Brexit: Truss sent tax ultimatum as UK faces ‘global stitch-up’ over Sunak’s plans

LIZ TRUSS has been told to pull out of a tax pledge made by Tory leadership rival Rishi Sunak by a pro-Brexit organisation, describing it as a "global stitch-up" that compensates for "uncompetitive" markets.

By Ciaran McGrath, Senior News Reporter, and Aleks PhillipsEmma Crabtree

Liz Truss outlines Conservative leadership pledges

It follows reports that the Foreign Secretary could pull out of the global commitment, which sets corporation tax rates at a minimum of 15 percent. Jacob Rees-Mogg, the Brexit opportunities minister, said the UK should withdraw from the agreement as it “works against British interests”.

The candidates to become the next Prime Minister have faced calls to slash corporation tax to attract international investors to boost the economy, at a time when the Bank of England is projecting the UK to slip into recession by the start of next year.

The Bruges Group, a UK-based think-tank which advocate for looser ties with Brussels and an independent Britain, said that “no British Chancellor should have ever agreed to such a measure”.

It added: “The UK must have tax sovereignty. It is not in our interest to submit to a global stitch-up designed to compensate for the shortcomings of the uncompetitive.”


Liz Truss Rishi Sunak

Truss could pull out of the global pledge, which sets corporation tax rates at 15 percent minimum (Image: Getty)

'Very fabric of Union dismantled!' Dire warning for Scottish unionists amid NI Brexit row

UNIONIST and loyalist campaigner Jamie Bryson has warned the "fabric" of the Union has been "dismantled" by Northern Ireland Protocol.

Scottish unionists have been warned that the  Protocol row may have a wider impact on the constitutional standing of the United Kingdom, not just in Northern Ireland.

Brexiteer and  loyalist campaigner Jamie Bryson has been a vocal opponent of the new trading arrangements placed on the province following the passing of the Withdrawal Bill.

Bryson has warned the imposition of a customs border between Northern Ireland and Great Britain has sparked a crisis that has serious implications on both sides of the Irish sea.

In June, the High Court in Belfast threw out a legal challenge to the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Mr Bryson is opposed to Justice Colton's decision to refuse a judicial review but has argued the case raised an alarming prospect for Unionists.

He told "If you ask what is the union, the union in a legal sense, in a constitutional sense is the Act of Union."

"If Justice Colton was right let's say and Article six of the Act of Union has been subject to implied repeal," continued Bryson.

"Well I mean it has been subject to implied repeal in Scotland, and in Wales and in England as well as Northern Ireland."

In his lengthy ruling, Mr Colton rejected arguments the Withdrawal Act breached the 1800 Acts of Union but did state that the Withdrawal Bill had in effect override the provisions of the 200-year old law.

"I mean there is nothing stopping Scotland then going and taking an approach which put it on a different footing to the rest of the United Kingdom," said Bryson

"So the very fabric of the Union has been dismantled by the protocol."

'Deeply worried' Brexiteer sets out major concerns over UK's 'partial' EU exit

A BREXITEER has set out why he is "deeply worried" about the state of the UK's exit from the European Union.

Former MEP Dr David Bull insisted Boris Johnson had only delivered a "partial" Brexit amid an ongoing row over the contentious Northern Ireland Protocol.

And the TalkTV presenter raised fears over the future of negotiations when either Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak takes over from the Prime Minister, as he called for "firm action".

Dr Bull said he would be concerned if the former Chancellor wins the Tory leadership race following claims by Conservative MPs Simon Clarke and Kwasi Kwarteng, both allies of Ms Truss, that he "dug his heels in" over the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill, which will allow the UK to unilaterally rip up parts of the protocol.

Meanwhile, the ex-MEP highlighted how the Foreign Secretary was a Remainer despite since embracing Brexit.

Dr Bull told "I am deeply worried about where we go from here and everyone seems to have forgotten that 52 percent voted for Brexit.

"The current Government did not deliver that. We've got a partial Brexit.

"I think we've annexed Northern Ireland. I think the way we treated Northern Ireland is absolutely awful.

"And the more I think about it, I find it extraordinary that we allowed the EU to dictate what we did.

"We essentially have annexed Northern Ireland, stuck a border in the Irish Sea, and that basically invades our sovereignty.

"So I am deeply nervous about where we are.

"According to these briefings from Simon Clarke and Kwasi Kwarteng, Rishi Sunak has actually opposed changes to the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill, so if he was elected I would be deeply worried.

"That being said, Liz Truss of course was a Remainer. I think it's fine to change your mind and as long as she believes that.

"And she's obviously done these trade deals, but we need firm action on Northern Ireland."

Back off over Brexit! Joe Biden told to 'show some respect and stop undermining Britain'

JOE BIDEN has been told to "back off over Brexit" after he warned the UK could be put at the bottom of the list when it comes to trade.

Nile Gardiner made the comments following his interview with Darren Grimes on GB News. He wrote on Twitter: "The next British PM must stand up to Joe Biden and tell him to back off over Brexit and the Northern Ireland Protocol. Biden needs to show some respect and stop undermining Britain."

In the interview, Nile, former aide to Margaret Thatcher, slammed Joe Biden for having the "most far-left presidency in US history".

He added: "You do have the striking correlation between the left-wing liberal elites in the United States and the left-wing liberal elites in the European Union.

"They have the same mindset. They see Brexit – a hugely popular, democratic move forward for the UK – as a threat to their worldview, to their left-wing ideology.

"And Brexit is all about sovereignty, self-determination, taking back out control.

"Joe Biden sees that as a threat to his super nationalist world view.

"And Joe Biden has been absolutely awful in terms of the treatment of Great Britain, he's been condescending, he's been arrogant."

Good Evening

Good evening I’m Emma Crabtree, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on Brexit for the next few hours. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome. 

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @emmacrabtree98 

Biden told to 'back off Brexit' and 'stop undermining Britain'

Nile Gardiner, former aide to Margaret Thatcher, wrote: "The next British PM must stand up to Joe Biden and tell him to back off over Brexit and the Northern Ireland Protocol.

"Biden needs to show some respect and stop undermining Britain."

His comments followed an interview with Darren Grimes in which he argued there was a "striking correlation" between "left-wing liberal elites" in both the US and EU.

He added: "They [both] see Brexit – a hugely popular, democratic move forward for the UK – as a threat to their worldview, to their left-wing ideology."


Truss told to install Brexiteer Chancellor

Liz Truss has been told to install a Brexiteer Chancellor if she is elected Tory leader next month.

Ben Harris-Quinney, Chairman of the Bow Group, Britain’s oldest Conservative think tank, suggested “the man” who would be perfect for Number 11 Downing Street was Tory MP Sir John Redwood.

He told “A re-ordered cabinet of the same old people will deliver the same old results. We desperately need experience, wisdom and bravery.

“In John Redwood the Conservative Party has the man who set the policy agenda to pull Britain out of the doldrums in the 80s.”


UK theatres 'intensified' collaboration with EU partners post-Brexit

British theatres and cultural institutions "intensified" collaboration with European partners after Brexit, a Belgian director has said.

Speaking to the Observer, Ivo van Hove commented that the arts venues "gave a good example by keeping collaborations going on with European artists when there was Brexit. They didn't stop it".

He added: "Nobody stopped a collaboration. On the contrary, they intesified a lot of collaborations. The theatre and the arts world are a very good example to the politicians [of how] to keep it open."

Academics have feared funding cuts after a deal over the EU's Horizon programme failed, reportedly a retaliation by Brussels to the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill.

Brexiteer: We've allowed 'annexation' of Northern Ireland

The Government has allowed for Northern Ireland to be "annexed", a Brexiteer has argued, insisting that Boris Johnson only delivered a "partial" Brexit amid ongoing wrangling over the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Former MEP Dr David Bull commented: "I think the way we treated Northern Ireland is absolutely awful. And the more I think about it, I find it extraordinary that we allowed the EU to dictate what we did.

"We essentially have annexed Northern Ireland, stuck a border in the Irish Sea, and that basically invades our sovereignty. So I am deeply nervous about where we are."

He also expressed concern for the two Tory leadership contenders over the Protocol, noting reports that Rishi Sunak opposed changes to the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill - which would alter parts of the arrangement - and that Liz Truss, despite bringing the proposed legislation, had originally been a Remainer.


Good afternoon

I’m Aleks Phillips and I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on Brexit this afternoon.


I was RIGHT! Remoaner Femi taunts Leavers and warns EU exit 'pleases nobody'

Femi Oluwole has goaded Brexiteers on social media - by saying he was right all along in his opposition to the UK quitting the EU.

The vociferous campaigner also highlighted the fact both Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak have vowed to fix the deal agreed by Boris Johnson in 2019.

Mr Oluwole tweeted a clip of him arguing with journalist Carole Malone on the Jeremy Vine show three years ago.

He said: “Remember that time I predicted Brexit would please nobody, as the politicians were already abandoning a deal they'd spent three years calling the 'will of the people'?

“Well now, TWO GOVERNMENTS LATER, the new Prime Minister is still promising to fix it!”

Cost of living: Femi Oluwole blames government for crisis

UK drivers warned of potential fines for driving a petrol or diesel vehicle in Spain

British motorists are being warned of potential fines and issues they may come across when driving to Spain this summer.

Many Britons will be looking to visit Spain in the coming weeks to take advantage of the sunny weather as the summer holidays continue.

However, Mike Caunter, Managing Director of Airport Parking and Hotels (, warned drivers of the charges they may face when driving in Europe this summer.

An increasing number of major cities are introducing Low Emission Zones to combat the air pollution rates.

'Vague commitments' Sunak and Truss blasted for FAILING Red Wall who won Tories power

Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak have been urged to commit themselves to Boris Johnson's "levelling up" agenda if they become the next Prime Minister.

The outgoing Prime Minister’s flagship policy vowed to bring a social and economical upgrade to the UK - but the next UK leader needs to take things a step further in order for the UK to prosper, according to an expert.

Ivan Jimenez, a levelling up expert from the Basque Country, has urged the leadership candidates to press forward with levelling up and make better commitments to bring prosperity to all parts of the UK.

He told “Both Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak have, to date, made vague commitments regarding the UK's “levelling up” agenda: Truss has promised to create low-tax zones across the north of England with lower business rates and relaxed planning restrictions to encourage investment."

Rishi Sunak grilled on position in polls

'Biden, it's time to back off!' Truss urged to stand up to Brexit-bashing White House

Joe Biden could be put on the backfoot under a Liz Truss leadership, according to a former aide to Margaret Thatcher, who suggested it was time for the Brexit-bashing White House to "back off".

Liz Truss has been urged to stand up to Joe Biden following his "awful" treatment of Britain over its decision to leave the EU.

Nile Gardiner, a former aide to Margaret Thatcher, told GB News that "it was time for Biden to back off" as Brexit Britain begins to take shape.

This comes as a huge number of American businesses and entrepreneurs ditch President Biden's America for Brexit Britain.


The EU would used Scottish independence to make relations more difficult with the UK, warns Brexitee

The European Union would use Nicola Sturgeon's plot to obtain Scottish independence to make relations "more difficult" with Brexit Britain, a former Tory MSP has claimed.

Michelle Ballantyne went on GB News to discuss the issues she believes Scotland will face if the country becomes independent.

Ms Ballantyne is the former MSP and leader of the Scottish Reform UK party, which was formerly known as the Brexit Party.

Presenter Dawn Neesom asked: “If the SNP do get their way, what do you think it means for the UK if Scotland does leave?”

Ms Ballantyne spoke about how Britain would be perceived by the rest of the world.

She said “It would make a difference. It would affect things like the perception of the world."

Reform UK Scotland Michelle Ballantyne

Reform UK Scotland leader Michelle Ballantyne (Image: GETTY)

Brexit was the right thing for Britain, says RISHI SUNAK

THERE was never any question in my mind that leaving the European Union was the right thing to do. I believed we could do things differently as a sovereign nation, taking back control of our laws, our borders, our waters and removing unnecessary regulation to turbocharge our economy.

I was a new MP, having been elected less than a year before the referendum was called. David Cameron deserved great credit for his efforts to renegotiate the terms of our membership of the EU, but for me it didn’t go far enough.

To reach a different conclusion to the then Prime Minister, and indeed my predecessor in Richmond (Yorks), William Hague, was extremely difficult.

But, I believed that the referendum was a once in a generation opportunity and we had to grab it.


Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak says Brexit was the right thing for Britain (Image: GETTY)

Brexit border row solvable in 'six months' boasts UK tech boss behind secure messaging app

A British businessman has suggested geo-fence technology could be used to unlock trade across the Irish border amidst the row over the Northern Ireland Protocol.

The co-founder of a secure messaging app has backed a technological fix for the regulatory burden and political fallout resulting from the Northern Ireland Protocol.

YEO Messaging's Alan Jones is a believer in the power of technology to solve real-world solutions and believes a simple geo-fenced encrypted message could be the key to unlocking the current Brexit trade row.

Mr Jones told "We developed the ability to carry a Bluetooth signal within an encrypted message and to geofence it to a specific location. So that side of it is done today."

'Very fabric of Union dismantled!' Dire warning for Scottish unionists amid NI Brexit row

Unionist and loyalist campaigner Jamie Bryson has warned the "fabric" of the Union has been "dismantled" by Northern Ireland Protocol.

Scottish unionists have been warned that the Brexit Protocol row may have a wider impact on the constitutional standing of the United Kingdom, not just in Northern Ireland.

Brexiteer and Northern Irish loyalist campaigner Jamie Bryson has been a vocal opponent of the new trading arrangements placed on the province following the passing of the Withdrawal Bill. Bryson has warned the imposition of a customs border between Northern Ireland and Great Britain has sparked a crisis that has serious implications on both sides of the Irish Sea.

In June, the High Court in Belfast threw out a legal challenge to the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Mr Bryson is opposed to Justice Colton's decision to refuse a judicial review but has argued the case raised an alarming prospect for Unionists. He told "If you ask what is the union, the union in a legal sense, in a constitutional sense is the Act of Union."


Northern Ireland sovereignty compared to Ukraine by Bryson

Jacob Rees-Mogg exposes real Brexit reason Tory MPs had knives out for Boris Johnson

Jacob Rees-Mogg exposes real Brexit reason Tory MPs had knives out for Boris Johnson.

Jacob Rees-Mogg has warned that Tory MPs who brought down Boris Johnson have put Brexit at risk.

In a lengthy interview with GB News, the Brexit Opportunities minister said Mr Johnson's demise was a "triumph" for Remainers. GB News host Esther McVey had earlier challenged Mr Rees-Mogg on the reasons for the outgoing PM's fall from power.

Mr Rees-Mogg said the demise could be traced back to the Brexit referendum, suggesting it was a Remainer plot.


Truss told to immediately sideline Macron after three years of chaos

Liz Truss, the frontrunner to replace Boris Johnson as Britain’s Prime Minister, has been urged to halt all negotiations with France and treat President Emmanuel Macron like Nicola Sturgeon - by ignoring him.

Ben Habib said it was time for the Government to make good on its Brexit pledge to take back control, almost three years after the 2019 election - by taking unilateral action in the national interest.

Mr Habib was commenting on the failure to stem the tide of migrants crossing the channel as well as resolve the ongoing issues related to the Northern Ireland Protocol, the controversial mechanism intended to prevent a hard border on the island of Ireland which critics claim has instead resulted in a border down the Irish Sea.

He told “Could someone please inform Her Majesty’s Government that Parliament is Sovereign and it has a significant majority in Parliament?

Nicola Sturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon should be "ignored", Ms Truss said recently (Image: GETTY)

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