PM Cameron will spell out tough EU demands next week

DAVID Cameron is set to publish his demands for EU reform early next week, a colleague said.

Prime Minister David CAmeronGETTY

The PM is under pressure from Brussels to spell out the changes he wants ahead of the UK referendum

The Prime Minister has been under pressure from Brussels and other European Union leaders to spell out the changes he wants ahead of the UK in-out referendum.

Last month he said he would “quicken the pace” of his renegotiation agenda by writing to European Council president Donald Tusk “at the start of November”.

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David Cameron is ready to set out though EU demands next week

Visiting Slovakia yesterday, Europe Minister David Lidington said: “Things will become clearer for everybody when the Prime Minister’s letter is published, which I expect in the first half of next week.”

Things will become clearer for everybody when the Prime Minister’s letter is published, which I expect in the first half of next week

Europe Minister David Lidington

Britain’s desired reforms are on the agenda for next month’s EU leaders’ summit in Brussels.

Mr Osborne and Mr Cameron want to opt out of the EU goal of seeking “ever closer union” between states.

They are also pushing for tough new rules banning EU migrants from claiming tax credits during their first four years in the UK.

Top 10 Facts About The EU

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Mr Osborne and Mr Cameron want to opt out of the EU goal of seeking 'ever closer union'

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