Boris Johnson resigns: New frontrunner emerges as PM exploits loophole to cling on

BORIS JOHNSON has been struck by another hammer blow as the new Tory leadership favourite emerges from the pack.

By Tara Fair, News Editor, Ellie Cook

Boris Johnson announces resignation outside Downing Street

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has been identified as the front runner to take over Boris Johnson's job as Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party. New Tory members polling from YouGov puts him ahead of other prominent contenders such as Liz Truss, Rishi Sunak and Penny Mordaunt. The news comes after Mr Johnson delivered his resignation speech from outside Number 10 following the resignation of 59 ministers over his leadership. But the Prime Minister may have found a loop hole that would allow him to remain in high office. Commentator Catherine Philp pointed out: "I hate to point this out but if Boris hasn't been to the Queen he hasn't actually resigned."


Boris Johnson resign

Boris Johnson hit with avalanche of resignations (Image: SKY NEWS/ GETTY)

'Boris MUST be replaced by Brexiteer' - Tory MPs make key demand as contenders poised

The next Tory leader must be a Brexiteer, senior Tory MPs have said, as those vying for the top job begin to launch their campaigns.

European Research Group (ERG) chairman Mark Francois told "The decision on Boris's successor will rightfully rest with our Party members but, given the great struggle to achieve Brexit since 2016, I would be very surprised if they picked anyone who everyone knows is still a devoted Remainer at heart."

Veteran Brexiteer MP Peter Bone added: “Yes, it absolutely has to be a Brexiteer.”

Read the full story here

Senior Tories have told that the next PM must be a Brexiteer (Image: Getty)

Sunak and Truss 'damaged goods' in leadership race

The Foreign Secretary and the former Chancellor are "damaged goods" that will fall behind in the Tory leadership race, should they declare their intentions to run, a political commentator has told

Rishi Sunak dramatically resigned from No 11 on Tuesday, whereas Liz Truss has been quiet on the political chaos as she returns to the UK from a G20 meeting.

But although "Truss will do better than Sunak" in a leadership battle, they are both "damaged goods" to those looking for Boris Johnson's replacement, Joseph Robertson of the Orthodox Conservatives has told

No 10 release photos of Boris Johnson inside Downing Street immediately after resigning

Downing Street has released images of the immediate aftermath of Boris Johnson's resignation inside No 10.

Images show the outgoing Prime Minister embracing his wife, Carrie, and his children as he is applauded by staff.

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Mr Johnson can be seen embracing his family (Image: Andrew Parsons / No 10 Downing Street)

Tories will have new leader 'by end of August'

The Conservative Party should elect a new leader by "the end of August", a Tory MP has said.

North West Leicestershire MP Andrew Bridgen said he spoke to Sir Graham Brady, who chairs the 1922 Committee, and said Boris Johnson's timeline will likely be "wildly inaccurate".

Mr Bridgen told PA: "I have spoken with Sir Graham Brady and urged him to truncate, wherever possible, the leadership election process.

"I think we will have two candidates out of the parliamentary party to present the membership before recess. And that will be no more than three or four weeks.

"So by the end of August we will have a new leader of the Conservative Party.

"So Boris Johnson's estimate that he'll still be Prime Minister in October is wildly inaccurate."

Tom Tugendhat declares himself as a leadership candidate

Kent MP Tom Tugendhat has announced he intends to run for leader of the Conservative Party following Boris Johnson's resignation.

The ex-soldier wrote in the Telegraph: "We must make government work for the people once again - and we need to give them that clean start.

"As public servants, our actions must serve the interests of the British people. I have served before - in the military, and now in Parliament.

"Now I hope to answer the call once again as prime minister.

"It’s time for a clean start. It’s time for renewal."

He has previously said it would be a "huge privilege" to take up the role.

Frost across the pond: Biden snubs Boris by swerving tribute on day of PM's resignation

US President Joe Biden has failed to overtly reference Boris Johnson's resignation in a letter reaffirming the US's "special relationship" with the UK.

This comes after a personal tribute from Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, in which he spoke of his "sadness" to see Mr Johnson go.

Read the full story here

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Biden spoke of the 'special relationship' between the UK and the US (Image: Getty)

Labour 'in danger' if Tories elect Sajid Javid and 'reset' the party warns former advisor

Labour's hopes of winning a general election will take a hit if Sajid Javid replaces Boris Johnson as Tory leader, an ex-political advisor has said.

Former Labour aide Kevin Meagher told GB News: "I can imagine, you know, the juxtaposition of Boris with somebody like Sajid Javid, for example, who is a very serious person, and someone who seems to most voters a reasonably sincere chap.

"Now if he was to win and there is no indication he will, I think it'll be a big struggle for him, but for example, if he were to win a symbolism being the first Asian Prime Minister, it will be quite a moment.

"Again, I think it would help to reset the narrative of the Conservative Party's got and we'll give it a chance possibly of winning the general election.

"We are in that awkward kind of halfway stage in this parliament where all things are kind of possible.

"But, Labour having Boris Johnson in office, kind of fatally wounded hold below the waterline whichever kind of phrases or adjectives you want to use, is probably better for Keir Starmer and Labour than having a new conservative leader, new prime minister."

Who do YOU want to see as the new PM? VOTE NOW

As Boris Johnson announced his resignation, the speculation over who would replace him in No 10 kicked off.

But who would you most like to see take the keys to Downing Street?

Vote in our poll here

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There are a number of names thought to be considering running (Image: Getty)

New PM to be in No 10 'by early September'

Senior Tories are looking to have Boris Johnson's replacement in office by the start of September, reports suggest.

This coincides with the return of the House of Commons from its summer hiatus.

One Tory grandee told the Financial Times: "Logistically I think it should be possible to complete it all by [the] time [the] House comes back in early September."

Boris can't hang around like a bad smell, he MUST GO for the good of Britain, says ANGELA RAYNER

"This disgraced Prime Minister has finally been dragged kicking and screaming to resign as Conservative leader.

"Blaming others for his own mistakes and appalling judgement to the very end.

"But he says he will stay on as a caretaker leader.

"In office but not in power.

"But how many more months of chaos must we endure?

"Enough is enough. The public is fed up with the lies, law-breaking and sleaze."

Read the full comment piece from the deputy Labour leader here

angela rayner boris johnson

Angela Rayner: 'Enough is enough' (Image: Getty)

Brexit to top agenda for Tory leadership campaign after Boris 'failures'

The issue of Brexit is likely to dominate discussions and debates around the next Tory leader, a leading political analyst has suggested.

Mujtaba Rahman of the Eurasia Group tweeted: "Many senior Tories think the question of “Brexit opportunities” - articulated most explicitly by @DavidGHFrost - will be a big issue in leadership campaign.

"Pretty strong view @BorisJohnson failed to deliver on tax/deregulatory agenda.

"UK divergence from EU could be back in play."

Rishi Sunak 'has no hope' of winning Tory leadership battle

The ex-Chancellor "hasn't got any hope" of winning the race for Tory leader after Boris Johnson announced his resignation, a political commentator has told

Rishi Sunak quit his post on Tuesday along with the former Health Secretary, Sajid Javid.

The Mirror's political editor, Pippa Crerar, tweeted on Thursday afternoon that Rishi Sunak "has set up a temporary leadership campaign office in a Westminster hotel".

However, Mr Sunak's leadership hopes were dismissed by Joseph Robertson of the Orthodox Conservatives, telling that the ex-Chancellor has "no hope" of overtaking his potential rivals in the race to No 10.

Queen 'among first' to get phone call from Boris as he prepared to step down

The Queen will have counted herself among the very first people to personally hear from Boris Johnson before he announced his resignation as Prime Minister.

Mr Johnson called the monarch at Windsor Castle, and is thought to have informed the head of state of his intention to resign.

Let him finish Brexit! Angry Britons fume at 'backstabbing' MPs and urge Boris to STAY put

Britons on the street are divided over the timeline around Boris Johnson's departure from No 10.

Speaking outside the famous Cutty Sark in Greenwich, London, Alan, 75, and Jacqueline Warnes, retired from Kent, told that they would not choose any of Mr Johnson’s Cabinet to replace him.

Ms Warnes said: “None of them! I’d choose Boris. Better the devil you know - be careful what you vote for.

“With Boris, quite often what you see is what you get. He’s energetic, he’s up and down the country visiting all the different people. We’ve not had that in a politician before.”

Read the full story here

'Opportunism' taking over in 'behind-the-scenes kingmaking' as Tory leadership battle kicks off

A "mood of opportunism" is prevailing among senior Tories as the country looks to who will take up the position of Boris Johnson's successor in No 10, has been told.

A number of high-profile Tory MPs have begun to announce their intentions to run to replace the outgoing PM, including Attorney-General Suella Braverman and tentative efforts from Transport Secretary Grant Shapps and former Health Secretary, Sajid Javid.

As contenders emerge, there is a "lot of kingmaking going on behind the scenes", according to Joseph Robertson, of the Orthodox Conservative Group.

He added to that "members are very keen to see a name from the more backbench side of the party thrown into the ring".

This comes as the Mirror's political editor, Pippa Crerar, tweeted that "Rishi Sunak has set up a temporary leadership campaign office in a Westminster hotel".

'No new policies or major changes' before new PM chosen - No 10

Downing Street will not set any new policies in motion until Boris Johnson's successor has been named, No 10 has said.

In a statement, No 10 said the current government "would not seek to implement new policies or make major changes of direction".

Downing Street said: "The prime minister opened cabinet by welcoming those returning or joining for the first time.

"He said his priority would now be to continue delivering on manifesto pledges and making sure the government is on the side of the public, on the cost of energy, transport and housing and all else that matters to them.

"He made clear the government would not seek to implement new policies or make major changes of direction, rather it would focus on delivering the agenda on which the government was elected.

"He said major fiscal decisions should be left for the next prime minister."

Tory grandees plot to start ousting Boris in DAYS as meddling Major fumes at 'unwise' plan

Tory grandees are planning to force Boris Johnson out of No 10 ahead of his proposed schedule, has been told.

One Conservative source said: “They are keen to get this done as quickly as possible because everybody just wants Boris out now.” understands that the race to remove Boris Johnson will start on Monday, and a vote is expected to take place within 24 hours.

Read the full story here

'Pack your s*** and get out!' Dr Shola erupts at 'shameless' Boris for refusing to leave

Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu has not held back as Boris Johnson announced his resignation.

Lawyer and activist Dr Shola tweeted: “Boy, pack your S*** and GET OUT!”

She added: “Boris Johnson is undignified in failure – not a single apology, remorse or acknowledgment in his resignation speech of the scandal after scandal with which HE debased the highest office in the land and deepened distrust in politics.


Read the full story here

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Dr Shola took to Twitter to react to Mr Johnson's speech (Image: Getty)

‘Chaotic’ Boris MUST still stay on until successor named – Widdecombe's warning to Tories

Boris Johnson would be mistaken to ride "off into the sunset", with his hope to stay on as leader until the autumn being "entirely practical", Ann Widdecombe has said.

The former Tory minister told “I think he was right to try and hang on but I think from about yesterday afternoon, I thought it was a doomed attempt.”

She added: “I think Boris has been misjudged. I don’t think he's a serial liar, I think he's just plain chaotic."

Read the full story here

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Boris Johnson would be mistaken to ride 'off into the sunset' (Image: Getty)

Boris Johnson's favourability hits new low after resignation speech

The Prime Minister's net favourability has plummeted to new depths as he announces he will step down as Tory leader, new YouGov polling has shown.

However, ex-Chancellor Rishi Sunak's net favorability has improved following his dramatic resignation from the Cabinet on Tuesday.

Boris Johnson 'worst' ever UK Prime Minister - Sir Ed Davey

Sir Ed Davey has called Boris Johnson the "worst" Prime Minister the UK has ever had, shortly after the PM announced his resignation.

The Liberal Democrat leader said: “He is far worse than Chamberlain, Chamberlain didn’t break the law, whatever he did, and I’m no Chamberlain fan.

“This Prime Minister will, I think, be remembered for the first prime minister in British history to lie on an industrial scale and to care more about himself than he did the British people.”

He slammed Mr Johnson as a "law-breaking, lying, incompetent prime minister, the worst in our history”, adding: “Boris Johnson wasn’t fit to govern our great country."

Ex-Tory minister calls for immediate replacement for Boris Johnson

George Freeman has called for another senior Tory to replace Boris Johnson in the interim period before a leadership election.

The former science minister, who resigned on Thursday, told Sky News: “I just worry that he isn’t going to be able to bring the stability that we need.

"He’s got a Chancellor who’s already said he doesn’t have any confidence in him and two or three other members of the Cabinet.

"The Attorney General is outwardly campaigning for his job. It’s just not a credible way to form a government.”

Johnson thanks public for 'immense privilege' of being PM

Boris Johnson has thanked "the British public" for his time in office, calling his years as PM an "immense privilege".

In a tweet posted on his Twitter page, Mr Johnson said: "I want to thank you, the British public, for the immense privilege of serving you as Prime Minister.

"I want you to know that from now until my successor is in place, your interests will be served and the government of the country will be carried on."

Boris hails Zelensky as 'hero' after Ukrainian leader issues warm tribute to PM

Boris Johnson described Ukrainian leader, Volodymyr Zelensky, as a "hero" as he spoke with the president following Mr Johnson's resignation as Conservative leader.

The two leaders spoke on Thursday afternoon, with Mr Zelensky thanking the PM for his "decisive action" in Ukraine.

A spokesperson for No 10 said: "The Prime Minister highlighted the UK's unwavering cross-party support for President Zelensky's people, and said the UK would continue to supply vital defensive aid for as long as needed.

"The Prime Minister added that he would continue to work at pace with partners to try and end the grain blockade in the coming weeks.

"He thanked President Zelensky for everything he's doing to stick up for freedom, for his friendship and for the kindness of the Ukrainian people.

"President Zelensky thanked the Prime Minister for his decisive action on Ukraine, and said the Ukrainian people were grateful for the UK's efforts.

"The Prime Minister finished the call by praising President Zelensky, saying: 'You're a hero, everybody loves you'."

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Boris Johnson has visited Kyiv since the Russian invasion began (Image: Getty)

Johnson to Cabinet: 'No excuse to take your foot off the pedal'

Boris Johnson has told his cabinet that there is "no excuse to take your foot off the pedal".

The Cabinet meeting broke up shortly before 4pm on Thursday, and Mr Johnson told his newly-appointed Cabinet that it is "not for me to do a major change of direction" for as long as he remains in a caretaker position.

He added: "I don't expect you will be browbeaten by No 10 to do radical or strange new policies."

Michael Gove removes himself from the Tory leadership race

Michael Gove will not run for leader of the Conservative Party, Sky News reports.

The former Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities was fired by Boris Johnson on Wednesday evening.

He had previously told Mr Johnson he needed to resign.

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Michael Gove was fired by Boris Johnson on Wednesday (Image: Getty)

Brexiteer Braverman unveils FIRST campaign to replace Boris moments before Cabinet meeting

Brexiteer Attorney-General Suella Braverman has revealed her leadership bid following her exit from a Cabinet meeting with Boris Johnson.

She was mocked by Emily Thornberry shortly after declaring her hopes to be the next Prime Minister.

Read the full story here

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Ms Braverman is the Attorney General for England and Wales (Image: Getty/Twitter)

Boris & Carrie 'planning Wedding party at Chequers' in final months as PM

Boris Johnson is allegedly planning a party to celebrate his and his wife, Carrie's, wedding, at the Prime Minister's Chequers estate despite his decision to resign today.

The opulent party is allegedly one of the reasons Mr Johnson hopes to stay on as caretaker of No.10 until the next leader is elected.

Read the full story here

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The couple tied the knot in May 2021 (Image: Getty)

Cabinet seen leaving No 10

A Cabinet meeting held by Boris Johnson has ended, with Nadhim Zahawi, Dominic Raab and Nadine Dorries are seen leaving No 10.

Also spotted leaving Downing Street was James Duddridge, Boris Johnson's Parliamentary Private Secretary, who is one of the PM's most loyal defenders.

The SEVEN Conservative MPs who could move to oust Boris Johnson from No10 by Monday

In the wake of Boris Johnson's resignation announcement, contenders are emerging for a new leadership race.

But who are the frontrunners and dark horses, and can Mr Johnson stay on as interim Prime Minister? 

Read's analysis here

Sajid Javid considering leadership bid

Sajid Javid is also contemplating joining the Tory leadership race, the BBC reports.

The ex-Health Secretary resigned from the Cabinet on Tuesday, alongside former Chancellor Rishi Sunak.

He said he could no longer continue in post "in good conscience", adding he would not sacrifice his "integrity".

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Mr Javid's resignation was accompanied by Mr Sunak's (Image: Getty)

Boris Johnson's resignation rendered in wax form

Famous waxwork creators, Madame Tussauds, have been quick to react to this week's political developments, adding a Boris Johnson figure facing a No 10 emblazoned with the word, "vacancy".

The Prime Minister announced his resignation on Thursday morning, after tens of Tory MPs quit their governmental posts.

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Mr Johnson announced his resignation this morning (Image: J Hordle / INhouse images)

Tom Tugendhat mulling leadership bid

Backbencher Tom Tugendhat is also considering throwing his hat into the Tory leadership ring, Sky News has reported.

The Kent MP, a former soldier, has previously said it would be "a huge privilege" to take up the mantle of Prime Minister.

Grant Shapps 'seriously considering' running for Tory leader

Grant Shapps is "seriously considering" putting himself in contention for the Conservative Party leadership, Sky News reports.

The Transport Secretary was part of the dissenting Cabinet group petitioning the Prime Minister for his resignation on Wednesday.

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Grant Shapps called for Boris Johnson's resignation (Image: Getty)

'His resignation was inevitable' says deputy chairman of the Conservative Party

Justin Tomlinson, deputy chairman of the Conservative Party, has described Boris Johnson's resignation as "inevitable". 

He said: "I was Team Boris, as the GE (general election) showed he was our star player who connected across traditional political divides. Yes there were ups and downs, but he turbo-charged social mobility and opportunity.

"His resignation was inevitable. As a Party we must quickly unite and focus on what matters. These are serious times on many fronts."

Boris Johnson RESIGNS: PM says 'I regret I've not been successful' as Carrie watches on

Boris Johnson has delivered his bombshell resignation speech outside Number 10, telling the gathered crowd "I regret I have not been successful" as his wife Carrie watches on.

Mr Johnson has expressed his "regret" at his inability to hold onto his position as Prime Minister, a role he described as "the best job in the world".

He stressed that he is "immensely proud" of his achievements in office, highlighting Brexit, support for Ukraine and leading the country through the pandemic as three highlights.

Mr Johnson will remain in his position "until a new leader is in place," he confirmed.

Just moments before addressing the nation, a new cabinet was announced including Kit Malthouse to Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Greg Clark to Levelling up Secretary, James Cleverly to Education Secretary, Shailesh Vara to Secretary for Northern Ireland and Andrew Stephenson to Minister without portfolio.

The shuffle comes after two cabinet members - Brandon Lewis and Michelle Donelan - resigned this morning.

Ms Doneland had only been the Secretary of State for Education for 36 hours.

PM says 'I regret I've not been successful' (Image: GETTY)

Carrie watches on (Image: GETTY)

Boris Johnson staying in office is 'unwise and maybe unsustainable', says former PM

The proposal for Boris Johnson to stay in office for up to three months while a new leader is selected is "unwise and maybe unsustainable", former Prime Minister John Major has said.

In a letter to the 1922 Committee, he said Mr Johnson should not remain in Downing Street for the "wellbeing of the country".

The letter read: "In such a circumstance, the prime minister maintains the power of patronage and, of even greater concern, the power to make decisions, which will affect the lives of those within all four nations of the United Kingdom and further afield."

Mr Major, who served as prime minister from 1990 to 1997, went on to offer "two possible solutions".

The first was for Dominic Raab, the deputy Prime Minister, to take over the top job until a new leader of the Conservative Party is elected.

The second is for the 1922 Committee to arrange a new leader of the party to be elected just by MPs, with the winner being installed as Prime Minister.

He ended the letter by writing: "Neither of these options is ideal, but the interests of the country must be given priority over all else and, with so many long-term and critical issues before us, an imaginative response - even at the risk of some bruised feelings within the party - is most definitely in the national interest.

"In view of the wide and national concern over this matter, I am releasing this letter to the media."

Boris Johnson staying in office is 'unwise and maybe unsustainable', says former PM (Image: GETTY)

Boris Johnson to hold Cabinet meeting this afternoon

Boris Johnson is set to hold a meeting of his new Cabinet at 3pm today. 

Brandon Lewis resigned this morning from his role as Northern Ireland Secretary, closely followed by Michelle Donelan from her Education Secretary post. 

In a reshuffle today, Mr Johnson appointed Kit Malthouse to Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Greg Clark to Levelling up Secretary, James Cleverly to Education Secretary, Shailesh Vara to Secretary for Northern Ireland and Andrew Stephenson to Minister without portfolio.

Damian Green backs Tom Tugendhat for next Tory leader

Damian Green, a former cabinet minister in the Theresa May period, has publically backed Tom Tugendhat to be the next leader of the Conservative Party following Boris Johnson's resignation. 

Speaking on Sky News, Mr Green said: "I'll be voting for Tom Tugendhat.

"I think we need a fresh start and - in particular - we need to restore trust in government.

"Not just in this government or a Conservative government, but in the way we do government more widely.

"And I think having someone who's not in the cabinet is an advantage."

Damian Green (Image: GETTY)

'We need a clean start,' says leadership hopeful

Tom Tugendhat, chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, believes the Conservative party needs "a clean start" following the resignation of Boris Johnson. 

In a message on Twitter, Mr Tugendhat said: "Right call by Boris Johnson to resign. Delivered Brexit, rolled out the vaccine and led on Ukraine. Now we need a clean start."

Volodymyr Zelensky adviser thanks Boris Johnson for his support

Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, said in a tweet: "To be a leader - to call Russian evil an evil and to take responsibility in the hardest times. To be a leader - to be the first to arrive in Kyiv, despite missile attacks.

"Thanks Boris Johnson for realising the threat of Russian monster and always being at the forefront of supporting Ukraine."

Speaking to the camera, he added: "Today we have everything we need for the effective defence of the country: weapons, partnership and coalition, and thanks to Mr Johnson, we understand that victory is a real symbol of the future in Ukraine ... we are extremely grateful to our partners, Mr Johnson, for the opportunity to do our work effectively."

PHOTOS: Hundreds gather for resignation speech

Hundreds of people gathered in Westminster to listen to the Prime Minister's resignation speech, delivered outside Number 10. 

MPs, aides and the press were joined by members of the public in Downing Street. 

Hundreds gather for resignation speech (Image: GETTY)

Hundreds gather for resignation speech (Image: GETTY)

'It is my duty to carry on' insists Priti Patel

Priti Patel said it is her "duty" to continue in the role of Home Secretary. 

She said in a statement: "The position of home secretary demands the holder of the office to be entirely focused on the business of government and our national security.

"At this critical time my duty is to continue to lead this Great Office of State, to protect our national security, and keep the citizens of our country safe.

"I will continue to work closely with colleagues across government and our partners and agencies to ensure these important responsibilities are upheld."

Carrie Johnson watches on as husband resigns

Carrie Johnson gathered with allies of her husband to show their support as he publically announced his resignation. 

The couple’s youngest child, Romy Johnson, was strapped to her front in a carrier.

Ms Johnson was seen smiling and chatting with Downing Street representatives as close allies of Boris Johnson cooed over the young child.

As Mr Johnson approached the cameras to deliver his official departure statement, his wife beamed towards him and applauded his entrance.


Carrie Johnson watches on as husband resigns (Image: GETTY)

Carrie Johnson watches on as husband resigns (Image: GETTY)

'The Prime Minister made the right decision,' Liz Truss breaks silence

Foreign Secretary and chief Brexit negotiator Liz Truss has broken her silence on Boris Johnson's leadership. 

Following his resignation speech, she said: "The Prime Minister has made the right decision.

"The Government under Boris's leadership had many achievements - delivering Brexit, vaccines and backing Ukraine.

"We need calmness and unity now and to keep governing while a new leader is found."

'Our future together is golden' Boris Johnson thanks country for 'immense privilege'

Boris Johnson has thanked the country for the "immense pleasure" it has been to govern. 

He adds that until the new Prime Minister is in place "your interests will be served".

Mr Johnson concludes: "Even if things seem dark now, our future together is golden."

'Our future together is golden' Boris Johnson thanks country for 'immense privilege' (Image: GETTY)

Crowds gather for chance to catch glimpse of PM

Hundreds of people have flocked to Westminster for the chance to catch a glimpse of Boris Johnson as he formally announces his resignation. 

Crowds gather for chance to catch glimpse of PM (Image: SKY NEWS)

Boris Johnson promises new leader 'as much support as I can'

Boris Johnson has promised the future Prime Minister "as much support as I can" during a rousing resignation speech outside Number 10. 

He said: "To [the] new leader... I say I will give you as much support as I can.

"And to you, the British public. I know that there will be many people who are relieved and perhaps quite a few who will also be disappointed.

"And I want you to know how sad I am to be giving up the best job in the world.

"But them's the breaks."

Boris Johnson promises new leader 'as much support as I can' (Image: GETTY)

Boris Johnson 'regrets not being successful' in holding onto power

Boris Johnson has expressed his "regret" that he was unable to convince his peers to keep him as Prime Minister. 

Speaking outside Number 10, he said: "In the last few days I have tried to convince my colleagues it would be eccentric to change leader when we are delivering so much, when we have such a vast mandate and when we're only a couple of points behind in the polls.

"I regret not to have been successful in those arguments.

"It's painful not to be able to see through so many projects myself.

"But as we've seen at Westminster the herd instinct is powerful.

"When the herd moves, it moves."

Boris Johnson 'regrets not being successful' in holding onto power (Image: GETTY)

'I am immensely proud of my achievements' says Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson has said he is "immensely proud" of his achievements during his resignation speech. 

Speaking outside Number 10, he said: "The reason I have fought so hard over the last few days to continue to deliver that mandate in person was not just because I wanted to do so, but because I felt it was my job, my duty, my obligation to you."

He continues: "I'm immensely proud of the achievements of this government in getting Brexit done, to settling our relations with the Continent... reclaiming the power for this country to make its own laws in Parliament.

"Getting this country through the pandemic, getting the fastest vaccine roll-out in Europe, the fastest exit from lockdown and in the last few months leading the West in standing up to Putin's aggression in Ukraine."

'I am immensely proud of my achievements' says Boris Johnson (Image: GETTY)

Boris Johnson confirms he will serve 'until a new leader is in place'

Boris Johnson said: "It is clearly now the will of the Parliamentary Conservative Party that there should be a new leader of that party and so a new prime minister.

"I've agreed with Sir Graham Brady... that the process of choosing that new leader should begin now."

He confirms he will serve "until a new leader is in place".

Boris Johnson confirms he will serve 'until a new leader is in place' (Image: GETTY)

New favourite to replace Boris Johnson identified in new poll

Brandon Lewis became the fourth Cabinet member to resign in a 48-hour period, citing that he no longer believes "honesty" and "integrity" are being upheld as his reason for leaving his post as Northern Ireland Secretary.

Michelle Donelan then resigned as Education Secretary after only 36 hours in the role and recently appointed Chancellor Nadhim Zahawi publically called for Mr Johnson to "go now".

The latest hammer blow to the Prime Minister comes after an avalanche of resignations on Wednesday, sparked by the resignation of former Chancellor Rishi Sunak and former Health Secretary Sajid Javid on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Attorney General Suella Braverman has announced she will run for Tory party leader when Mr Johnson steps down as she echoes calls for his resignation.

Mr Johnson is reported to have spoken to the Queen this morning to discuss his leadership before he resigns from office in a public address later today.

New Tory members polling from YouGov puts Defence Secretary Ben Wallace in poll position to replace Mr Johnson, he beats all the main contenders including Liz Truss, Rishi Sunak and Penny Mordaunt.

Andrew Stephenson appointed to Cabinet

The Queen has been pleased to approve the appointment of Andrew Stephenson MP as Minister without Portfolio.

He will attend Cabinet.

Opposition parties unify to say they will bring confidence motion in government if PM stays on in po

Liberal Democrats leader Ed Davey has said his party would support a Labour motion of no confidence in Boris Johnson should the Prime Minister refuses to leave immediately.

Mr Johnson would have to go if a majority of MPs from all parties voted that they had no confidence in him.

Shailesh Vara appointed as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

The Queen has been pleased to approve the appointment of Shailesh Vara MP as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.

Kit Malthouse appointed Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster

The Queen has been pleased to approve the appointment of the Rt Hon Kit Malthouse MP as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.

Boris Johnson expected to speak at 12:30

Boris Johnson is expected to deliver his resignation speech to the country at 12:30 today. 

He will deliver his message outside Number 10. 

James Cleverly appointed as Education Secretary

The Queen has been pleased to approve the appointment of the Rt Hon James Cleverly MP as Secretary of State for Education.

Vote of no confidence if Johnson doesn't stand aside soon - Sir Keir Starmer

Labour Leader Sir Keir Starmer says he will bring table a vote of no confidence in parliament if Boris Johnson does not stand aside quickly.

Sir Keir said: "He needs to go completely.

"None of this nonsense about clinging on for a few months. He's inflicted lies, fraud and chaos in the country.

"And, you know, we're stuck with a government which isn't functioning in the middle of a cost of living crisis."

Queen approves appointment of Greg Clark to Cabinet

The Queen has been pleased to approve the appointment of the Rt Hon Greg Clark MP as Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

Arch-Remainer tipped for Cabinet role

Arch-Remainer Greg Clark has been tipped to replace Michael Gove as Levelling up minister, according to Sky News. 

Mr Gove was unceremoniously sacked last night for "disloyalty" after he told Boris Johnson to resign. 

Sky News political editor Beth Rigby pointed out that Mr Clark "who really challenged Boris Johnson on Brexit".

She added: "So for Greg Clarke to come back as the levelling up minister... what does it show us?

"That the game's over for Boris Johnson now so he's just trying to fill the post rather than build a loyal team around him."

'We do not like him' Kremlin slams Boris ahead of resignation

The Kremlin has said they "don't like" Boris Johnson and his resignation is of little concern to them. 

Dmitry Peskov, the spokesman for the Russian government, said: "He (Johnson) doesn't like us, we don't like him either."

Michelle Donelan vows to give resignation pay out to charity

Michelle Donelan has vowed to donate her £16,876.25 resignation pay-out to charity. 

Ms Donelan was in the role of Education Secretary for only 36 hours. 

Tory backbencher 'thinking seriously' about leadership bid

Steve Baker, long-time rebel and arch Brexiteer, says he is considering a potential leadership bid.

Asked whether he will make a bid for leadership, he said: "I'll have to think about it seriously."

He went on: "As a working class kid from Cornwall I would never have imagined I'd seriously be on your programme, talking to you, about becoming prime minister.

"But the reality is some people I deeply respect are telling me, even imploring me, to do it. I must consider it seriously. The Conservative Home poll keeps putting me in the top 10 and I respect that.

"It would be wrong of me to take it lightly, but I am realistic it seems to me quite improbable the rebel commander as Guido Fawkes put it… should win."

Tory backbencher 'thinking seriously' about leadership bid (Image: GETTY)

PM speaks to Queen before bombshell resignation speech

Boris Johnson has reportedly spoken to the Queen ahead of his bombshell resignation speech expected in a matter of hours. 

If PM leaves Downing Street in coming days, he will have served for shorter period than Theresa May

Boris Johnson needs to last another 29 days to have served longer in Number 10 than his predecessor Theresa May, who he helped force from office.

If he remains in place until the Tory party conference in the autumn, he's likely to fall somewhere between James Callaghan and Edward Heath, who both served in the 1970s.

If PM leaves Downing Street in coming days, he will have served for shorter period than Theresa May (Image: GETTY)

Braverman mocked by Thornberry over leadership bid

Attorney general Suella Braverman, who last night suggested she would throw her hat into the ring at the next leadership election has been mocked for her ambitions by Emily Thornberry.

In her opening statement, Ms Braverman praised former solicitor general Alex Chalk, who resigned on Tuesday evening.

But when Labour MP Ms Thornberry stood up to speak it was to ridicule Ms Braverman.

She said: "Can I say, what an honour it is to be at this despatch box facing the next prime minister as she awaits her call from the palace - a true honour."

Cummings urges Tory Party to 'evict' Johnson immediately or face 'carnage'

Dominic Cummings, former chief adviser to Boris Johnson, has this morning urged the Conservative Party to "evict" him immediately.

He said Mr Johnson is "already playing for time and will try to stay".

It has been reported that Mr Johnson plans to remain in post while a leadership contest takes place.

"[Dominic] Raab should be interim prime minister by evening," says Mr Cummings.

Business Secretary slams 'depressing state of affairs'

Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng has slammed the "depressing state of affairs" and "needless damage" caused in Westminster. 

Mr Kwarteng, who did not resign from his position, said: "We now need a new Leader as soon as practicable.

"Someone who can rebuild trust, heal the country, and set out a new, sensible and consistent economic approach to help families."

Boris Johnson announcement IMMINENT as PM caves to demands to resign

Boris Johnson's resignation announcement is imminent, as the Prime Minister has caved to demands for him to step down.

He will make a statement to the country today, a Downing Street spokesperson confirmed.

Mr Johnson is expected to continue as Prime Minister until the Autumn when a successor is chosen.

A Conservative leadership race will take place this summer.

A new Prime Minister will be in place in time for the Tory party conference in October.


Boris Johnson announcement IMMINENT as PM caves to demands to resign (Image: GETTY)

Pound improves as Boris Johnson resigns

The pound has improved after the news broke that Boris Johnson would resign as Prime Minister. 

Adam Seagrave, UK Sales Trader at Saxo Markets, said: “The pound has improved this morning on the back of news that Boris Johnson has decided to resign as Prime Minister.

"Political uncertainty has been a factor in sterling struggling to pick up in recent weeks, though we think we will expect to see the currency bounce back as more details of Johnson’s plan to step down are announced.

"Financial markets prefer certainty - and this situation is no different.

"After a strong morning for European stocks in general, we could see further improvements in days to come as longer term plans in the UK's parliament become clearer."

Brexiteer bashes Hunt leadership as 'electoral suicide' and says next PM WILL be a Leaver

The next Prime Minister will be a Leaver because a Remainer in Number 10 would be "electoral suicide" for the Tory party, a leading Brexiteer has claimed.

Ben Habib has insisted that the main risk to Brexit lies not in Mr Johnson being removed from office but in him staying put.

The former Brexit Party MEP stressed that the Prime Minister has not delivered Brexit in the first place, despite his many promises to do so, pointing in particular to Northern Ireland’s continued attachment to Brussels and, indeed, that of the rest of the UK due to post-Brexit deals signed by Mr Johnson.

Mr Habib told “The Tories may keep saying they Got Brexit Done but that does not make it true. The Prime Minister’s and Lord Frost’s Brexit deals utterly failed Brexit.

"First and foremost they left Northern Ireland behind in the EU. We are all now well versed in the Irish Sea border that has broken the United Kingdom.

“These two also signed us up into regulatory orbit round the EU with the level playing field provisions of their deals. Lord Frost now bangs on about the need to ditch Net Zero – but we cannot. We are committed to it by the international treaty he settled with the EU.

“To make matters worse they sold our fishing industry down the drain and we are even committed by their deals to remain in the ECHR.”


Brexiteer bashes Hunt leadership as 'electoral suicide' and says next PM WILL be a Leaver (Image: GETTY)

Tory MP calls for caretaker Prime Minister

George Freeman has called for a caretaker Prime Minister.

He does not think it can wait until the Conservative Party conference in the autumn for a change.

He said: "Boris Johnson needs to hand in the seals of office, apologise to Her Majesty and advise her to call for a caretaker prime minister.

"To take over today so that ministers can get back to work & we can choose a new Conservative leader to try and repair the damage & rebuild trust."

Have Your Say: Boris Johnson to resign as PM - who should replace him?

Boris Johnson is expected to resign on Thursday after conversations with the Tory 1922 Committee chairman Sir Graham Brady.

Several Conservative MPs are now likely preparing for a leadership battle, and so far Attorney General Suella Braverman has said she will stand in a contest to replace Mr Johnson as PM.

Have your say - who should replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister?

Boris Johnson to address country

Boris Johnson will make a statement to the country later today. 

A spokesman for Number 10 said: "The prime minister will make a statement to the country today."

Separately, Mr Johnson spoke to the 1922 Committee chairman Sir Graham Brady.

He said he will stand down, and a new Conservative Party leader is set to be installed by the time of the party conference in October, a Downing Street source said.

Caroline Johnson, Luke Hall and Rob Butler resign

Caroline Johnson and Luke Hall, deputy chairs of the Conservative Party, and Rob Butler, a PPS at the Foreign Office, have all resigned.

That marks 57 government members to have resigned.

Boris Johnson RESIGNS: Prime Minister forced to step down after mass Tory revolt

Boris Johnson is to quit as Prime Minister within hours after his own MPs left him with no choice but to stand down.

The man responsible for delivering Brexit today finally admitted defeat after one by one, his minister turned against him.

A swathe of MPs in the lower ranks took their move to oust Mr Johnson after Chancellor Rishi Sunak and Health Secretary Sajid Javid called time last night.

While the majority of the Cabinet rallied around Mr Johnson on Tuesday evening, they turned last night when it became clear the majority of the party were against him.


Boris Johnson RESIGNS: Prime Minister forced to step down after mass Tory revolt (Image: GETTY)

Michelle Donelan earns £16k pay out for 36 hour job

Michelle Donelan's resignation after 36 hours in the job has earned her a £16,876.25 pay out, according to Guido Fawkes. 

Michelle Donelan resigns as Education Secretary

Michelle Donelan resigns as Education Secretary.

She was appointed to replace Nadhim Zahawi 36 hours ago on Tuesday.

She said in a tweet: "With great sadness I must resign from government."

'Go now' Nadhim Zahawi calls on Boris Johnson to 'go now'

Newly appointed Chancellor Nadhim Zahawi has publically called for Boris Johnson to go.

He says: "Prime minister: this is not sustainable and it will only get worse: for you, for the Conservative Party and most importantly of all the country. You must do the right thing and go now."

He finishes his letter: "Prime minister, you know in your heart what the right thing to do is, and go now."

David Davies turns down Cabinet post

David Davies, a minister in the Wales Offices, has written to Boris Johnson to say he will not take over from Simon Hart as Wales secretary.

This comes as Boris Johnson still intends to carry out a reshuffle this morning, understands. 

Prime minister is 'unhinged' and 'completely delusional,' says Chris Bryant

Labour MP Chris Bryant, chair of the Committees on Standards and Privileges, has described Boris Johnson as "unhinged". 

Speaking to Sky News, he said: "And we knew more of what was happening than he did.

"I think it's called dramatic irony, isn't it, when when the audience knows more than the characters that they're watching."

In an early contender for quote of the day, Mr Bryant adds: "I'm not a medical man, but I think he's unhinged. I think he's completely delusional now."

He argues the writing on the wall "is 18 foot high and in burning capital letters" but says the prime minister "still can't read it".

James Cartlidge steps down as courts' minister

James Cartlidge has stepped down as courts' minister. 

He said: "As Courts' minister, I have felt duty bound to remain in post because of the very challenging situation in the Crown Court. But it’s clearly impossible to continue."

Chris Philp resigns as Minister for Tech and Digital

Chris Philp, Croydon South MP, has joined the exodus from Government, leaving his post as Minister for Technology and the Digital Economy. 

Referencing the Online Safety Bill, currently moving through parliament, Mr Philp said: "If the Government requires any practical assistance in getting the Bill through Commons Report Stage given the current scarcity of ministers, I would be happy to provide it."

He told the Prime Minister that "integrity, honesty and trust in politics" was important.

"Given events over the past few weeks and months I therefore think that you should resign as Prime Minister and it follows that I cannot serve in your Government any longer."

He added: "I’m deeply saddened it has come to this, but the PM should step down given public and Parliamentary confidence has clearly gone, and given the importance of integrity in public life.

"I’m therefore stepping down as Minister for Tech and the Digital Economy now"

Guy Opperman resigns as Pensions Minister

Pensions Minister Guy Opperman has resigned, telling Boris Johnson “recent events have shown clearly that the Government simply cannot function with you in charge”.

Sharing his resignation letter to Twitter, he added: "I resign with great regret, given there are serious ongoing issues that need addressing ranging from cost of living support, to legislation, and parliamentary debates.

"It should not take the resignation of 50 colleagues, but sadly the PM has left us no choice. He needs to resign."

'Enough is enough, this can’t go on' Science minister turns on PM

Science minister George Freeman said he no longer had confidence in Boris Johnson, saying "enough is enough".

In a letter, he said: "It is with huge regret that I am writing to let you know that I no longer have confidence in your leadership of our country, Government or party, and am writing formally to Sir Graham Brady to register my support for a change of Conservative Party leadership.

"I do this with a very heavy heart. Our country is facing a series of crises and needs strong leadership, and needs ministers focused on delivering strong and effective government to deliver the priorities for which we won a massive majority only 30 months ago.

"I backed you then and since because of your commitment to make Brexit an inspiring moment of national renewal - of our economy, Parliamentary sovereignty and our place in the world - in the One Nation Conservative tradition on which you stood."

The letter, which he signed "Minister for Science, Research and Innovation", went on: "But I'm afraid the culmination of your lack of transparency and candour with Parliament (and willingness to ask your ministers to mislead Parliament), your removal of key pillars of the Ministerial code, your handling of your appointment of a deputy chief whip who it turns out you knew had a history of sexual abuse allegations, is too much. This is seriously damaging public trust and respect for government, democracy and the law, and this great party's long tradition as the party of standards, character, conduct, integrity and duty to office and country before partisan self-interest.

"Your leadership, the chaos in No10, breakdown of Cabinet collective responsibility and collapse of public confidence in government represents a constitutional crisis. It is also now seriously undermining our authority in key negotiations on the world stage at a time of urgent international crises."

Mr Freeman is understood to have cancelled a planned visit to Liverpool on Thursday linked to an announcement on funding for flu pandemic research.

Treasury minister Helen Whately resigns

Treasury minister Helen Whately has joined the avalanche of ministers resigning over Boris Johnson's leadership. 

In a letter to the Prime Minister, she said: "There are only so many times you can apologise and move on. That point has been reached."

Brandon Lewis resigns as Northern Ireland Secretary

Brandon Lewis has resigned as Northern Ireland secretary following Boris Johnson's refusal to stand down.

"A decent and responsible government relies on honesty, integrity and mutual respect," he tweeted this morning.

"It is a matter of profound personal regret that I must leave government as I no longer believe those values are being upheld.

"I have submitted my letter of resignation to the prime minister."

Good morning

Good morning from London. I’m Tara Fair, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on Boris Johnson. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @TaraFair_

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