SNP polling bombshell as YouGov records lowest support for a decade as Labour soars

The SNP is on coarse for a drubbing at the polls according to YouGov, who today published stark figures for the governing nationalists.

By Christian Calgie, Senior Political Correspondent

Penny Mordaunt says SNP are in their final death throes

The SNP is on course to lose 40 of its current 48 seats in Westminster at the General Election, as a new YouGov poll finds the party’s support has hit its lowest level for a decade.


The pollster records the SNP as down to just 29% support, down a further 4 points since before Humza Yousaf’s chaotic resignation.

Meanwhile Labour are once again the main beneficiaries, gaining five points and riding high on 39%, again their highest polling since the 2014 independence referendum.

Labour now has leads in both constituency and regional polling for Holyrood elections too, something the SNP were desperate to avoid during the fall of their former First Minister.

According to the Electoral Calculus website, the 10-point Labour poll lead would see the SNP fall to their lowest number of seats in the House of Commons since 2010.

The SNP's newest leader is already unpopular (Image: Getty)

The party, now led by John Swinney, would hold on to just eight constituencies, and see major figures like their current Westminster leader Stephen Flynn felled.

Meanwhile Labour would rocket up to 41 MPs in Scotland, and the LibDems would put on 2 more.

The Tories would lose half their seats total, currently standing at six, but despite the dire polling for Rishi Sunak nationally would avoid the total wipeout experienced by the party under Tory Blair.

Despite the change in First Minister, Mr Swinney has not got off to a flying start.

YouGov records that he already has a net favourability score of -3, with just 35% of voters having a favourable view of him.


Labour is on course to win dozens of seats in Scotland (Image: Getty)
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Just 43% expect their new First Minister to do a better job than Humza Yousaf, while 21% say he will do a better job than Nicola Sturgeon.

Ms Sturgeon is now firmly seen by Scots in an unfavourable light, following the scandal surrounding SNP finances and the arrest of both her and her husband.

Despite this, she remains the most popular figure in Scottish politics, with 36% approval, though this is met with 56% disapproval.

She is beaten only by Humza Yousaf, whom 63% of Scots now say they are unfavourable towards, followed by Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross on 53% disapproval.

More damaging for the SNP, just one in three Scots say they have confidence in the party to make the right decisions on key issues facing the country, including the economy, NHS, schools, police and environment.

10 years on from the ‘once-in-a-generation’ Scottish Independence referendum, support for independence remains unchanged on 45% to 55% wanting to stay in the union.