Covid forces Queen to cancel video audiences

The Queen is due to speak to Boris Johnson by phone this evening. (Image: PA/Steve Parsons)

THE Queen pulled out of her virtual engagements yesterday because she was suffering from the cold-like symptoms of Covid.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Queen cancels planned virtual engagements due to covid

Aides had warned privately that the 95-year-old monarch, who tested positive on Sunday, might have to cancel video audiences if she had a sore throat, blocked nose or similar ailments. She has more appointments planned for the rest of the week.


A Palace spokesman said: "As Her Majesty is still experiencing mild, cold-like symptoms, she has decided not to undertake her planned virtual engagements today but will continue with light duties."

The Queen is due to speak to Boris Johnson by phone this evening for their weekly audience and she also has planned video meetings with diplomats today.

The Queen, who will be 96 in April, usually holds formal meetings on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and keeps the other days free, apart from her daily duty of going through her red boxes and speaking to staff.

She is due to host a major reception at Windsor Castle on March 2 for hundreds of London-based foreign embassy staff.

She plans to attend the annual Commonwealth Service at Westminster Abbey on March 14 and then the Duke of Edinburgh's memorial service, also at the Abbey, on March 29.


Aides have stressed that the monarch, who is understood to be triple vaccinated, has only experienced mild symptoms of Covid.

They have also suggested that her doctors are likely to be treating her with anti-viral drugs. Professor Sir Huw Thomas, head of the Medical Household and physician to the Queen, is expected to be in charge of her care.

The Queen, who on February 6 became the first British sovereign to reign for 70 years, tested positive for the virus after an outbreak among her staff at Windsor Castle.

Prince Charles also tested positive on February 10.

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