Princess Charlene health news: Prince Albert shares 'hope' with rare update on his wife

PRINCE ALBERT of Monaco shared his hope to be reunited with his wife Princess Charlene very soon as he provided an update on her recovery.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Princess Charlene learned how to ‘control' emotions says expert

Prince Albert opened up on the princess' health in a new interview, three weeks after the Monegasque royal palace issued its latest official statement regarding Charlene's recovery. Albert spoke in encouraging terms about his wife's wellbeing - and shared his "hope" for the near future.

Speaking to Monaco-Matin newspaper, the prince said: "Princess Charlene is doing much better, and I hope she will be back in the Principality very soon."

This update is in line with the information provided by the Monegasque palace in late January.

Announcing Princess Charlene was to miss this year's celebrations for St Devote Day, the principality's patron saint, the statement read: "The convalescence of H.S.H. Princess Charlene is currently continuing in a satisfying and very encouraging way."

The palace added the royal was undergoing dental treatment, a detail not previously shared with the public. 

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Princess Charlene is recovering at a treatment facility outside of Monaco (Image: GETTY)

princess charlene health news prince albert update treatment facility monaco royal latest

Princess Charlene and Prince Albert got married ten years ago (Image: GETTY)

While Charlene's response to treatment was positive, her recovery and treatment would "still take several weeks", the statement added.

It also read: "The princess will unfortunately not be able to attend the Saint Dévote festivities this year.

"With her husband H.S.H. Prince Albert II, she shares her heart with all Monegasques and residents on the occasion of these celebrations.

"As soon as her health will allow, it will be with joy that the Princess once again share moments of conviviality with them." 

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princess charlene health news prince albert update treatment facility monaco royal latest

Princess Charlene and Prince Albert on their wedding day (Image: GETTY)

Princess Charlene's health woes began in May, during a planned trip to South Africa.

While she was meant to remain in the country she grew up in for less than a fortnight to carry out conservation work with her foundation, Princess Charlene remained grounded there for six months after developing a severe ENT infection.

During her forced stay in South Africa, she underwent several medical visits and procedures - with the last surgery taking place in early October.

Being away from Monaco meant Charlene was not able to spend her 10th wedding anniversary with Albert in July or accompany her twin children Jaques and Gabriella to school on their first day in September. 


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Princess Charlene remained stuck in South Africa for six months (Image: GETTY)

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Prince Albert has been carrying out royal duties without Charlene for several months (Image: GETTY)

Prince Albert and his children made up for Charlene's absence in the principality by travelling twice to South Africa during her stay in the country.

They also remained in close connection throughout the six months through video and phone calls, as revealed on Instagram by Charlene.

Princess Charlene eventually returned to Monaco in early November.

But, a few days after she celebrated her family reunion with a post on Instagram, the Monegasque palace announced Charlene would continue not to undertake royal duties as she needed to recover from "profound general fatigue". 

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Monarchies in Europe (Image: EXPRESS)

Later on that same month, Prince Albert revealed his wife had been admitted to a treatment facility after it became apparent she was struggling to cope with royal and private life alike.

He told People magazine: "She was clearly exhausted, physically and emotionally.

"She was overwhelmed and couldn't face official duties, life in general or even family life."

Dismissing rumours of issues within his marriage and that Charlene's health woes were cancer or Covid related, Albert said the princess herself had come to the conclusion she needed professional help. 

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Princess Charlene and Prince Albert have two children - Jaques and Gabriella (Image: GETTY)

He said: "She was already in favour of it. We knew that. We only wanted it confirmed in front of us.

"We wanted to tell her that we love her so much, and that we were there for her, and that the most important aspect for her is her health.

"That she shouldn't worry about anything else. That we all love her, that her children love her, and that we only want the best for her."   

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