Piers Morgan slams Rishi Sunak's decision to announce General Election in pouring rain

The Prime Minister made the announcement outside Downing Street while he was soaked by torrential rain.

By Hannah Kane, News Editor

Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak made the announcement as the heavens opened (Image: Getty)

Piers Morgan has slammed Rishi Sunak for announcing the date of the next General Election in the pouring rain. The Prime Minister stood outside 10 Downing Street on Wednesday evening to announce voters will take to polling stations on July 4 after months of speculation.

Mr Sunak stood at the lecturn as the heavens opened and he was left soaked by the torrential downpour.

Journalist Piers Morgan was left unimpressed by the choice, saying on X: "Prime Minister Rishi Sunak getting absolutely soaked as he announces a UK general election for July 4 is such bad ‘rain on the parade’ optics. Why didn’t they do it inside if it’s pissing down?"

Other X users also expressed their dismay at the decision, with one saying: "Announcing a General Election in the rain?"

Another said: "Could've given him an umbrella. Absolutely soaked by the rain."

Making the announcement, the Prime Minister took a swipe at Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer.

Ignoring the rain, he said: "On July 5, either Keir Starmer or I will be prime minister. He has shown time and time again that he will take the easy way out and do anything to get power.

"I have to say, if he was happy to abandon all the promises he made to become Labour leader once he got the job, how can you know that he won’t do exactly the same thing if he were to become prime minister?

"If you don’t have the conviction to stick to anything you say, if you don’t have the courage to tell people what you want to do, and if you don’t have a plan, how can you possibly be trusted to lead our country, especially at this most uncertain of times?"

Mr Sunak concluded by saying only a Conservative government with him in charge would ensure economic stability.

He said: “Over the next few weeks, I will fight for every vote.

“I will earn your trust and I will prove to you that only a Conservative government led by me will not put our hard-earned economic stability at risk, can restore pride and confidence in our country, and with a clear plan and bold action will deliver a secure future for you, your family and our United Kingdom.”

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