Meghan Markle row erupts: Palace hits back & DENIES birth cert claim - Meghan contradicted

ROYAL insiders have hit back at Meghan Markle after she said the change made to Archie Harrison's birth certificate had been "dictated" by Buckingham Palace.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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A Buckingham Palace insider has denied Meghan had been forced to make change to Archie's birth certificate 19 days after it was first issued. In an attempt to set the record straight after the Duchess of Sussex's statement on the issue, a royal insider said: "The certificate was changed by the former office of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex." 

Speaking to the Daily Mail, they added: "It was changed to ensure consistency of the name and title of the Duchess with other private documents".

Another source, who also denied a request to change the birth certificate had come from Buckingham Palace, branded Meghan's decision to use the word "dictated" in her strongly-worded statement "unfortunate". 

Dismissing claims the document had been altered to follow royal protocol, the source told the Daily Mirror: "There is no set protocol with these things.

"The language used suggesting it was 'the Palace' who 'dictated' it is somewhat unfortunate, as it certainly wasn't addressed like that. 

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Meghan Markle news: A royal insider replied to Meghan Markle's latest statement (Image: GETTY)

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Meghan Markle news: Archie was born in May 2019 (Image: GETTY)

"The statement and its wording poses more questions than it answers unfortunately."

This rebuttal came after Lady Colin Campbell noticed Meghan's names had been removed from Archie's birth certificate. 

The little Sussex was born on May 6 2019 following an overnight dash at London's Portland Hospital. 

The birth certificate was released on May 17 and presented the Duchess' two names - Rachel Meghan - and her title, reading: "Rachel Meghan Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex".

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Meghan Markle news: Meghan said the change to Archie's birth certificate had been dictated by the palace (Image: GETTY)

Prince Harry's name field read: "His Royal Highness Henry Charles Albert David Duke of Sussex".

However, 19 days later, on June 5, changes were submitted to both Meghan and Harry's name fields.

Prince Harry added the title of "prince", which had originally been left out.


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Meghan Markle news: Kate has her full name and title on her children's birth certificate (Image: GETTY)

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Meghan Markle news: Princess Diana only added her title on Prince William's birth certificate (Image: GETTY)

On the other hand, Meghan's name field was edited to leave only her full title. 

Precedents within the Firm show there isn't a set way for royal parents to file their names on their newborn's birth certificate. 

The documents of all three children of Kate and Prince William present the Duchess' name and title, reading: "Catherine Elizabeth Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge". 

However, Prince William's birth certificate only presented Princess Diana's title, reading: "Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales". 

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Meghan Markle news: Meghan and Harry got married in Windsor in 2018 (Image: EXPRESS)

Following the discovery, Lady C told The Sun: “It is extraordinary and raises all kinds of questions about what the Sussexes were thinking.” 

Royal author Ingrid Seward called the change to the birth certificate "unprecedented", adding it could be seen as a "sign" Meghan and Harry "were desperate to do something different to the Cambridges."

The Sun also added this edit could be seen either as a snub to the Cambridges or a tribute to Princess Diana. 

Shortly after the story of the birth certification broke, a spokeswoman for Meghan issued a statement. 

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Meghan Markle news: Meghan and Prince Harry introducing their son to the world on May 8 2019 (Image: GETTY)

She said: "The change of name on public documents in 2019 was dictated by The Palace, as confirmed by documents from senior Palace officials.

"This was not requested by Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex nor by The Duke of Sussex."

Meghan said the suggestion "she would oddly want to be nameless on her child’s birth certificate, or any other legal document, would be laughable were it not offensive."

She added: "There’s a lot going on in the world - let’s focus on that rather than creating clickbait."

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