Prince Harry’s ‘UNHAPPINESS’ at having his media affairs handled by senior royals

PRINCE HARRY is “unhappy” at having his own media affairs handled by senior royals, a royal expert said.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Meghan Markle inspired Prince Harry to be 'hippie' says Wootton

and Meghan Markle’s new official household office will be based at Buckingham Palace and their communication team will report directly to the ’s Communication Secretary. This move has been perceived by many royal commentators as the monarch’s desire for seasoned hands to have more control over what the Sussexes do and say, after the Duchess seemed to allow five of her friends to speak to the American People magazine. This is not the first time Prince Harry sees his communications closely controlled by another senior royal. 

Up until 2008, Prince Harry and Prince William’s media affairs were handled by Prince Charles’s team at Clarence House.

This lack of independence used to upset the youngest son of Prince Charles, according to Duncan Larcombe, author of Prince Harry: The Inside Story.

He wrote: “For several years the boys had been desperate to have their own press officer, someone with whom they could work and get to know and trust. 


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Prince Harry was 'unhappy' when his media affairs were handled by his father, a royal expert said (Image: GETTY)

“Harry, in particular, was unhappy with the advice and guidance he was given by the men in grey suits who were, after all, employed by and answerable to his father.

“He felt that both he and William should have their own press secretary, to whom they could turn in a crisis and whose advice would be helpful the rest of the time.”

While it was considered normal for the boys to have their communications handled by their father while they were still in school, Harry and William grew uneasy about Clarence House’s PR team once they started their adult lives and military careers.

The so-called “last straw” for Harry came with the verdict of the inquest regarding Princess Diana’s death, Mr Larcombe said. 

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Prince Harry in Afghanistan in 2008 (Image: GETTY)

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Prince Charles's communication team handled the media affairs of Harry and William until 2008 (Image: GETTY)

He wrote: “The last straw was the handling of the fall-out from Princess Diana’s inquest verdict.

“William and Harry felt let down by the fact they were told what to say and how to react to a verdict which covered an issue so close to their hearts.”

In April 2008, 11 years after her tragic death in Paris, the jury looking into what happened on the night between August 31 and September 1 1997 ruled the Princess of Wales and her lover Dodi Fayed had been killed by a combination of the driving of their Mercedes by their chauffeur Henri Paul and the driving of vehicles following them.

The princes clearly pressed their father to become more independent, as a month after the publication of the verdict Buckingham Palace put up a job opening for a press secretary for and Harry. 

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Prince Harry and William chose Miguel Head as their personal press secretary (Image: GETTY)

The man appointed for the job, Miguel Head, was chosen by William and Harry for his background in the Ministry of Defence and his young age.

The royal author wrote: “He had a far more approachable manner than some of the Prince of Wales’s media team at Clarence House.

“He was far closer to the boys age, which must have come as a breath of fresh air after years dealing with people more than twice as old.

“He had worked for the Ministry of Defence for long enough to build up good working relationship with journalists and was seen as someone the media could work with, rather than battle against.”    

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