Humiliation for SNP as bombshell poll released to mark 10th anniversary of Indyref failure

Voters are not impressed with the Government's record on health, housing, the economy and rural affairs.

By Mieka Smiles, News Reporter

Scottish Daily Politics 2024

A new poll has revealed that people aren't satified with the SNP. (Image: Getty)

A bombshell poll has left the SNP red faced as it was revealed that just three in 10 Scots have a favourable opinion of First Minister John Swinney.

The new survey also delivers a stinging assessment of the SNP government with voters unimpressed by their record on a wide range of issues including health, housing, the economy and rural affairs, reports the Scottish Daily Express.

The Survation poll, which was carried out on behalf of campaign group Scotland in Union, found that only 31 percent of voters are favourable towards the current First Minister with 36 percent unfavourable.

Only 32 percent said they thought that the government is performing well when it comes to the NHS, with similar negative verdicts for the economy (29 percent), housing (28 percent), and rural issues (29 percent).

Education was the highlight of the results, with people thinking that the government performed best in this area - but it still only returned a score of 38 percent of people thinking it does well.

Scottish Daily Politics 2024

The poll comes just days before the anniversary of the failed Scottish indepdence referendum. (Image: Getty)

The areas where people thought the SNP was doing particularly poorly were ferries (23 percent of people thinking the SNP is doing well in this area) and the figure slumped even further to 20 percent for combatting the issue of drug deaths.

The poll was commissioned to mark the 10th anniversary of the independence referendum, which took place on September 18, 2014. Scots voted by 55.3 percent to 44.7 percent in favour of the Union.

Alastair Cameron, founder and chair of Scotland in Union, urged Scots to make their feelings known at the ballot box when the country goes to the polls for a Holyrood election in 2026.

He said: "After 17 years of government, with all the powers of devolution at its disposal, this is a damning verdict on the SNP.

"This is the consequence of the nationalists’ obsession with the constitution and division, when they should be focused on what really matters to the people of Scotland."

He added: "There must be no more public money spent on the SNP’s negative campaign to leave the UK, and John Swinney must fully devote his time to fixing the mess his party has made of the NHS, the economy, and public services.

"At the next election, the people of Scotland will have the opportunity to move on from the failing SNP, by electing politicians who prioritise people’s real priorities."

Survation polled 1,021 people aged 16 and over in Scotland at the end of August for the survey.

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