Ken Livingstone: Jeremy Corbyn ally slams British Armed Forces as 'discredited'

LABOUR was plunged into further turmoil last night after former London Mayor Ken Livingstone suggested British troops should not go to Syria because they are “discredited”.

Former London mayor Ken LivingstonePA/GETTY

Former London mayor Ken Livingstone has refused to give his support for air strikes in Syria

Mr Livingstone, who has been put in joint charge of a review of Labour’s defence policy, suggested Chinese forces should go instead. 

He made the comments as he backed Jeremy Corbyn’s opposition to air strikes against Islamic State in Syria, a stance which has provoked civil war in the party. 

The US, France and allied warplanes are already pounding IS targets in Syria and David Cameron wants Britain to join the action. 

Arguing that bombing could not work without troops on the ground, Mr Livingstone told LBC radio: “We cannot put British troops on the ground because they are too discredited after Iraq and Afghanistan. 

“But we should look to countries like China. I think China would jump at the opportunity to be involved because it would bring them on to the global stage. They’ve got millions of troops.” 

David CameronGETTY

David Cameron met with British troops at RAF Northolt earlier this week

There have already been demands for Mr Livingstone to be removed from the policy review – which he co-convenes with shadow defence secretary Maria Eagle – after he said shadow defence minister Kevan Jones needed “psychiatric help”. 

Last night Prime Minister David Cameron condemned Mr Livingstone’s comments. 

Speaking at a press conference at the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Malta, Mr Cameron said: “The person who frankly seems to be letting himself down is Ken Livingstone.” 

Labour MP John Woodcock urged Mr Livingstone to “clarify” his comments, and said his suggestion about Chinese troops was “not in any way credible”. 

He added: “Given his role in Labour’s defence review, I hope Ken Livingstone will clarify that he does not believe that the UK’s superb Armed Forces were in any way discredited by recent engagements.” 

Russian air strikes in SyriaREUTERS

Jeremy Corbyn is facing a revolt within his own party after refusing to back Syrian air strikes

The episode is set to pile further pressure on the calamitous Labour leader who has been accused of trying to use his grassroots powerbase to “bounce” the shadow cabinet into opposing Mr Cameron’s call for air strikes.

The odds on Mr Corbyn leaving his post were yesterday shortened from 10/11 to 3/10. 

“He simply can’t carry on for much longer,” said one Labour MP. 

“This is clearly the beginning of the end. We cannot possibly have the situation where Corbyn ends up in the opposite division lobby to the chief whip.” 

On Friday, four senior Labour MPs broke cover to claim that Mr Corbyn’s leadership of the party was “unsustainable”, as his own deputy became the latest shadow cabinet minister to defy him on British military action in Syria. 

Tom Watson and Jeremy CorbynGETTY

Labour deputy Tom Watson has reportedly clashed with Corbyn over the proposed intervention in Syria

Tom Watson gave his public backing to shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn, who said the threat of IS meant Britain should join air strikes. 

Asked if that made his position untenable, he replied pointedly: “I am the deputy leader of the Labour Party with a mandate.” 

Some of Mr Corbyn’s team still hope they can persuade enough Labour MPs to back their opposition to air strikes over the weekend before a second meeting of the shadow cabinet tomorrow. 

But others believe he will have no choice but to offer Labour MPs a free vote on the issue when a vote is called by the Government.

Syria: Russian Air Force bombers strike IS positions

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