'We will see' Barnier's dire warning as he retreats to Brussels after talks judder to halt

Brexit news: Michel Barnier returns to Brussels (Image: Getty)

MICHEL BARNIER has issued a dire warning over Brexit talks as the EU's chief negotiator returned to Brussels today.

Brexit: Michel Barnier says he will ‘keep calm as always’

Mr Barnier returns to Brussels following the suspension of talks on Friday. Brexit talks were paused by both sides following a clash over fisheries amid claims Emmanuel Macron has stepped in to intervene over the matter. Mr Macron warned the negotiator not to back down to the UK's demands over fisheries thus causing talks to collapse. 


Speaking this morning, Mr Barnier issued a cautious update on talks.

He told reporters at St Pancras station: "We keep calm, as always, and if there is still a way, we will see."

Due to the collapse in talks, Boris Johnson and EU Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen will now hold a call today to discuss the state of play. 

French officials are increasingly concerned Mr Barnier will be forced into dropping his demands over fisheries in order to agree a deal. 


Brexit news: Michel Barnier left London today (Image: GETTY)

Due to this, Mr Macron spoke to the negotiator to warn him of giving too much to the UK.

France's European Affairs Minister, Clement Beaune, also insisted France's interests must be protected or they would veto a bad deal. 

He said on Friday: "I want to tell our fishermen, our producers, the citizens who are listening that we will not accept a deal with bad terms.

"If a good agreement cannot be reached, we will oppose it. Each country has a veto right, so it is possible.

JUST IN: Brexit LIVE: Selfish Emmanuel Macron torpedoes Brexit talks 

Brexit news: Boris Johnson will hold a call with ursula von der Leyen today (Image: Getty)
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"We will do our own evaluation of this draft deal, if there is one.”

It is thought Mr Barnier offered the UK a compromise which would give EU fleets a 10 year period of access to Britain's waters. 

This was rejected before Mr Barnier returned to the initial offer of a 18 percent quota return. 

The UK wants full control of waters and to hold annual negotiations. 

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Brexit news: Ursula von der Leyen will hold talks with the Prime Minister (Image: PA)

Brexit news: Mr Macron stepped in this week (Image: GETTY)

If this was agreed, EU fleets would stand to lose out severely from the loss of access and renegotiated quotas shares. 

One UK source said: "At the start of the week we saw Macron agitating with other EU capitals that they were giving away too much.

"Then you see Barnier bringing this back and the whole process goes backwards. I think everyone can join the dots.

"We want a deal but it has to be on the basis that we are a sovereign country again.

EU fisheries reliance (Image: Express)

"Some people still seem to be struggling with the concept that we are going to be an independent country setting our own rules. If it stays like that there will be no deal."

However, there is concern fisheries could block an overall deal due to the demands of some states with large fleets. 

Brexit news: Mr Johnson will hold talks today (Image: PA)

One European senior source told The Times: "This is Macron playing De Gaulle.

"It is very domestic in focus but has all the diplomatic subtlety of a bull in a china shop. It could smash it all up."