ITV General Election debate: Nigel Farage and Penny Mordaunt in fiery clash

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By Katie Harris, Political Reporter, Ciaran McGrath, Senior News Reporter, Christian Calgie, Senior Political Correspondent, Steph Spyro, Environment Editor and Senior Political Correspondent

The ITV Election Debate 2024: Penny Mordaunt inadvertently slams Rishi

Senior politicians have clashed over immigration during a seven-way debate on ITV1.

Reform leader Nigel Farage asked Tory Penny Mordaunt “why on earth should people believe the fifth manifesto that promises cuts to net migration?”

Ms Mordaunt hit back by saying: "Because of this Prime Minister”, before pointing to figures that showed visa applications were down by a third and migration being projected to fall by hundreds of thousands.

She added: “Nigel is a Labour enabler and he is enabling no cap, no target and no plan.”

But Mr Farage hit back by saying: “A vote for you is actually now a vote for Labour.”


Steph Spyro

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Thank you for following our live blog this evening. The Daily Express politics team will be back bright and early tomorrow with the latest updates.

In the meantime, please visit this page for the latest general election news.

Steph Spyro

‘If you think Labour will win, start saving’

A Conservative Party spokeswoman said: “Once again, Labour have refused to rule out dragging family homes into Capital Gains Tax for the first time, a tax rise that risks making millions of homeowners poorer.“Labour’s Tax Trap Manifesto contains only tax rises and no tax cuts which will take taxes to their highest level ever.“But that’s only the tax rises they’re telling you about – it doesn’t include the £2,094 of tax rises they’ll need to fill their £38.5 billion unfunded spending commitments. So if you think Labour will win, start saving.”

Steph Spyro

Tory response to Angela Rayner refusing to rule out capital gains tax on family homes

A Conservative Party spokesman said: “Once again, Labour have refused to rule out dragging family homes into Capital Gains Tax for the first time, a tax rise that risks making millions of homeowners poorer.

“Labour’s Tax Trap Manifesto contains only tax rises and no tax cuts which will take taxes to their highest level ever.

“But that’s only the tax rises they’re telling you about – it doesn’t include the £2,094 of tax rises they’ll need to fill their £38.5 billion unfunded spending commitments. So if you think Labour will win, start saving.”

Steph Spyro

Nigel Farage agrees with SNP that Westminster's electoral system is 'broken'

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage has agreed with the SNP’s Westminster leader that the Westminster electoral system is “broken”.

Stephen Flynn said: “In my view, you should always vote if you are doing well in life for the politician who will make sure that others get on in life, and if you’re not doing so well in life, you should always vote for the politician who’s going to make things better for you.

“I think that’s a nice and good starting point in politics. The Westminster system – the way it operates – is broken. It’s been built on failure, Brexit being the most obvious one of recent times.

“Hold your politicians to high standards and vote for what you believe in.”

Mr Farage said: “I do agree. The first-past-the-post system has led to the two big parties – well, one was big, not after today’s polls, but there we are – they’re both mushy, sort-of SDP parties in the middle.

“I would change the voting system. I think the House of Lords is an abomination, the fact that it’s filled up with party donors is a complete disgrace. There must be an elected element. And finally, let’s give the people the ability to call more referendums so they can decide the biggest issue of their lives.”

Replying, Mr Flynn said: “I was just surprised that Nigel Farage wants another referendum on Scottish independence. I’m sure there’s a lot of folk back in Scotland who’d be… keen to see that happen.”

Mr Farage quipped: “Oh come on, you don’t want to lose again, do you?”

Panellists during seven-way general election debate (Image: PA)
Steph Spyro

The 7 party leaders on trust in politics

Lib Dem Daisy Cooper says the UK should devolve more power to local communities and introduce proportional representation Labour: Angela Rayner says politicians "need to play by the rules"

Tory Penny Mordaunt says Labour aren't being honest about their tax rises

Plaid's Rhun ap Iorwerth says politicians need to be truthful with people and demonstrate good judgement

Greens's Carla Denyer says proportional representation is needed to create fairer elections

SNP's Stephen Flynn says voters should hold their politicians to high standards

Reform's Nigel Farage says FPTP and the House of Lords should be abolished, and more referendums should be used

Steph Spyro

Nigel Farage says he has courage to 'take on the mob'

The Reform leader said: “Unlike the rest I don’t need a script, I’ve come out of retirement, back into politics with passion in my heart.“Britain is broken, everyone knows it and Britain needs Reform. The election is over under our system, we know that Keir Starmer’s going to win and probably have quite a big majority. The question is who will lead the opposition because for democracy to work, there has to be a voice of opposition.“And I put it to you that Ed Davey and the Liberal Democrats won’t do that because he actually agrees with Labour on most things. Rishi Sunak won’t do it, he’ll probably be in California by then anyway. And the Tory Party is split down the middle and about to implode in this election.“I say to you I will stand up against open borders... I will stand up and fight for the millions of people running small businesses. I have the courage to take on the mob. Please join the revolt.”

Steph Spyro

Angela Rayner's final statement of the debate tonight

Angela Rayner said: "“The choice at this election is simple. More chaos with the Conservatives or change with Labour. Imagine waking up on July 5 to five more years of a Conservative government. Years of high tax and low growth while everything gets more expensive. Crime going unpunished, NHS waiting lists getting longer.“The Tories have left you and our country worse off. A vote for Labour is a vote to end the chaos.“Labour’s plan for growth and wealth creation is about stability, wealth creation and reform. Economic stability is change. We will bring NHS waiting times with 40,000 new weekly appointments and we’ll secure our streets and

Angela Rayner represented Labour on tonight's clash (Image: PA)
Steph Spyro

Politicians are now giving their closing statements

Penny Mordaunt said: “Tonight Angela Rayner has proved one thing. Angela Rayner will put up your taxes. Labour’s track record of economic hardship speaks for itself. The lesson of the last few years is when Labour is in charge, unemployment rises and tax rises. They will do it all over again. They’re going to tax your pension, they’re going to tax your home.

“And what you need to know from tonight is they’re also going to push up your bills. These are hard truths, but better face them now than regret them later. It’s your choice, it’s your vote and it’s your future in your hands. So if you value your pension, don’t give a blank cheque to Labour. If you value your pension, vote Conservative. If you value your home, vote Conservative. If you value your future, vote Conservative.”

Steph Spyro

Would you let Nigel Farage join Tory party, Rayner asks Mordaunt

Angela Rayner asked Penny Mordaunt if she would allow Nigel Farage into the Tory party.

Mordaunt argues that Farage is helping Labour and that she has "less in common" with him than people think, repeating the claim Labour will tax people Rayner: "You've taxed people the highest in 70 years".

Steph Spyro

Farage calls for more referendums

Nigel Farage has called for the public to be given the ability to vote in more referendums on topics they care about.

Steph Spyro

Penny Mordaunt: We’re improving public services

Daisy Cooper asked Penny Mordaunt: “The Conservatives promised to recruit 6,000 new GPs and didn’t, the Conservatives promised to build 40 new hospitals... How on earth can anyone trust a word the Conservatives say about protecting the NHS?”Ms Mordaunt said public sector workers had been recruitment “and that’s why you can see we’re making improvements in many public services that we talked about earlier.”

Steph Spyro

Penny Mordaunt blasts Nigel Farage as a 'Labour enabler'

Penny Mordaunt to Nigel Farage: "Nigel is a Labour enabler."

Mr Farage to Ms Mordaunt: "We are ahead of you in the polls - a vote for you is a vote for Labour."

Steph Spyro

The panellists are asking each other questions now

Carla Denyer, from the Green Party, asked her question to Angela Rayner on Labour's u-turns.

Penny Mordaunt asked Ms Rayner about capital gains tax.

Participants were able to ask each other a question tonight (Image: PA)
Steph Spyro

Nigel Farage says he agrees with former Home Secretary Suella Braverman

Nigel Farage says he agrees with Suella Braverman - and much of the Labour left - in lifting the two-child benefit cap.

Angela Rayner rejected following suit, saying Labour would not commit to "unfunded spending commitments".

Steph Spyro

Reform's Nigel Farage backs lifting two-child benefit

Lib Dem deputy Daisy Cooper said people were “dragged into paying the higher rate of tax” through frozen income tax threshold, adding that the mini-Budget “blew a hole in people’s finances”.

Reform's Nigel Farage said: “We need to do something, something with vision, and if we increase the level at which people start to pay tax, that takes seven million people out of tax... But it helps get people off the benefits trap, because if you start to go back to work and earn money you lose benefits, plus we rely less on unskilled foreign labour.”

On the two-child benefit, he replied: “I think we should encourage people to have children, and I also think we should encourage people in marriage to have some tax benefits as well, I really do. We’ve got to help people.”

Steph Spyro

Nigel Farage calls for tax thresholds to rise

Nigel Farage says we need to "take poorer people out of tax" by raising the tax thresholds and get people "back to work".

Steph Spyro

Angela Rayner slammed as 'shameful' by SNP's Stephen Flynn

Angela Rayner faced calls of “shameful” from Stephen Flynn when she suggested Labour would not seek to rejoin the EU.

An audience question from Ken from Caerphilly asked the political parties if they would seek to rejoin the EU or single market.

“No,” Angela Rayner said and suggested Labour respected the result of the referendum.

“Shameful, shameful,” Stephen Flynn could be heard to say. He later added that his party would “yes absolutely” seek to rejoin, as did the Greens, Lib Dems and Plaid Cymru.

For the Tories, Penny Mordaunt added: “No, and if you have a Labour government they will take you back in, they will tie you on defence, on migration, on regulation, without any of the benefits of membership.”

Nigel Farage said: “No, we are free. Unfortunately we are governed incompetently, but at least they are our mistakes and not somebody else’s.”

Labour's Angela Rayner alongside other panelists (Image: PA)
Steph Spyro

If elected would you ever rejoin the EU or the single market?

Angela Rayner: “No.”

Daisy Cooper: “They’re not on the table at this election unfortunately but at some point in the future we would very much like to do so.”

Penny Mordaunt: “No and if you have a Labour government they will take you back in, they will tie you on defence, migration and regulation without any of the benefits of membership.”

Carla Denyer: “Yes, when the time is right.”

Nigel Farage: “No, we’re free, unfortunately we’re governed incompetently but at least they’re our mistakes, not somebody else’s.”

Stephen Flynn: “Yes, absolutely.”

Rhun ap Iorwerth: “I have no doubt that Wales is best served by being in the European Union but for now let’s get back into the single market and customs union to help our economy.”

Steph Spyro

Angela Rayner snaps back at the Green Party in TV clash

Angela Rayner said she had “never been called timid in my life” when the Greens accused Labour of being too careful with its tax plans.

As the parties debated investment in public services, Green co-leader Carl Denyer told the ITV debate: “I would like to know from Angela: why so timid? Why wait for economic growth when you could introduce a tax that doesn’t affect those on average incomes or lower incomes, it only affects the billionaires and multi-millionaires?

“It could raise tens of millions of pounds. Why won’t Labour even consider it?”

Labour deputy leader Ms Rayner replied: “I have never been called timid in my life.”

“These are our elderly relatives that are treated really poorly and it costs us more money, so if we put the money in the right place, we can actually make savings.”

ITV debate panel (Image: Getty)
Steph Spyro

Nigel Farage laughed at by studio audience in ITV debate

Nigel Farage was laughed at by the studio audience when he said "I've always told the truth".

He said he was “just talking numbers”, adding: “I’m just talking pure facts. Housing, we have to build one new home every two minutes just to cope with legal net migration under this Conservative government. It is literally impossible."

He added: “Labour, it’s not even in your first six priorities for government, nothing under these are going to change,” Mr Farage said.

“The vast majority of Britons want net migration reduced significantly.”

Steph Spyro

Nigel Farage blasts the 'ludicrous' ability of students to bring dependents

"If you come to university in this country you can't bring your Mum," says Nigel Farage in the immigration section of the seven way leaders' debate.

He suggested that immigration "is making us poorer, it's making us poorer".

Nigel Farage appearing on ITV debate (Image: Getty)
Steph Spyro

Nigel Farage blasts population explosion caused directly by migration

Christine, from Manchester, said she understands the country needs some foreign workers but mentioned the strain on public services.

Angela Rayner, the deputy Labour leader, said: “What we need at the moment is a skills strategy, we’ve not had an industrial and skills strategy. So what we’ve had is we’ve been overreliant on our economy from overseas workers to fill our skills gap and they’ve done a tremendous job. But what we really need as unemployment levels have gone higher again is an opportunity to match those skills and give those people an opportunity to take those jobs.”

Nigel Farage, the Reform leader, added: “It’s funny Angela Rayner says that because Labour today launched their six key policies, and didn’t mention the single most important issue affecting the lives of everybody in this country, namely, the population explosion caused directly by migration.

“The reason we voted Brexit and the reason Penny’s party got the massive majority in 2019 is we voted to reduce the numbers coming in and the numbers have exploded. Honestly, unbelievable, one in 30 people walking in the street out there has come in the last two years alone. The answer is we have to have net migration at zero. It means skilled workers can come, we can go and work abroad. We have to have a freeze on the total numbers coming in.”

Steph Spyro

Politicians tackle immigration as next topic in ITV debate

Nigel Farage says immigration is “the single most important issues affecting the lives of everybody”.

Meanwhile Penny Mordaunt accepts it can be "unsettling" when communities change quickly because of migration.

Steph Spyro

Penny Mordaunt takes aim at Labout over education tax plans

Penny Mordaunt says it's "unbelievable" and "crazy" that Labour wants to "tax education" by charging VAT on private schools.

She said: "Class sizes will go up."

Steph Spyro

Nigel Farage and Angela Rayner clash in row over classroom sizes

Reform leader Nigel Farage said: “There is a problem, we know the buildings, the Raac concrete, all of that.

“But we are back to the subject that nobody wants to discuss, the exploding population means our schools, our class sizes are getting bigger. Of course we’re recruiting more teachers, we need more teachers with an exploding population. And it’s a constant problem that none of the other policies even want to discuss.”

Angela Rayner, the deputy Labour leader, said: “I respectfully disagree that we have the exploding population in our schools, we have falling rolls in our schools at the moment actually and that is a problem for many of our schools.

“But what we have said is we would end the tax break on private schools to put an extra 6,500 qualified teachers in the classroom. And we have the Tories who knew and were warned about Raac, knowing full well there is dangers with Raac buildings.”

Mr Farage said: “If you put 20% on private school fees all you’ll end up finish up with is probably 25 per cent of those in private schools who will then be a burden for state schools.

Steph Spyro

Penny Mordaunt: Our education system is still world-class

Asked if the education system was “still world-class”, Penny Mordaunt said “I think it is world-class” to some laughter from the audience.Stephen Flynn, the SNP leader at Westminster, said the “biggest difference” on education “is the fact that for our young people in Scotland, they go to university and they don’t pay a single penny in tuition fees... I don’t know if the Lib Dems agree with tuition fees or not, they’ve got quite a record on that.”Daisy Cooper responded: “On the question of tuition fees we were punished for that, that’s democracy, I get that. On the point of tuition fees, we were punished for that, right? In 2015 when we were out of coalition, the Conservatives removed maintenance grants.”

Politicians clash in ITV debate (Image: PA)
Steph Spyro

Penny Mordaunt: Keep political dogma out of public services

Penny Mordaunt, the Commons Leader, said “political dogma” should be kept out of public services.

“Most of the public don’t care what colour the cat is, they just want some mice caught. Listen to professionals in these services. Keep political dogma out of it.”

Steph Spyro

Penny Mordaunt: The NHS is an act of faith for Britons

Dennis, from Southport, said he was born around the time the NHS was founded.

He asked: "Do any of you have any ideas that are big enough to make things work again?”

Tory Penny Mordaunt said: “The NHS in particular is an act of faith for the people of this country, they want to be able to rely on it. But since the Covid pandemic the caseload that our healthcare professionals are dealing with has gone up by 43 per cent. The only way we can reduce those waiting lists is to keep the NHS budget strong, that we have done, that we will continue to do."

Steph Spyro

Four politicians’ opening pitches in TV debate

Labour's Angela Rayner: “We have a real chance to turn the page and have change in Britain, voting for Labour on July 4.”

Reform's Nigel Farage: “Just before we came on air we overtook the Conservatives in the national opinion polls. We are now the opposition to Labour.”

Tories' Penny Mordaunt: “I’m going to talking to you about which of your taxes the Conservatives will cut. Labour will be trying not to talk about the ones they’re going to put up.”

Lib Dem's Daisy Cooper: “Tonight I hope to share with you some more details on our plan to save the NHS, tackle the cost-of-living crisis and to protect our local environment.”

Penny Mordaunt at the ITV debate (Image: PA)
Steph Spyro

Tories: Labour is the party of higher taxes

A Conservative spokeswoman said: “Today, the Labour Party has made crystal clear that they are the party of higher taxes.“The ink on the page of their own manifesto commits them to the highest tax burden this country has ever seen. Their £38.5bn of unfunded spending, and the £2,094 that will cost working families in taxes, is only just the start.“Meanwhile, the Conservative Party has announced a clear plan, taking bold action to cut taxes and secure a more prosperous future for our country.“So the British people should be in no doubt - a vote for anyone but the Conservative Party is a vote for Labour’s tax trap manifesto, taking us right back to square one.”

Steph Spyro

Reform UK’s party political broadcast on Channel 4 was five minutes of the same text

Reform UK has said the party "made history tonight" when they unveiled a party election broadcast that turns TV screens almost black for nearly five minutes.

It stated: "Britain is broken. Britain needs Reform."

One Reform insider said: "No party has ever done this before. When we sent it to one of the channels they came back and said the video file was broken. They were gobsmacked when we told them that was how it was supposed to be.

"We deliberately took the maximum length to ram the message home.’

Reform leader Nigel Farage said: ‘It was a brave decision but that is what Reform is all about. The gravity of the situation facing the UK meant we had to ring the alarm bell with a completely different approach; Britain is broken, not your TV set."

Read more here.

Steph Spyro

Reform overtake Tories for first time in shock poll

Nigel Farage's Reform Party has overtaken the Conservatives in the polls for the first time

A YouGov survey found that Reform has increased support by two points to 19 percent.The Tories are on 18 percent.

It is the first time any poll has shown Reform ahead of the Tories.

Tory strategists will be particularly concerned because it was carried out after the party released its manifesto on Tuesday.
Steph Spyro

Bomb squad called over suspicious package at Tory candidate’s office

Specialists from the Explosive Ordnance Disposal team were called to the office of Sir Jeremy Quin in Horsham on Thursday afternoon.

Sussex Police, fire and rescue were at the scene with fire engines and a bomb disposal vehicle.

The package is believed to have been delivered to the Conservative Association in Gough House, Horsham.

Jeremy Quin, an ex-defence minister and Conservative candidate for the Horsham constituency, said: “After the receipt of a suspicious parcel at my Horsham office earlier today the police decided that the incident should be escalated and specialists were called in.

“It is still under investigation but there is no cause for alarm and the incident is being thoroughly and professionally addressed.

“It’s a huge privilege to engage in public service but sadly in the world in which we live incidents of this nature always have to be taken seriously. I am very grateful to the emergency services for their prompt actions and continuing work to ensure public safety.”

Steph Spyro

Green Party manifeso removed from online amid HIV backlash

The Green Party has removed its manifesto from its website following backlash to its depiction of HIV.

An easy-read version of the document accompanied a pledge to end HIV transmissions by 2030 with a photograph of a man looking visibly unwell and coughing.

A Green Party spokesperson told Sky News: “Soon after publication we were alerted to how an image we used in our easy read manifesto could be misinterpreted.

“For clarity we temporarily took the manifesto down to replace this image with a more suitable image that better communicates our policy to work towards no more HIV transmissions by 2030.”

Steph Spyro

Starmer vows to talk to EU about post-Brexit biometric checks

Sir Keir Starmer has called the country's Brexit deal "botched" and pledges to look again at "everything" if he wins the election.

He also vowed to talk to the EU about post-Brexit biometric checks expected to come in later this year.

Sir Keir told LBC: "I think we should do whatever we can do make it easy for people to travel on holiday, get into the continent and back. Part of this is about trust and respect and the way in which we deal with the EU."

Steph Spyro

Naming first Bills would be ‘taking the voters for granted’, says Sir Ed Davey

Sir Ed Davey has declined to name the Bills he wants to table in the first 100 days of the next parliament.

Even if the Liberal Democrats cannot form a government after the General Election, either with another party or by itself, their future MPs could shape the legislative agenda by tabling private members’ Bills.

Asked about how he might shape legislation from the opposition benches, Sir Ed told the PA news agency: “Oh, you know, I’m not thinking about that yet. That would be taking the voters for granted – I’m not going to do that.”

Steph Spyro

Sir Keir Starmer hits out at Sky News audience for laughing at fact about his father

Sir Keir Starmer has said that his father would be "turning in his grave" at the way members of the audience in a Sky News election event laughed when he said that he had worked in a factory.

There was laughter from several members audience at the event in Grimsby when the Labour leader - who was being grilled by a journalist on the channel - said that his father was a tool maker.

Sir Keir hit out at the broadcaster's audience for "disrespecting" his father's background and said that it showed disrespect "for working people".

He said it was wrong of members of the Sky audience to laugh at someone because they worked in a factory.

Steph Spyro

Keir Starmer declines to give date for when people will see results under Labour

Sir Keir Starmer declined to give a “mandatory date” for when people would see the results of Labour’s plan for growth, but said its implementation would start “from day one” in government.

The Labour leader also declined to say whether the party would stop prospective cuts to public services.

“I accept people in the past have only been interested in can we tax more, can we tax less, can we spend more, can we spend less, but there’s a critical bit missing in that, which is how do we grow our economy,” he told Times Radio.

Asked when the economy would grow, Sir Keir said: “Day one we start … we will put down the plans for growth on day one.”

Pressed on when the UK would see the results of these plans, he said: “We will see yield from that as soon as possible, I’m not going to put an arbitrary date on it.”

Steph Spyro

Plan to cut legal migration levels is ‘working’, Home Secretary says

The Home Secretary has insisted the Government’s plan to cut legal migration levels is “working”, despite figures signalling a jump in the number of people applying for work visas.

James Cleverly hailed the latest provisional Home Office data which suggested the number of overseas student and foreign care worker visa applications continued to fall.

But the figures to May 2024 also indicate the number of skilled worker visa applications rose 43% in the first five months of the year compared with the same period in 2023.

Mr Cleverley said: “We have been clear that immigration has been too high – that’s why we’ve taken bold action to bring numbers down and today’s statistics show the plan is working.”

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said the Conservatives have “lost control” of immigration while in government as he launched the Labour manifesto.

Steph Spyro

Rishi Sunak insists taxes will rise to nation's 'highest levels' under Labour

Under a Labour government taxes would rise “to the highest levels that we have seen in our nation’s history”, Rishi Sunak claimed in response to Sir Keir Starmer’s manifesto launch.

Speaking to broadcasters at the G7 summit in Puglia, the Prime Minister said: “You’ve seen two manifestos this week and there’s a clear choice at this election. We published a manifesto that’s going to cut taxes for people in this country, and the Labour manifesto that was published today made it clear that taxes are going to rise.

“Multiple independent sources demonstrate that the tax burden under Labour will rise to the highest levels in history.”

Mr Sunak dodged a question on whether the Tories are accepting defeat at the election after a Cabinet minister warned of Labour winning a “supermajority”.

The Prime Minister instead repeated that he had “published a manifesto this week that sets out our clear plan for the country”.

“In contrast, this week you’ve seen absolutely no new ideas from the Labour Party.”

Steph Spyro

Rishi Sunak calls betting aide's actions before election 'very disappointing'

Rishi Sunak said his parliamentary aide Craig Williams’ bet on the General Election date was “very disappointing”.

Speaking to broadcasters at the G7 summit in Puglia, the Prime Minister said: “It’s very disappointing news and you will have seen Craig Williams say that it was a huge error of judgment.

“Now, there’s an independent inquiry that is ongoing, which is necessarily confidential, as well as independent. And you’ll appreciate that, given that, it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to comment while that’s ongoing.”

Pressed on whether Mr Williams knew the July 4 date when placing his bet, Mr Sunak said: “Given the nature of the inquiry, which is confidential and independent, it wouldn’t be right for me to comment while that inquiry is ongoing.”

Christian Calgie

Ed Davey makes political jibe outside his local while chatting with punters

Sir Ed Davey has said the government “don’t know where their ***hole is” to punters outside one of his locals in a newly emerged video.

He then quips: "Don't tell them I said that."

It is unclear when the clip was taken although it was uploaded to TikTok today.

Watch the full video below:

Steph Spyro

Lib Dem leader Sir Ed Davey tackles assault course in latest campaign event

Sir Ed Davey took part in an assault course near Royal Tunbridge Wells in Kent.

Peter, who owns the course and nearby farmland, showed the Liberal Democrat leader how to scramble under and over wooden obstacles before a “friendly competition”.

When asked if he had practised by the media pack, Sir Ed chuckled: “Does it look like I’ve practised?”

The party is trailing its policies to boost education and schools support for young carers.

Steph Spyro

Rishi Sunak's aide made 'huge error of judgement'

Rishi Sunak’s closest parliamentary aide Craig Williams says he "clearly made a huge error of judgement" by betting on the date of the election.

He has refused to say whether he had inside information.

Mr Williams placed a bet on a July election just three days before Mr Sunak announced the date publicly.

He is now under investigation by the Gambling Commission

Katie Harris

Labour manifesto is a 'straitjacket' - Balls

Speaking on his Political Currency podcast, former Labour MP Ed Balls said: "If you are a Labour Government, the one thing you cannot afford to do is break your promises on the macro-economy and your kind of tax pledges. You can't afford to do a Liz Truss.

"But I think people will look back on this manifesto - which is now seen as cautious and careful - and think of it as being something which was very constraining, and a potentially risky thing to do for Labour because this manifesto is absolutely boxing Labour in.

"It will be seen as a straitjacket, with tough fiscal rules and limits on borrowing, big commitments not to raise income tax or VAT or national insurance."

Katie Harris

Farage teases 'one of the most exciting party election broadcasts ever produced'

The Reform UK leader wrote on X: "Tonight on Channel 4 at 7.55pm, the Reform Party will release one of the most exciting party election broadcasts ever produced.

"I’m amazed it even got past compliance, but we did it. You won’t want to miss this."

Katie Harris

Tax hikes and spending increases in Labour manifesto are 'trivial' - IFS

The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) think tank said the tax hikes and spending increases promised in the Labour manifesto were "trivial" and did not address the looming cuts already factored in to departmental spending.

IFS director Paul Johnson said: "This was not a manifesto for those looking for big numbers.

"The public service spending increases promised in the 'costings' table are tiny, going on trivial. The tax rises, beyond the inevitable reduced tax avoidance, even more trivial."

But he said: "On current forecasts, and especially with an extra £17.5 billion borrowing over five years to fund the green prosperity plan, this leaves literally no room - within the fiscal rule that Labour has signed up to - for any more spending than planned by the current Government.

"And those plans do involve cuts both to investment spending and to spending on unprotected public services.

"Yet Sir Keir Starmer effectively ruled out such cuts. How they will square the circle in government we do not know."

Ciaran McGrath

Rishi Sunak's popularity sinks to record low

With just three weeks to go before the general election, a new poll has suggested Rishi Sunak’s popularity is now at a historical low, 72 percent of Britons currently having an unfavourable view of the Prime Minister.

Despite a small improvement in his personal ratings immediately after calling the general election, three weeks into the campaign he has hit the highest level of disapproval YouGov has recorded during his time in Number 10.

Just 21percent of Britons say that have a favourable view, giving a net approval rating of -51, the joint lowest Sunak has experienced to date (having previously scored this poorly in mid-May and also mid-January).

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is also under water with 51 percent viewing him unfavourably compared with 39 percent seeing him in a favourable light. However his favourability rating is at its highest since November.

Ciaran McGrath

Ann Widdecombe explains why 'supermajority' would prove disastrous for Keir Starmer

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer will ultimately find himself in a “mess” if his party wins a so-called “supermajority” in the forthcoming general election, Brexiteer Ann Widdecombe has predicted.

Former Tory MP Ms Widdecombe - who is now campaigning on behalf of Nigel Farage’s Reform UK - was commenting after Defence Secretary Grant Shapps used the word in an interview earlier this week.

The former Maidstone MP, who served in several roles the Government of John Major in the 1990s, told “It's not going to make any difference what sort of majority Labour has, they're not going to have a small one.

“And the only time when it makes a difference is if you've got a very small majority."

Katie Harris

Labour's manifesto would mean 'highest taxes in history'

In a post on X, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: "Confirmed: Labour’s manifesto would mean the highest taxes in history. If you think they’ll win, start saving."

Katie Harris

TPA responds to Labour manifesto

John O’Connell, chief executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance pressure group, said: “Taxpayers hoping for change from an ever-rising tax burden will be bitterly disappointed by a Labour manifesto that may rule out major tax rises, but leaves the door open to alternative ways of tapping up workers, families and businesses.

“With substantial spending commitments to pay for, a Keir Starmer government will inevitably be looking to find ways to dip deeper and deeper into the pockets of Brits, effectively guaranteeing years of further stagnation.

“No hikes to income tax, national insurance, and VAT is good news but, as the current government has shown, there are plenty of other ways to raid household budgets.

“If the Labour Party forms the next government, real change must mean reducing the tax burden, cutting wasteful spending, and delivering the economic growth we so desperately need.”

Ciaran McGrath

Labour pledges to scrap Rwanda scheme

Labour's manifesto promises to scrap the multimillion-pound stalled plan to send migrants to Rwanda and use the money to pay for a new security border command.

Third on the party's list of "first steps for change" if elected is to launch the unit with "hundreds of new specialist investigators", vowing to "use counter-terror powers to smash criminal boat gangs" in a bid to curb Channel crossings.

The party has also reiterated its commitment to international legal conventions, with its manifesto saying: "Britain will unequivocally remain a member of the European Convention on Human Rights."

Launching the manifesto in Manchester on Thursday, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer claimed the Conservative Government had "lost control" of immigration and he described the asylum backlog as a "hopeless" situation because claims are not being processed.

Ciaran McGrath

David Cameron ducks claim he was ‘apoplectic’ about Rishi Sunak’s D-Day snub

Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron has ducked claims he was "apoplectic" about Rishi Sunak’s D-Day snub. Lord Cameron has repeatedly refused to say whether he warned Rishi Sunak not to leave the D-Day commemorations early.

Rishi Sunak apologised after skipping a major international ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day in order to carry out a General Election TV interview.

The Prime Minister said "it was a mistake" not to stay in France for the international event after he had attended the earlier British ceremony in Normandy.

The Sunday Times reported, that the Foreign Secretary advised Mr Sunak not to miss the event and was "apoplectic" but unable to stop the PM leaving.

Katie Harris

Momentum hits out at Labour manifesto

Labour's manifesto pledges "fall short of what is needed to fix the Tories' broken Britain," left-wing political group Momentum has said.

Chairwoman Kate Dove said: "This manifesto shows that a Labour government can make progressive change - and that it needs to make a whole lot more.

"We welcome policies such as ending tax breaks for private schools, public ownership of rail and the repealing of anti-union laws as part of a New Deal for Working People. It is no coincidence that Labour's most popular policies take on the few on behalf of the many.

"Nonetheless, it is clear that Labour's current commitments fall short of what is needed to fix the Tories' broken Britain. If elected, Labour must go much further to fulfil its promise to the British people of change.

"That means bold policies like investment in our struggling public services, NHS and schools, renationalising our water and real action to end child poverty by scrapping the two-child benefit cap and introducing free school meals for all. And it means taxing the wealthiest to help pay for it.

"The public are sick and tired not just of the Tories, but of Tory policies - if Keir Starmer continues down their path, he risks the same fate."

Katie Harris

Starmer responds to questions on Labour tax rises

Sir Keir Starmer, in response to questions on the manifesto spelling out plans to raise £7 billion in taxes, said: "The tax rises we've set out in the manifesto, there's no surprises this morning."

He added: "There are no tax rises that we haven't already announced. Yes, we want to bear down properly on the non-dom tax status and make sure the super-rich pay their fair share in this country.

"Yes, we want the oil and gas companies to pay fair tax on the massive profits that they're making. Yes, we want to make sure that private equity loopholes aren't there ... and yes we've taken the tough decision in relation to VAT.

"So we will take all of those measures but what you won't see in this manifesto is any plan that requires tax rises over and above those that we have already set out because we've been very, very clear - particularly in relation to working people - no increase in income tax, no increase in national insurance and no increase in VAT."

Katie Harris

Starmer denies 'Captain Caution' manifesto

Sir Keir Starmer denied offering a "Captain Caution" manifesto designed to safeguard Labour's double-digit poll lead with a document offering no new policies.

In a Q&A with media, it was put to the Labour leader that Rishi Sunak had thrown "the kitchen sink" at the Tory document while he "won't even take the safety catch" off Labour's.

Asked whether it was a "Captain Caution manifesto designed to protect your poll lead" he said: "No. It is a serious plan for the future of our country.

"Every single policy in this document... has been carefully thought through and tested to ensure that we can deliver it.

"I'm not going to do what Rishi Sunak does, which is offer things that he can't deliver because they're unfunded.

"People have had too much of that, they're fed up with that."

Katie Harris

Wealth creation 'number one priority' - Starmer

Wealth creation will be the number one priority of a Labour government, Sir Keir Starmer has said.

He told his party's manifesto launch: "Wealth creation is our number one priority. Growth is our core business.

"The only route to improving the prosperity of our country and the living standards of working people and that's why we made it our first national mission for government."

He added: "Redistribution can't be a one word plan for our poorest towns. No, we need to give them the tools they need, back their pride and potential, growth for every community, growth from every community, that is the path to national renewal.

"Now, some people say that how you grow the economy is not a central question. That it's not about how you create wealth, it's about how you tax it, how you spend it, how you slice the cake. That's all that matters.

"So let me be crystal clear. This manifesto is a total rejection of that argument.

"Because if you transform the nature of the jobs market, if you transform the infrastructure that supports investment in our economy, if you reform the planning regime, start to unlock the potential for billions on billions of pounds worth of projects that are ready to go, held up by the blockers of aspiration, then clearly, that does so much more for our long-term growth prospects."

The Labour leader unveils his manifesto (Image: GETTY)
Katie Harris

What is in Labour's manifesto?

The manifesto:

- Spells out Labour's plans to raise £7 billion in taxes.

- Some £5.2 billion would come from closing loopholes for non-domiciled people and cracking down on tax avoidance schemes.

- £1.5 billion would come from imposing VAT and business rates on private schools, with the rest from closing a carried interest loophole and increasing stamp duty on purchases of residential property by non-UK residents by 1%.

- Confirmed Labour's pledge not to raise income tax, VAT or national insurance and to cap corporation tax at its current 25% rate.

- Promised legislation to remove the right of hereditary peers to sit in the House of Lords and confirmed plans to enforce retirement from the upper chamber at 80.

- Pledged to build 1.5 million new homes and reform the planning system which acts as a "major brake on economic growth".

- Restated Labour's plan to create state-owned clean energy generation firm Great British Energy, backed by £8.3 billion over the course of the parliament.

Katie Harris

Eco group says it was behind Starmer protest

The Green New Deal Rising campaign group, which described itself as a movement of young people fighting for climate justice, said it was behind the action.

It wrote on X: "We just disrupted Keir Starmer because his manifesto fails to deliver for our generation.

"When it comes to tackling the climate crisis, and improving the quality of life for everyone in this country, Labour’s plans don’t touch the sides. #YouthDeserveBetter."

Katie Harris

Starmer takes swipe at Farage

Sir Keir Starmer took a swipe at Nigel Farage, who is standing in Clacton at the General Election, during his speech launching Labour's manifesto.

He told the audience in Manchester: “If you want politics as pantomime, I hear Clacton is nice this time of year”

Katie Harris

Starmer heckled by protester

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer was heckled by a climate protester as he spoke at his party's manifesto launch.

Holding up a banner that read "Youth deserve better," the woman shouted: "My generation is being let down by the Labour Party and this manifesto.

"You say that you're offering change but it's the same old Tory policies.

"We need better. The climate can't wait. We need a green new deal now."

Sir Keir hit back: "Thank you very much. We gave up on being a party of protest five years ago, we want to be a party in power."

Katie Harris

Starmer says Labour is launching 'plan to change Britain'

Sir Keir Starmer has said the Labour Party is launching a "manifesto for wealth creation, a plan to change Britain".

He added: "Today we can lay a new foundation of stability and on that foundation we can start to rebuild Britain."

He acknowledged "we don't have a magic wand" and challenges will not "disappear overnight" if Labour wins the election, but said the party's manifesto represents a "credible long-term plan" built on "stable foundations".

The Labour leader speaks at his party's manifesto launch event (Image: GETTY)
Katie Harris

Rayner promises growth 'in every corner of the country'

Angela Rayner said growth would be delivered "in every corner of the country" under Labour.

Kicking off the party's manifesto launch, the deputy leader said: "We have changed the Labour Party, and with this manifesto, we can change Britain."

She said Labour knows "the task at hand is daunting" but promised it would never take power in government "for granted".

Ms Rayner said: "When we deliver growth, it will be in every corner of the country."

"Today we publish our plan for the change we need to meet the challenges ahead," she said.

"Our chance to end the chaos, turn the page and start a new chapter. What we now ask is to make that change a reality."

Angela Rayner addresses Labour activists (Image: GETTY)
Katie Harris

Starmer and Rayner arrive for manifesto launch

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and his deputy Angela Rayner have arrived for the party's manifesto launch in Manchester.

Sir Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner (Image: GETTY)
Christian Calgie

Starmer to unveil manifesto shortly

I’m here at Co-op HQ in Manchester for the launch of Labour’s manifesto, which if the rest of their campaign is to go by, it is certain to be as unnewsworthy as Labour can manage

Expect few surprises, no radical offerings that could trip the party up, the ming vase will continue being carefully carried until election day.

The shadow cabinet is here in full and by all accounts there more of a buzz here than at the Tories’ launch, though that’s not surprising.

Sir Keir will be introduced by a “top secret” guest, though don’t go expecting an A-List celeb, it’s more likely an ordinary voter

Ciaran McGrath

'No plans' to reform council tax says Labour's campaign chief

Reforming council tax is "not something that we're planning to do", Labour's national campaign co-ordinator Pat McFadden said.

Pressed on why Labour is deciding not to recalculate council tax bands, Mr McFadden told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "Because the priority for us is to get the economy moving, to get our first steps in place, which are economic stability, cutting NHS waiting times, secure border plans, setting up GB Energy, cracking down on antisocial behaviour and having more teachers in our schools."

Asked if the public should expect spending cuts in future if Labour is elected, Mr McFadden said: "We refuse to accept defeat on these things. So we do believe, for example, reform to the planning rules to get the infrastructure we need, the roads, the railways, the labs, the data centres, the one-and-a-half million new homes, that can make a difference to growth.

"Labour market reforms, to make a better childcare offer to working parents so that they come back to work, that can make a difference to growth. Getting more of the long-term sick off benefits and into work could mean hundreds of thousands more people at work, matching emigration and skills policy, so that we do more to train our own workers, that can make a difference to growth."

Ciaran McGrath

Rishi Sunak all smiles as he poses with Italy's PM Giorgia Meloni

Rishi Sunak has been welcomed to Italy by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni upon arrival at the Borgo Egnazia resort for the G7 Summit hosted by Italy in the Apulia region.

Leaders of the G7 wealthy nations gather in southern Italy this week against the backdrop of global and political turmoil, with boosting support for Ukraine top of the agenda.

Rishi Sunak and Giorgia Meloni (Image: GETTY)
Ciaran McGrath

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Ciaran McGrath

'Sunak made a mistake,' says Cameron

Speaking on Good Morning Britain later, Lord Cameron said of Rishi Sunak's decision to skip a D-Day event in Normandy: "Prime ministers have to make lots of difficult decisions about when to go to things, and when to leave things, and who to see and all the rest of it.

"And to be fair to Rishi, he went to the key event in Portsmouth with all of the D-Day veterans in the UK, and then he went to the key event above the British Normandy beaches, that was again a beautiful event and he met lots of veterans there.

"Then he left to go back to the UK and then immediately said he had made a mistake and he had wished he had stayed, and I think we should should leave it there. Because that's the sort of guy he is, he made a mistake, instead of digging in and defending it, he said: 'actually, no, no, I got that one wrong I should've stayed'."

Ciaran McGrath

David Cameron lashes out at BBC's Emma Barnett for 'constant interrupting' in fiery clash

Former Prime Minster David Cameron accused BBC journalist Emma Barnett of “constantly interrupting” him in a tetchy interview during which she grilled him about the performance of Rishi Sunak, the current occupant of Number 10.

And the now-Foreign Secretary also insisted he “did not feel sorry” for Mr Sunak - while claiming he was paying the price for the twin impacts of the war in Ukraine and the pandemic.

Ms Barnett grilled Lord Cameron in the wake of last night’s Sky News interviews with Mr Sunak and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer.

At one point she asked him to respond to a clip of a former Conservative Party member who said she had “lost trust” in the party after Mr Sunak was handed a fixed penalty notice for breaking lockdown restrictions in 2022.

Ciaran McGrath

POLL: Should leaving the ECHR be a priority for the Tories?

The Conservative Party's manifesto, launched earlier this week, notably omitted any mention of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). In the manifesto, the Tories spoke of prioritizing the UK’s border security over the “jurisdiction of a foreign court, including the European Court of Human Rights.”

However, when pressed on the matter during the manifesto launch, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak did not commit to withdrawing from the ECHR if it fails to reform.

Penny Mordaunt, a prominent Conservative figure, has asserted that Britain must be prepared to leave the convention if necessary.

Speaking to The Telegraph, Mordaunt said: “As someone who campaigned to leave the EU, if you want to reform the practices of such institutions, you have to be prepared to leave them. I would, as my record shows.”

Have your say in our poll.

Ciaran McGrath

Labour manifesto 'will not contain tax surprises', insists Starmer prior to launch

Sir Keir Starmer will launch his full General Election offer this morning after saying it will not contain any "tax surprises" for voters.

Labour has said it will put "wealth creation" at the heart of the manifesto, with Sir Keir set to proclaim economic growth as his party's "core business".

The Labour leader will launch the document after polling showed he came out on top in the latest election broadcast event opposite Rishi Sunak - Sky News programme The Battle For No 10 on Wednesday night.

Roughly 64 percent of those polled said Sir Keir was the better performer, ahead of Mr Sunak who had the approval of 36 percent of 1,864 respondents.

The Prime Minister is meanwhile taking a break from campaigning and will head to a G7 summit in Puglia, Italy, where he is set to announce new funding for war-torn Ukraine.

Ciaran McGrath

Nigel Farage aims savage swipe at German police over WW2 song at Euros

Nigel Farage has issued a 15-word response to the controversy surrounding England fans singing the famous Ten German Bombers chant at the Euros this summer.

Speaking on LBC with Nick Ferrari, Farage was asked if it was right for England fans to sing the chant. He responded: "I know this is difficult for the Germans but please, get a sense of humour."

German police chief Peter Both previously responded to England fans chanting Ten German Bombers song at a friendly with Bosnia and Herzegovina.

He told the Express: “What we don’t accept in Germany is any kind of hostility to strangers, homophobic chants, discriminatory behaviour and showing the Hitler salute. This is absolutely unbearable and intolerable and criminal in Germany too."

Ciaran McGrath

Starmer ‘confusing’ voters with barely a third understanding Labour’s policy towards EU

Labour is baffling potential voters with barely one in three understanding what its policy towards the EU actually is - four years after the UK quit the bloc, a new poll has suggested.

The research, published by Savanta today, suggests leader Sir Keir Starmer will come under increasing pressure to “set his stall out” prior to polling day on July 4, said Political Research Director Chris Hopkins.

The findings come days after Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey said it was the party's "longer-term objective" to rejoin the European Union, and ahead of the Labour Party's planned manifesto launch this week.

Fewer than six in ten (57 percent) of those intending to vote Labour say they understand what Keir Starmer's policy is towards the EU.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer (Image: GETTY)
Katie Harris

Reform close to 'tipping point' of overtaking Tories - Farage

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage said his party was close to a "tipping point" where it would eclipse the Conservative Party.

He pointed to a poll for Sky News which put Reform just one point behind the Tories.

"I think we are very close to a tipping point," he told LBC Radio.

Katie Harris

Farage says he would be happy to lead merged Reform-Tory party

Nigel Farage revealed he would be happy to lead a Reform-Conservative merged party.

Asked if he would rule out leading the Tories, the Brexit architect told LBC: "I think something new is going to emerge on the centre-right, I don't know what it's called.

"But do I think I'm capable of leading a national opposition to a Labour Party with a big majority, where I can stand up and hold them to account on issues? Yes."

Pressed on if he would lead a merged party between Reform and the Tories, Mr Farage said: "Yes.

"I would be prepared to lead the centre-right in this country. A centre-right that stands up for business, that believes in borders and that isn't scared of standing up for the British people."

Nigel Farage took part on a phone-in on LBC (Image: PA)
Katie Harris

Farage vows not to 'surrender to mob'

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage said he was "not going to surrender to the mob" after being hit with a milkshake in Clacton and having objects thrown at him in Barnsley.

Mr Farage told LBC Radio he was more targeted than other politicians because he was prepared to walk into crowds and because he dared to "break the consensus" by talking about mass migration unlike his rivals.

He said: "They are scared of the mob. And do you know something? I am not going to surrender to the mob. Never."

Katie Harris

Streeting accuses Tories of 'cynical voter suppression tactic'

Wes Streeting accused the Tories of a "cynical voter suppression tactic" after Grant Shapps warned against handing Labour a "super majority".

The Defence Secretary yesterday warned it would be "very bad news" for the country if Sir Keir Starmer was able to enter No 10 with his power "unchecked" by Parliament.

But the shadow health secretary told Times Radio: "What he did yesterday was a cynical voter suppression tactic to say to people who want the Tories out: oh you don't actually need to bother to do that, cause everyone else is doing that, you can either stay at home or vote for one of the smaller parties without consequence or keep your nice friendly Conservative MP."

The Tory strategy, backed by a social media advertising campaign, is aimed at persuading would-be Reform UK voters not to risk handing Labour a majority which could eclipse even the 1997 landslide under Tony Blair.

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps (Image: GETTY)
Katie Harris

McFadden defends Starmer against 'robotic' claim

A "sober" and "serious" leader is what the country needs right now, Labour's Pat McFadden said.

Responding to claims that Sir Keir Starmer is "robotic" during a Sky News debate last night, Mr McFadden argued the Labour leader is not trying to be in the entertainment business.

The party's national campaign co-ordinator told GB News: "I think after the chaos that we have had over the past few years - five prime ministers, seven chancellors, all the changes in policy, the mad mini budget that we had that put up everybody's mortgages - a sober, serious leader is exactly what the country needs right now.

"I don't think he's trying to be in the entertainment business, he's trying to be a sober, serious leader, and that's what he'll be if he's elected on the fourth of July."

Katie Harris

Cameron insists Tories can still win election

Lord Cameron insisted the Conservative Party can still win the upcoming General Election.

The Foreign Secretary told Times Radio: “I remember fighting the election in 2015 and people said I didn’t have a chance and we were behind in the polls and we kept going and we had a clear plan, we had a strong team, and we came through and won the election.

“So anything is possible. I always think during elections, time spent talking about opinion polls is just time completely wasted because you don’t know whether they are right, I don’t know whether they are right and we will find out in 21 days.”

He also said Rishi Sunak is a good Prime Minister who is doing a good job during a difficult time.

Ciaran McGrath

Andrew Neil ridicules Keir Starmer over Sky TV claim

Andrew Neil called out Sir Keir Starmer for claiming he did not have Sky TV growing up.

The Labour leader said he "certainly" did not have Sky TV - which launched when he was 27 years old - when he was a child.

The row came after Rishi Sunak used it as an example of something he went without as a youngster when pressed about his wealth during an interview.

Mr Neil, a broadcaster who was the founding chairman of Sky TV, said on X: “I launched Sky TV in 1989, by which time Starmer was 27 – so obviously he didn’t have Sky growing up. Nobody his age did since it didn’t exist.

“Also, as the first executive chairman of Sky I can tell you with authority that working-class families were the first to adopt it."

Katie Harris

What to expect on the campaign trail on Thursday

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is heading to Manchester to launch his party's General Election manifesto.

Rishi Sunak is taking a break from campaigning to attend the G7 summit in Puglia, Italy.

The PM will be at the Borgo Egnazia resort until Saturday, where he will meet other G7 leaders - among them France's Emmanuel Macron, Germany's Olaf Scholz and US President Joe Biden.

There is also another seven-way TV debate tonight on ITV with Tory Penny Mordaunt, Labour's Angela Rayner, Reform UK leader Nigel Farage and SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn among those taking part.

Hannah Kane

Good morning!

Welcome to another day of election news. We'll be bringing you all the latest from the campaign trail.

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