Home Office works through list of names as it 'hand-picks' 200 for first Rwanda flight

A final drive to get the Government's flagship Bill cleared through Parliament is underway, with officials poised to select the first asylum seekers to fly out to Rwanda.

By David Williamson, Sunday Express Political Editor, Jonathan Walker, Deputy Political Editor

Illegal migrants will learn within weeks if they will be on the first deportation flight to Rwanda. (Image: Getty)

Illegal migrants will learn within weeks if they will be on the first deportation flight to Rwanda, it was revealed last night. Home Office officials are working through a list of names to handpick the first 200 passengers to leave if the government’s flagship Bill clears Parliament on Monday.


They have been ordered to have all the paperwork in order so they can be moved swiftly once the removal plan is cleared for take off. A massive operation will spring into action the moment the landmark legislation to stop flights being grounded by legal challenges becomes law.

Last night on the eve of the crucial vote, Home Secretary James Cleverly sent a defiant message to Labour peers who have blocked the Bill 100 times. He told the Sunday Express: “The public won’t stand for more delaying tactics, and neither will we.”

Rishi Sunak has warned he will force meddling Lords to sit all night to get the Rwanda plan into law.

In another initiative, a massive advertising blitz will warn potential migrants in their homelands that it is now “dangerous” and “pointless” to come to Britain in a small boat.

A source close to the operation told the Sunday Express: “Work is going on behind the scenes on identifying who is in scope for the first flights.” More than 24,000 asylum seekers have been issued with letters warning them that they were being considered for removal.

About 4,000 of them are Albanians - the largest national group - with Iranians and Eritreans the next highest in number. The notices of intent were sent out between January 2021 and March 2023.

Champions of the plan to send illegal migrants to Rwanda for processing say it is a vital deterrent which will break the business model of people smuggling gangs.

Home Secretary James Cleverly told this news website: “Labour will do anything to stop planes to Rwanda. We Conservatives will do everything to stop the boats.


“Over 100 times they have voted against Conservative plans to reduce immigration and secure our borders, and now Labour Lords continue to block the toughest piece of illegal migration legislation ever introduced.

“The public expect all their elected representatives to work together to stop people making very dangerous channel crossings in the hands of ruthless smugglers who don’t care if those crammed onto inflatables die, just as long as they pay. The public won’t stand for these Parliamentary delaying tactics, and neither will we.”

Former Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage had a five-word message for the Lords: “Do what the country wants!”

A Home Office source said that countries in Europe and beyond are watching Britain’s partnership with Rwanda with “real interest” as a “potential solution for them to a global challenge”.

Former Home Secretary Priti Patel also turned up pressure on the Lords to stop blocking the Safety of Rwanda Bill.

She said: “The elected House of Commons must take every action to secure our borders which is what the British public demand. That’s why the passing of the Safety of Rwanda Bill is key to ending the appalling trade in people and why the House of Lords has a duty to respect the will of the House of Commons and the British people and get this legislation done.

“Every delay emboldens the criminal gangs who facilitate this vile trade which is why we must collectively end this ongoing impasse and delay by the unelected House of Lords.”

Preparations are underway for an international publicity campaign targeted at anyone considering coming to Britain illegally.

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A source said: “We are geared up to spread the deterrent message loud, clear and far: If you come to the UK illegally, you won’t get to stay in the UK.”

The Government has been encouraged at the success of a similar campaign in discouraging Albanians from coming to the UK, and this is being repeated in Vietnam.

Migrants from Vietnam are now the largest group to make the Channel crossing – and the majority of illegal arrivals are women. It is thought that many are coming to work in the sex industry.

UK and Vietnamese ministers last week discussed how to crack down on illegal immigration. It is believed Vietnamese are coming to the UK after taking advantage of a visa agreement with Hungary.

A key goal for peers who want to change the Bill is ensuring that Afghans who helped UK troops will not be sent to Rwanda – and it is suggested in Tory circles that a compromise may be possible though such a move would cause anger on the Tory Right.

There is nervousness among some Conservatives about whether the Rwanda scheme will work as a deterrent with one minister predicting it would be a “failed policy”.

But Alp Mehmet of the campaign group Migration Watch said: “We’ll know if Mr Sunak has got it right once the latest Bill is on the statute book and flights finally take off.”

Damian Green, chairman of the One Nation group of centrist Conservatives said: “We need to stop the boats. Sending people to Rwanda would help. So I hope the Lords will give way.”