Princess Kate's very relatable daily routine - from school run to evening treat

Despite being a member of one of the world's most-famous families, the Princess of Wales appears to have a very relatable routine - particularly in her role as mum to her three little ones.

By Lauren Welch, Royal Reporter based in London

Princess Kate's daily routine has been revealed (Image: GETTY)

Kate, the Princess of Wales officially became a member of the Royal Family in April 2011 after marrying Prince William in a lavish ceremony in London.


She has often been praised for the way she handled adapting to life in one of the world's most-famous families, despite not having been brought up as a royal.

As well as adapting to life alongside William, Kate quickly carved her path as Britain's Queen-in-Waiting.

Although many may believe that her daily routine would be strikingly different, details have emerged of her typical day showing that it is very relatable.

Here delves into what a day in the life of the Princess of Wales typically looks like.


Kate typically wakes up somewhere between 6.30am and 7am, like many parents, before her children.

Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis wake up to begin their busy days at school, with Kate then preparing breakfast for the trio.

While tending to the children's breakfast, the royal prepares her own healthy green smoothie for her morning meal.

This typically includes raw vegetables like spinach and kale, as well as spices like coriander and turmeric.

Unlike the late Queen, Kate prefers to dress without the assistance of a dresser - also opting to shop for clothes herself.


Once dressed, its time to drop the three young royals to school. Charlotte and her brothers currently attend Lambrook School in Berkshire.

Kate will then head out to run any errands that she needs doing, with the royal even opting to do the shopping herself.

When the family lived in London, Kate - with a bodyguard following behind - would choose to go to one of the upmarket grocers to get the family's food shop in Kensington.

Kate, pictured with William, is a busy mother-of-three (Image: PA)
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After returning from the shops, Kate will then unpack the shopping before heading to the gym.

Although their home is equipped with a gym, and the royal loving her exercise routine, Kate is known for her love of the outdoors.

She has been known to take the family's dog, Lupo, for up to three walks a day at either the local park or the Palace grounds.

According to author Tina Brown, Kate apparently makes secret solo trips to well-known museums and art galleries in her spare time.

These typically occur in the early morning, when the royal can do these things in private.

Kate and William usually attend royal engagements during the afternoon (Image: PA)


During the afternoon, it is time to pick up George, Charlotte and Louis from school.

Like their mum, the trio are known to love the outdoors so will use time to run around the garden, while Kate prepares dinner.

If Prince William is at home, Kate will be likely to spend time with him in the afternoon.

If it is a day full of work, Kate is known to use the afternoon, as well as into the evening, tending to royal responsibilities.

Ever the social butterfly, Kate may also opt to meet friends or play some tennis or take lessons with her coach during the afternoons.

Kate enjoys preparing the family meals in the evening (Image: PA)


The royal will typically serve the family dinner at 6pm.

One of William's favourite meals that Kate prepares is one with roast chicken.

Once the children are in bed, William and Kate enjoy watching a film or talk about the day's events.

On the rare occasion, the couple venture out to the local pub, with Kate typically opting for a wine.