate Mr Farage in turn, when he is over in the UK.

Will Donald Trump meet Brexit Party leader Farage when he is in the UK?

Details of Mr Trump’s UK schedule have been released ahead of his visit next week.

On Day one he will meet the Queen at Buckingham Palace where he will be given a ceremonial welcome.

The packed day of activities includes a private tour of the Queen’s picture gallery and afternoon tea with Prince Charles and Camilla.

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Nigel Farage and Donald Trump: Farage attended Republican rallies ahead of Trump's election (Image: GETTY)

Day one of Mr Trump’s visit will be rounded off with a state banquet.

The banquet will be held at Buckingham Palace and senior politicians are expected to attend.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, Commons Speaker John Bercow, London Mayor Sadiq Khan and Lib Dem leader Sir Vince Cable have also announced their plans to boycott the white-tie dinner in protest to Mr Trump’s dinner.

White House officials are reportedly keen to extend the invitation to Mr Farage.

Farage’s allies have claimed Mr Trump’s team want him at the exclusive event.

Nigel Farage and Donald Trump: Trump may wish to congratulate Farage on his EU elections success (Image: GETTY)

One Brexit Party insider told the Mail on Sunday: “Overtures have been made about Nigel going in with the US contingent.

“We have been told that his attendance would be a ‘red line’ for No 10, but it’s not clear if they would be able to stop him coming.”

The White House and Buckingham Palace both refused to comment and Downing Street official said they were yet to receive the final guest list.

Farage has previously claimed that he was banned by Tory bosses from meeting Mr Trump on his last visit to the UK.

He told LBC: “The last time he came to the UK, one of the Government’s red lines was that he wasn’t to meet me.

“I know not only him very well but also members of his administration.

“You would have thought if the British Government was acting in the national interest, they would have tried to use me constructively.

“But of course Theresa May doesn’t care about the national interest, she only cares about the Conservative party’s interest.”

Mr Farage’s Brexit Party won 28 of the 73 UK MEP seats up for grabs in last week’s European elections.

In the wake of the Brexit Party’s victory, Farage has pledged to secure an EU exit ASAP.

Mr Farage has promised to push through a “clean Brexit” under WTO (World Trade Organisation) rules.