Brexit: Biden throws down gauntlet at Boris masterstroke to unshackle Britain

THE BIDEN administration has raised concerns at "multiple levels" over the UK government's plan to override parts of the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Jacob Rees-Mogg gives update on Brexit to the Commons

The White House has urged Britain not to move forward with the plans and to instead seek to resolve the issues surrounding the protocol in dialogue with the EU. The US government added that the new Protocol legislation “does not create a conducive environment" for post-Brexit trade deals between the UK and the US. A senior official told the Irish Times that the Biden administration had conveyed its concerns "at multiple levels to the British Government". The official added: "The priority [of the administration] remains very much the protection of the gains from the Good Friday Agreement. “President Biden feels very strongly about this and is very much committed to preserving the peace, stability and prosperity that came from the agreement for all the people of Northern Ireland.”


'Odd and wrong' Brussels holds UK 'to higher standard than communist China'

Biden throws down gauntlet over Boris masterstroke to unshackle Britain (Image: Getty)

That's all from Brexit Live reporting tonight

Thanks for following our live Brexit coverage tonight.

'In the past!' Lib Dems shake off Remainer label to claim victory in Brexit-backing Devon

The Liberal Democrats have celebrated victory in the Brexit-backing Devon seat of Tiverton & Honiton.

There had been concerns the party's pro-EU position could prove an issue for voters.

However, a Liberal Democrat source has told that voters are no longer concerned about the stance taken by the party before Sir Ed Davey replaced ex-leader Jo Swinson.

The source said: "People said to us that the Brexit vote was in the past, their questions were about the future.

"What kept coming up on the doorstep was overstretched local health services, the cost of living and Boris Johnson's lies and law-breaking."

Victory for the Liberal Democrats in Tiverton & Honiton came just months after the Tories lost in the leave-voting seat of North Shropshire.

Boris defeated in two Brexit-backing seats in devastating blow

Boris Johnson has lost two Conservative seats in the House of Commons after suffering a double whammy of by-election defeats.

The Prime Minister lost two quite different pro-Brexit seats after failing to prevent a Liberal Democrat gain in Tiverton & Honiton and as Labour reclaimed Wakefield.

'Extraordinary' Jacob Rees-Mogg blasted over 'vanity project'

Labour's Remain-supporting Shadow Europe Minister has said it was "extraordinary" for the Government to invite Brits to say which pieces of legislation they wanted to repeal as many are "wondering how they will put food on the table".

Stephen Doughty said: "The Government’s offer today to the British people is a digital filing cabinet of existing legislation, which the gentleman describes, in his own words, as marginal.

“And while the Government plans to cut 20% of civil servants, the minister for so-called Government efficiency is running his own make-work scheme in the Cabinet Office, creating tasks for them to satisfy his own obsessions.”

Labour unveils plan to drag Brexit Britain closer to EU

On the sixth anniversary of the Brexit referendum, Shadow Foreign Secretary David Lammy said: 

“We are not going into the next election saying that we will enter the single market or the EU.

“You might not like it but Labour is determined to govern the entire country,” he said adding “there cannot be a rehash of arguments” made in remainer constituencies like his in London.

“The British people have made a decision and we have to honour it."

Good evening!

Good evening. I'm Jack Walters. I will be bringing you the latest Brexit developments over the next eight hours. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.

Email: [email protected] 

Twitter: @JTWalters99

UK urged to not overturn Brexit in 'foolish' rejoin EU bid

In a poll that ran from 9am on Sunday, June 19, to 6pm on Thursday, June 23, asked: “Is it only a matter of time until Britain rejoins the EU?”

Overall, 7,318 people cast their votes with the vast majority, 86 percent (6,262 people), answering “no”, it is not only a matter of time until Britain rejoins the EU.

A further 14 percent (993 people) said “yes” it is, while just one percent (63 people) said they did not know either way.

Thousands of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers shared their thoughts on the UK rejoining the EU in the future.

Many were in agreement that the UK would not join the EU any time soon with one reader, username RitaBishop writing: “We are OUT and we are staying OUT.”

Read more by Natalie Crookham here.

Do you agree with Lord Frost that Brexit is working?

“Brexit is working,” according to former Brexit Minister Lord Forst, who added that those who disagree have “an axe to grind”.

Do you agree?

Vote in a new poll here.

Remainers slamming UK's deal with Indiana bitter of Brexit’s success

Bruges Group think tank Director Robert Oulds has rubbished the “pessimism” of Remainers who say Brexit Britain is less able to forge trade deals around the world.

He told “[A new] trade deal with Indiana shows that America is open for business for British companies and that will go from strength to strength as Britain moves away from the EU.

“Brexit gives UK people and companies the opportunities to sell their goods and services to many nations around the world and this will continue to grow.”

Read more here.

Lynch schools Peston over Brexit regrets following rail strikes

Rail, Maritime, and Transport (RMT) union General Secretary has insisted Brexit was not a mistake.

ITV's Robert Peston questioned the Mick Lynch over the union’s position during the referendum: “The RMT recommended its members vote to leave the EU. Most economists said it has made Britain poorer and pushed up prices. Did the RMT make a mistake?"

The union leader responded: “No, I don’t think we did make a mistake. We support Brexit."

Read more here.

Facts ‘don’t fit’ with prevailing ‘Brexit has failed’ narrative

UK economic figures do not match the “prevailing UK narratives” about the failures of Brexit, an independent has claimed.

Julian Jessop highlighted in a post on Twitter that the UK composite Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) has this month remained the same but has failed in the eurozone.

PMI is described as an index of the prevailing direction of economic trends.

Mr Jessop wrote: “This won't fit the prevailing UK recession/BrexitHasFailed /sterlingcrisis narratives, but... the UK composite PMI output index was unchanged at 53.1 in June (better than expected), [whereas] the euro area index fell to 51.9 (worse than expected).”

Who is Liz Truss?

In December, Lord Frost resigned as chief Brexit negotiator, making way for his successor, Foreign Secretary Liz Truss. 

Since taking on the role Brexit negotiations with her EU counterpart Maros Sefcovic have made little progress. 

However, Ms Truss has outlined plans to scrap parts of the Northern Ireland Protocol. 

She said the first priority is to uphold the Good Friday agreement. 

Ms Truss said the UK wants to see a first minister and deputy first minister in place in Northern Ireland. 

Who is Liz Truss?

Who is Liz Truss? (Image: Getty)

Boris attacked in Brexit fury as 'coastal folk betrayed'

Boris Johnson has been skewered for post-Brexit fishing rules, with brexiteer claiming he has "sold out".

The Prime Minister posted on Twitter a video of him backing Helen Hurford in the Tiverton and Honiton by-election. Mr Johnson said the Tory candidate would “stick up for British food and farming”.

In the clip, Mr Johnson and Ms Hurford visited a farm in the constituency and touted the Conservatives’ support for “food and farming”.

He said: “Vote for Helen Hurford to stick up for British food and farming on June 23.”

However, June Mummery, founder of Renaissance of the East Anglian Fisheries, blasted the Prime Minister’s calls to back British food on social media.

The former Brexit Party MEP said on Twitter after Mr Johnson’s call to vote: “Stick up for British food? 

“We have an ocean full of fish but UK fisherman can't catch it. 

“80 percent of the fish the EU catches comes from UK waters these vessels are hammering our waters unmonitored and unregulated. 

“You sold out the UK fisherman and betrayed coastal folk.”


We may never know Brexit's economic impact, says Frost

Lord Frost has said that we may never know the economic impact of Brexit because there are too many other things going on such as the war in Ukraine and the pandemic. 

Speaking on the sixth anniversary of the Brexit vote, he said: "I'm not sure it is ever going to be clear in that sense whether it's succeeded or failed because so much else is going on and extracting the causality about this is always going to be extremely difficult."

Lord Frost added that Brexit "is working" but is still unfinished. 

Donaldson releases statement in response to NI Protocol bill being given second reading

DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson has released a statement following the announcement that the new Northern Ireland Protocol bill will be given a second reading. 

He said that it is important that the bill is passed "rapidly" and receives substantial support from West Minister. 

'We need to complete Brexit', says Farage

Nigel Farage has released a video on the sixth anniversary of the Brexit referendum vote. 

In the video, Mr Farage says that we must "complete Brexit" and outlines three things that must be done. 

The first he says is to deal with "the enemy from within", the civil service. 

He said they are "obstructing" Brexit and must be sacked. 

He said the second thing is to cut the VAT on energy to show the public a Brexit benefit. 

Mr Farage said the third thing is to "take back control" of Britain's border. 

What is the EU?

The EU is a political and economic union of 27 countries that trade with each other and allow citizens to move easily between the countries to live and work. 

The UK joined the EU, then known as the EEC (European Economic Community), in 1973.

A referendum was held June 23 2016 to decide whether the UK would remain inside the EU. 

The Leave side won by nearly 52 percent to 48 percent - 17.4 million votes to 16.1 million. 

What is the EU?

What is the EU? (Image: Getty)

German ambassador say Brexit row solution ‘is possible’ in summer

A negotiated solution to the problems surrounding the Northern Ireland Protocol is possible at least "after the summer break", a German official has said.

Following a question from Andrew Marr on whether a trade war will be triggered if the UK goes ahead with plans to rip up parts of the Northern Ireland Protocol, German ambassador to the UK Miguel Berger said: "I really hope that we can avoid a trade war. 

“I can tell you there is a lot of disappointment with this Bill especially because we thought with the whole Ukraine crisis this was not the moment to have this debate. 

“I think this is really the feeling in Brussels and many [European] capitals: There is space to find a negotiated solution. 

“So, we hope that maybe after the summer break, the Commission and the British Government can sit down and find a solution.” 


German ambassador say Brexit row solution ‘is possible’ in summer

German ambassador say Brexit row solution ‘is possible’ in summer (Image: Getty)

Brexit is working, says Frost

On the sixth anniversary of the Brexit referendum vote, Lord David Frost has said that Brexit "is working". 

The former chief Brexit negotiator also said the UK has no reason to regret the result of the referendum. 

He said: "Is Brexit working?

"I don’t think I will surprise any of you if I cut to my conclusion straightaway.  Yes Brexit is working.  We have no cause for regrets about the decision the country has taken and the solutions to the remaining problems are not to be found in going backwards, but in completing the process and following through on its logic."

Brexit is working, says Frost

Brexit is working, says Frost (Image: Getty)

Five key moments that led to Brexit

The Brexit referendum can be linked to five key moments in British history. 

They are: 

The signing of the Maastricht treaty in February 1992

Black Wednesday in September 1992

The signing of the Libson treaty in December 2007 

The beginning of the European debt crisis in 2009

The failure of David Cameron's EU reform deal in February 2016. 

Five key moments that led to Brexit

Five key moments that led to Brexit (Image: Getty)

Biden throws down gauntlet over Boris masterstroke to unshackle Britain

The Biden administration has raised concerns at "multiple levels" over the UK government's plan to override parts of the Northern Ireland Protocol.

The White House has urged Britain not to move forward with the plans and to instead seek to resolve the issues surrounding the protocol in dialogue with the EU.

The US government added that the new Protocol legislation “does not create a conducive environment" for post-Brexit trade deals between the UK and the US.

A senior official told the Irish Times that the Biden administration had conveyed its concerns "at multiple levels to the British Government".

The official added: "The priority [of the administration] remains very much the protection of the gains from the Good Friday Agreement.

“President Biden feels very strongly about this and is very much committed to preserving the peace, stability and prosperity that came from the agreement for all the people of Northern Ireland.”

Biden throws down gauntlet over Boris masterstroke to unshackle Britain

Biden throws down gauntlet over Boris masterstroke to unshackle Britain (Image: Getty)

Eustice slaps down REMOANERS for talking down British success

A senior Tory minister has slapped down remainers claiming Brexit has ruined the farming sector and instead hailed a "post-Brexit boom in farming". 

Environment Secretary George Eustice told the Commons: "Farm incomes have seen a strong recovery since the 2016 referendum. 

"Land prices are running at record highs, the price of milk has also increased.

"Farm profits have actually been on the rise in recent years."

He added: "In this current year it is true that the recent input costs caused by the spike in gas prices will put pressure on margins but it is in the context of a successful post Brexit boom for agriculture generally."


Eustice slaps down REMOANERS for talking down British success

Eustice slaps down REMOANERS for talking down British success (Image: Getty)

'Game-changer' US governor throws weight behind Britain in stirring speech

A US governor has thrown her weight behind Britain and urged the UK to do the same in a stirring speech.

South Carolina governor Nikki Haley told the Policy Exchange that Brexit will be a "positive game-changer for the future of Europe" and should be strongly supported by the United States.

She stressed the importance of a united western front in response to Russian aggression. She explained: "This is a clash of civilizations — a classic struggle between light and darkness, good and evil, right and wrong.

We need look no further than the streets of Mariupol, Hong Kong, and Tehran for proof." The former US Ambassador to the UN added: "Our challenges are steep, but they are not too steep to overcome, so long as we believe in ourselves and our fight for freedom. We have no higher calling as the heirs of liberty."


'Game-changer' US governor throws weight behind Britain in stirring speech

'Game-changer' US governor throws weight behind Britain in stirring speech (Image: Getty)

Residents of London discuss impacts of Brexit on cost of living crisis

Residents of London discuss impacts of Brexit on cost of living crisis. 

One resident, who used to live in the Netherlands said he has noticed a dramatic increase in UK prices since Brexit. 

He also said that Brexit has caused staff shortages and that we should be hiring staff from different countries. 

Cost of Living: Public discuss impact of Brexit

What is the Northern Ireland protocol?

The Northern Ireland protocol is the piece of legislation that prevents a hard border from being in place between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. 

Before Brexit, it was easy to transport goods between Northern Ireland and the Republic because both sides were subject to the same EU rules. 

However, after Brexit, a new system was needed as the EU has strict rules and requires border checks when certain goods arrive from non-EU countries.

The protocol agreed that there would be no checks at the Irish border but there would instead be checks on goods coming from Great Britain to Northern Ireland. 

However, the UK government now wants to rip up parts of the protocol and remove the need for goods checks between Britain and Northern Ireland. 

What is the Northern Ireland protocol?

What is the Northern Ireland protocol? (Image: Getty)

Brexit Britain ‘should ignore EU threats’ over Northern Ireland Protocol

Britain should not be worried about the EU's legal retaliation over the Northern Ireland Protocol, a new poll of readers has found. 

In a poll that ran from 1pm on Friday, June 17, to 1pm on Sunday, June 19, asked readers whether they were worried about the EU’s legal retaliation over the Northern Ireland Protocol. asked: “Should UK be worried about EU legal retaliation over Northern Ireland Protocol row?”

Overall, 2,612 people cast their votes with a strong majority, 89 percent (2,323 people), answering “no”, they were not worried about the EU’s legal retaliation.

A further 11 percent (277 people) said “yes”, they were worried while just 12 people said they did not know either way.


Labour benches nearly EMPTY in Brexit debate as furious Bone slams MPs ignoring UK success

Just four Labour backbenchers turned up to a Commons debate on Brexit yesterday, while not one Liberal Democrat made an appearance. 

Criticising the lack of attendance, Tory backbencher Peter Bone told the Commons: "For a long time in this House, I've noticed that if the Government has done something well, the number of Opposition backbenchers in for a statement is very few.

"I spy no Liberal Democrats at all. The DUP, of course, is here. And at the start of the statement Madame Deputy Speaker, there were just four Labour backbenchers.

"They do not want to be here to listen to Brexit opportunities and the savings and benefits to this country."


Labour benches nearly EMPTY in Brexit debate as furious Bone slams MPs ignoring UK success

Tory backbencher Peter Bone (Image: Getty)

'Odd and wrong' Brussels holds UK 'to higher standard than communist China'

The EU has been accused of holding the UK to a "higher standard than communist China" in granting it access to the bloc's financial market after Brexit.

A report by the influential Lords European affairs committee found that Brussels' decision to lock the City of London out of the square mile was "political rather than technical".

The EU refused to grant the UK regulatory "equivalence" which allows countries not in the bloc to access the single market based on how similar its rules are, despite Britain's rules being largely equivalent to its own.

However, communist China has been granted equivalence. Lord Kinnoul, chairman of the committee, said: “China has been granted equivalence by the EU in a dozen or more areas. It looks odd and wrong that the UK has not been granted this considering we are democracies of a similar character.”

'Odd and wrong' Brussels holds UK 'to higher standard than communist China'

'Odd and wrong' Brussels holds UK 'to higher standard than communist China' (Image: Getty)

Good morning

Good morning, I'm Olivia Stringer and I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on Brexit for the next eight hours. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.

Email: [email protected] 

Twitter: @Livstringer_

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