Kate heartbreak: Duchess opens up on lockdown sadness in raw comment - 'I miss them'

KATE, Duchess of Cambridge, revealed she hasn't her family in months, admitting she is missing the Middletons.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Kate Middleton narrates short film reflecting on Wimbledon

Kate opened up on her own personal struggles during the months-long lockdown while carrying out her first face-to-face royal engagement on June 18. Speaking about her own family, the Middletons, the Duchess of Cambridge revealed she has yet to have a socially-distanced meeting with them as they live too far from her Norfolk residence, Hello! magazine wrote. 

Speaking to Fakenham Garden Centre owners, Kate said: "I've yet to see my family as they're about three hours away in Berkshire, so I haven't seen them and I miss them."

Kate, Prince William and their three children have been self-isolating since late March at Anmer Hall, their residence in Sandringham.

During her visit to the Fakenham Garden Centre, the Duchess also revealed she abided by the lockdown rules over the past three months.

Kate revealed that, until her royal visit, she had rarely left her home for anything else than shopping for food. 

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Kate revealed she misses her family (Image: GETTY)

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Kate opened up on her own personal struggles during the months-long lockdown (Image: GETTY)

She told the centre's owners Martin and Jennie Turner: “I’ve been food shopping but I have to say I haven’t been out a huge amount more but it’s good and so important, now as things start to ease, people know they can go out and particularly to places like this.”

During their trips to the local supermarkets, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have noticed the impact coronavirus and fears of spreading COVID-19 have had on human relationships.

She said: “When we do our food shopping we notice that everyone keeps their head down and it’s hard for that social interaction.”

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Kate's parents Michael and Carole attending Prince Louis's christening (Image: GETTY)

During her royal engagement, aiming to boost confidence in shoppers following months of lockdown and learn more about the impact of the virus on local businesses, the Duchess also revealed she and her children are regulars at the garden centre.

Speaking about Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis's take on the shop, Kate said: “They love it.

“It’s such a great space for children and families to come to garden centres."


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Kate has resumed face-to-face engagements (Image: GETTY)

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Kate visited Fakenham Garden Centre earlier this month (Image: GETTY)

Her children, Kate revealed, enjoy gardening and have had the chance to have a go at it during the lockdown.

She said: “They were very excited to grow them from seeds and now they’re as tall as them."

The Duchess has often advocated in favour of the great outdoors and how spending time outside in contact with nature benefit youngsters' mental health.

During her visit she said: “It’s come up in so many different conversations whether it’s food, volunteering, and in all the mental health work that we’ve been doing, about how everyone is benefiting from being outside. 

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Kate and Prince William have been self-isolating since March in Norfolk (Image: EXPRESS)

“So yes, they’ve been in lockdown but loads of families have been out on walks, more than they would do, outside.”

Kate's engagement to the local garden centre was followed the day after by Prince William's visit to the Bakers, a popular bakery in King’s Lynn which has been serving the area for 50 years.

The Duchess isn't the only member of the Royal Family who has expressed sadness after being apart from relatives for weeks. 

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Kate's parents live in Berkshire (Image: GETTY)

During an interview earlier this month with Sky News, Prince Charles admitted he misses hugging his loved ones.

The Prince of Wales said he has remained in touch with family members via video calls, but he said: "I've been doing the Facetime, is all very well but...

"You really want to give people a hug."    

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