Royal Family accused of becoming 'branch of celebrity culture' - and appeal is 'limited'

THE Royal Family "has become a branch of celebrity culture", a commentator has claimed.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Prince Harry: Queen ‘will feel a little let down’ says pundit

Members of the Royal Family are competing with celebrities as they also rely on personal stories and need to appear in the press to keep people interested in them, according to republican campaigner Graham Smith. In a blistering attack on the Firm, the CEO of Republic told "Ultimately, the monarchy has become a branch of celebrity culture more than anything and that's a difficult one for them to compete in.

"People don't care about monarchy as an idea, the Queen is the monarch, she is the person that people think of when they think of the monarchy.

"I have heard so many people saying 'I like the Queen but the rest of them not so much' and so the rest of the royals are not trying to sustain support by being part of the institution so much as being celebrities who will be on covers of the magazines, there will be stories about them in the press.

"And I think their appeal as celebrities is limited to say the least."

Asked whether he believes the monarchy has lost its mystery and lustre, Mr Smith said: "Yes, absolutely.

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A commentator has claimed the Royal Family has become a branch of celebrity culture (Image: GETTY)

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The Queen acceded to the throne in 1952 (Image: GETTY)

"One of the things celebrities rely on is personal stories, access, all of that is gossip, if that is what they are reduced to I think they will continue to take the shine off who they are.

"But also if they resist that and try to limit their exposure that will cause people to lose interest."

The harsh take on the monarchy by Mr Graham, who campaigns for the election of the UK's next head of state, has been attacked by a royal commentator.

Richard Fitzwilliams believes one of the things that set apart celebrities and royals is the "deep loyalty" the monarchy commands. 

READ MORE: 'Queen is best thing about our country!' Fury at anti-monarchy stunt

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The Queen delivered a heartfelt speech to the country in April 2020 (Image: GETTY)

The royal expert told "A great many people are fascinated by celebrities and in an age of social media that interest has grown.

"However, an institution with a history of over a thousand years and which is so intricately connected with the fabric of the country, is obviously not simply an extension of one of the most superficial aspects of contemporary life."

Mr Fitzwilliams continued saying the institution of monarchy is "pivotal as a symbol of national unity and above party politics".

This, he said, was clearly seen during the pandemic, in particular in April 2020 when the monarch issued a poignant and personal statement urging people to look positively at the future and to rest assure they would meet their loved ones again.


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Prince Charles is the heir to the throne (Image: GETTY)

He added: "The Queen's unifying broadcasts during the pandemic are an excellent recent example of this.

"The monarch's powers 'to be advised, encourage and warn', the weekly audiences with the Prime Minister, the speech from the throne and the Christmas broadcast, which is in her own words, this is our unwritten Constitution at its best.

"It operates with public support, backing for a republic is and has always been low.

"The interest is worldwide, there is far more in the British Royal Family than in any other, as we see in jubilees and weddings and this is beneficial for Britain, through tourism, for charities which have royal links and through royal trips abroad which bring both goodwill and help business.

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The royals' family tree (Image: EXPRESS)

"So, in my view, we get a bargain."

A YouGov poll carried out between March 12 and May 7 on 4997 British adults showed the majority of the population still overwhelmingly supports the monarchy.

Asked 'Do you think Britain should continue to have a monarchy in the future, or should it be replaced with an elected head of state?', 61 percent of Britons across all age groups responded in favour of the monarchy, 24 percent said to want an elected head of state and 15 percent said they didn't know.

However, the support to the institution appears to have decreased among youngsters over the past two years.

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Kate and Prince William during a royal engagement in 2019 (Image: GETTY)

When are analysed only the responses given by people aged between 18 and 24, 41 percent of the youngsters said they wanted an elected head of state against 31 percent supporting the monarchy.

The republican support among young people was up from a similar YouGov survey carried out between October and November 2019 on 4870 UK adults showed.

At the time, 46 percent of young people surveyed backed the monarchy while 26 percent said to be in favour of a head of state.

The remaining 28 percent responded they didn't know whether they favoured a monarchy or a republic.

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