Prince George and Princess Charlotte ‘BANNED’ from top table royal dinners for THIS reason

PRINCE George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis will be forbidden to sit with their parents during official royal dinners until they have mastered their conversation skills, it has been claimed.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Princess Charlotte: Her cutest moments over the last year

The younger members of the Cambridge’s have to follow royal rules just like any other members of the British royalty.

One of these includes sitting far from their parents Kate Middleton and Prince William at official events until they have learnt the “art of polite conversation”, magazine Harper’s Bazaar claimed.

This means that until the young princes and princess have acquired a way with words, they will have to sit down at the children’s table with other royal toddlers, where they won’t have to worry too much about social conventions and table manners.

This rule would go along with another one recounted by a former royal chef, who claimed that during the Christmas Days he was employed at the palace, young princes and princesses ate in the nurseries. 

Darren McGrady, who cooked seven Christmas dinners during his time working for the Queen and Princess Diana, told Hello! royals would not sit at the dining table with adults “until they were old enough to conduct themselves properly”.

He added: "So for the Queen there was never a case of putting a high chair at the table with a little baby squealing and throwing food.

“The children's place was in the nursery and Nanny would take care of them.

“It's your modern day Downton Abbey." 

prince george prince charlotte prince louis kate middleton prince william royal family

Younger members of the Cambridge's can't sit with their parents at official dinners, it was claimed (Image: GETTY)

Prince George, 4, Princess Charlotte, 3 and Prince Louis are also to follow other rules which include being fluent in at least two languages.

As any other British royal woman, she will soon be expected to sit down keeping legs, knees and ankles together and never crossing her legs.

Her mother, the Duchess of Cambridge, perfected the “Duchess slant”.

Myka Meier, a royal etiquette expert, explained the posture saying: "It is the perfect pose for when a camera is shooting directly in front of you because by slightly slanting the knees to create a zig-zag effect when wearing a dress or skirt, your legs are angled so that the camera only shoots the sides of your legs and protects your modesty." 

prince george prince charlotte prince louis kate middleton prince william royal family

Princess Charlotte won everyone's heart waving like a royal outside the Lindo Wing (Image: GETTY)

The little princess has already mastered the art of waving like a royal at her visit to newborn Prince Louis at the Lindo Wing and in Windsor at her uncle Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Royal Wedding.

But she will also have to learn how to curtsey in front of her grandmother, the Queen. has contacted Kensington Palace, which said it won’t comment on the story.

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