Question Time: Truss to feel heat from Scottish audience as Tories face ‘total chaos’

Tonight's Question Time will be broadcast from Musselburgh in Scotland.

Question Time LIVE: Truss to feel heat from Scottish audience as Tories face ‘total chaos’

Question Time LIVE: Truss to feel heat from Scottish audience as Tories face ‘total chaos’ (Image: BBC)

Question Time tonight will feature a panel of Scottish political and cultural figures as the BBC show heads to Scotland’s central belt. Hosted by Fiona Bruce, the veteran BBC presenter will be joined by SNP deputy John Swinney and Scottish opposition leader Douglas Ross.

They will also be joined by Scottish Labour leader and Glasgow MSP Anas Sarwar and Spectator magazine assistant editor Isabel Hardman.

Completing the line up will be Stuart Murdoch, leader singer of the Scottish band Belle and Sebastian.

Topics tonight are likely to include Scottish Independence, Scotland’s view on Liz Truss and the record breaking polling figures for Labour across the UK.

Speaking before tonight’s show, the Scottish Labour leader wrote on Twitter: “What a week to be on Question Time! Yet another week of a government in total chaos.

“Tune in to hear how we confront the crisis and change the UK for the better.”

Question Time will be broadcast live immediately after the ten o’clock news on BBC One and is also available to watch on iPlayer.


That's all from us tonight

BBC Question Time will return next week in front of a studio audience in Cheltenham.

SNP deputy blames Brexit for ‘making it difficult for Scotland to prosper’

SNP deputy John Swinney told Question Time’s audience members: “The EU exit has been forced upon us and a very damaging set of arrangements put in place that are making it more difficult for Scotland to prosper. 

“Indeed, much of the economic difficulty we are facing now as a United Kingdom has its roots in Brexit and the folly of Brexit that has been imposed on us.”

SNP’s John Swinney lobbies for independence amid audience uncertainty

Swinney replied to audience members who raised concerns about the financial impact breaking away from the UK would have on Scotland

He said: “Nobody can look at the United Kingdom today and say with any confidence this is a financially secure country, after the madness of the last couple of weeks.”

Murdoch piles on - ‘Tories don’t care about people!’

Stuart Murdoch, lead singer of the Scottish band Belle and Sebastian, earned a roaring applause from the Scottish audience when he took aim at the Tories.

He said: “I think it is extraordinary we have got this far. It feels like we’re in a bad dream, we finally woke up, the rest of the country has finally woken up. 

“I do not know why it has taken the rest of them, but it feels like we have known this all along - that the conservatives don’t care about people. 

“I feel like we are living on a different planet.”

Scotland’s Labour leader continues his attack on the Tories - ‘Morally bankrupt’

Anas Sarwar, Scottish Labour leader and Glasgow MSP, claimed the party members are only “worried about their own jobs”.


He continued to blast the conservative party on their “out of ideas” for “lying, cheating” and being “economically illiterate and morally bankrupt”, gaining a loud round of applause from the audience.

Labour MSP slams PM - ‘Truss is finished’

Scottish Labour leader and Glasgow MSP Anas Sarwar took aim at PM Liz Truss when addressing the audience.

He said: “The reality is Liz Truss is finished. Kwasi Kwarteng is finished.

“And I hope the people have woken up across this country and it means the Conservative party is finished.”

Hardman says 'hard to see' comeback for Truss

Isabel Hardman said Liz Truss has lost the confidence of the backbenchers and they are worried about losing the next election.

She said the Tories are "longing" for rehab and that Tories had told her they "need a break" and are "exhausted".

She said the party is "running out of ideas".

Swinney says people will 'lose their homes'

SNP deputy John Swinney has said people will "lose their homes" due to the mini budget and said the mini budget is "fiscally unsustainable" and an "economic folly".

Mr Ross said the Chancellor will not be making a u-turn on the budget, but said he had not spoken to him today.

Ross says PM should stay in job

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross has said the growth plan has not "gone as planned" but the PM has "reflected on that".

He said it was right the 45p tax rate cut was reversed, and said the Government's help with heating bills is "vital" to families and businesses.

He said Ms Truss's first six weeks in office have "not gone to plan" but gave his backing for her to stay in post.

Here we go

Question Time will begin shortly on BBC One.

We'll be bringing you live updates throughout.

Murdoch: 'Man condemned' joke before QT

Stuart Murdoch, lead singer of Belle and Sebastian, posted this tweet earlier prior to his appearance on Question Time.

Clearly indicating he'd be up against some with differing opinions, we'll leave you, the viewers, to decide who that is.

Ross says no u-turn on mini budget

For those waiting to watch on BBC One, highlights have been posted on the Question Time Twitter feed.

Scottish Conservatives leader Douglas Ross has dismissed rumours of a mini budget reversal and said the Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng is "sticking" to his plan.

What time is Question Time on tonight?

Question Time will be broadcast immediately after the 10pm news on BBC One.

If you want to watch earlier, it is available to watch on iPlayer now.

Good evening

Good evening from Scotland. I’m Aliss Higham, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on Question Time tonight. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.

Email: [email protected]

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