Queen greeted by thousands of royal fans at Windsor Castle to celebrate 90th birthday


The Queen arrives at Windsor Castle

THE Queen has arrived to rapturous applause from thousands of cheering well-wishers who lined the streets of Windsor today to wish her a happy 90th birthday.

By Rebecca PerringRichard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Hundreds of loyal royal fans cheered as the monarch, who is 90 today, stepped from her car in front of the Henry VIII gate.

The pavements were packed with flag-waving, union-Jack wearing royalists all acclaiming the monarch on her milestone.


Her arrival was marked by a rendition of Happy Birthday by the Band of the Coldstream Guards.

A rendition of Happy Birthday and "Happy Birthday dear Queenie"erupted from the crowds as the hundreds of well wishers first caught sight of the Queen.

She was accompanied by her husband of more than 68 years, the Duke of Edinburgh, who himself turns 95 in June. 


The Queen looked elegant in citrus green

The Queen greets crowds in Windsor on her 90th Birthday

Her Majesty looked elegant in an Angela Kelly citrus green wool and silk weave coat and dress and the hat to match adorned with flowers. 

The Queen was driven in her burgundy Bentley through the Advance Gate of Windsor Castle before getting out at the King Henry VIII gate.

The Coldstream Guards band played her Happy Birthday before she started a 100 yard walkabout down Castle Hill.

As the Queen walked down Castle Hill, many people gave her flowers and gifts. 


Jim Fairman, 70, from Lightwater, Surrey, was the first person she came to. 

He said: "She came to me first. 

"I gave her a framed picture of her and Princess Margaret when Her Majesty was 17 or 18 and her sister was a little younger. It was taken against the wall of Windsor Castle. 

"I was delighted! She made my day."


The Queen receives flowers and gifts from well-wishers
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The Queen, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, slowly made her way down each side of Castle Hill. 

After she had been greeted by waiting dignitaries she smiled as the Coldstream Guards played Happy Birthday. 

She rarely spoke to any of the well-wishers shouting "Happy Birthday" from the side-lines. 

Instead she smiled, nodded her head in thanks and passed all the gifts and flowers to her ladies-in-waiting. 

The delighted crowd sang "Happy Birthday dear Queenie" as she walked past. 

Super-fans Terry Hutt, 81, and Margaret Tyler, 72, camped overnight in their Union Jack outfits to wish the Queen 'Many Happy Returns'. 

Ms Tyler said: "I gave her a birthday cake. I had to give it to her lady-in-waiting as it was so heavy, which amused the Queen." 

Mr Hutt said: "I told her she looked younger than ever and she smiled and said 'Thank you'.

"She looks gorgeous in green." 

Town crier Tony Appleton, 80, from Chelmsford, had been at the Lindo Wing when Prince George and Princess Charlotte was born and had had a new uniform specially made for today. 

He said: "I said to Her Majesty I introduced your two great-grandchildren to the world. 

"She laughed and said "Oh did you?' 

"It's made my life! I had my uniform made specially today from royal tailor GD Golding. It's an amazing day." 

After recieving flowers, gifts and greetings she met royal historian Hugo Vickers just beyond the Queen Victoria monument on the T-junction with Windsor's High Street.

There, two naval cadets helped her unveil the Queen's Walkway plaque, marking a four-mile walking  trail connecting Windsor's most significant attractions

Before, an aide said: "She'll give it a tug but the cadets will do the heavy lifting." 


The Queen turned 90 today

During the official opening two trumpeters playef a fanfare.  

After bidding Mr Vickers farewell, the Queen and Prince Philip continued  down the High Street for another 80 yards to the Guildhall, built by Thomas Fitch in 1690 and the scene of two notable recent weddings - Charles and Camilla's and Elton John and David Furnish.

In the Cornmarket, the portico area at the front of the Guildhall, the Queen  Military Wives, fellow nonagenarians from the surrounding area and was given an official birthday cake by Bake Off winner NadiyaHussain.

Then she got into an "open state review" open Land Rover-dubbed the 'Queenmobile' for a drive through the streets of Windsor.

The open-top vehicle was used last year in Wales.


A gun fires during a 41 gun royal salute to mark the 90th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II a

The Queen remarked that it was a "lovely day" as she unveiled a plaque marking The Queen's Walkway at the foot of Castle Hill during her walkabout.

Hugo Vickers, of The Outdoor Trust, showed the sovereign the plaque which was temporarily standing on the main road through the town centre.

Mr Vickers said: "She was terribly happy with the beautiful weather and the lovely occasion.

"She said it was a lovely day."

He added that "she loved the panel. Prince Philip said it wouldn't last long if we left it there."

The Queen's Walkway is a 6.3km (4 mile) self-guided trail - mapped out with bronze EIIR crested markers connecting 63 points of significance in the town of Windsor - such as the castle's Henry VIII Gate and the Guildhall where the Prince of Wales married the Duchess of Cornwall in 2005.

The Queen was greeted by Lord-lieutenant James Puxley and his wife, Windsor and Maidenhead's mayor Councillor Eileen Quick and her husband Rev John Quick.

It was designed by The Outdoor Trust to symbolically recognise the moment that Elizabeth II became Britain's longest reigning monarch on September 9 2015 after more than 63 years on the throne.


The Queen and Prince Phillip on her birthday

A group of 20 nonagenarians and almost nonagenarians were also waiting to greet the Queen.

Yetta Jacobs, who celebrated her 90th birthday on February 11, was evacuated to Windsor in 1939 from London's East End

"I think she just said 'hello'' she recalled after their meeting.

"I told her I was evacuated to Windsor and she asked if I liked it and I said yes"

Rosamund Fulawka, who was 90 two weeks ago on April 10 and from Ascot, said: "The Queen said to me 'You were all born in a lovely vintage year (1926)' "That was a lovely thing to say.

"My father was in the Grenadier guards for 32 years, so I told her about that." 

Ascot pharmacist June Martin MBE, 89, will be 90 on April 30. 

She received her MBE for services to the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead from the Queen. 

She still works at Ascot district day centre for the elderly in Sunninghill. 

Ms Martin said: "I open on a Saturday for the very frail and elderly. I give respite care to carers. 

"That's my secret: always do something! 

"I think the Queen is quite diffident and shy actually. 

"I told her 'We all think you're wonderful' and she looked very bashful. 

"Prince Philip asked were I was born. 

"I said Ipswich 

"He said 'Why did you migrate?' 

"I laughed and said my father's job - he worked for a clothing firm that moved to Nottingham then eventually moved to Sunningdale. 

"I thought she looked wonderful and she's just amazing. Luminous skin." 

The mother-of-one's husband Dr Bernard Martin died 13 years ago. 

Queen meets well-wishers on Windsor walkabout

It was a walkabout which also turned into a royal drive-by, when the Queen delighted the crowds by travelling standing up in a review car.

As a finale, she slowly travelled down the street and a side road in the highly-polished burgundy vehicle, smiling and waving to the hundreds of members of the public.

She last used the car for a review of the Royal Regiment of Wales in the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff last year.

The Queen spent the morning of her birthday in private at her much-loved Berkshire castle - the family home of the nation's sovereigns for more than 1,000 years.

She went on to mark her special day by carrying out public duties, including opening a walkway created in her honour and carrying out a walkabout through Windsor town.

Terror police today  ramped up security in Windsor during the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations. 

Officers were pictured inspecting service hatches along the streets of west London as Her Majesty arrived for a walkabout. 

Gun salute marks Queen Elizabeth II's 90th birthday

The Queen earlier kicked off her birthday celebrations today with a visit to a post office in Windsor.

There she was serenaded with a chorus of happy birthday from well-wishers.

A set of stamps was also released for the landmark. 

One showed the Queen seated alongside heirs to the throne, Princes Charles, William and George.

The youngest prince was pictured standing on a pile of books.