Iran earthquake: Massive magnitude 5.7 quake hits Fars Province - Latest updates

Iran earthquake: Massive magnitude 5.7 quake hits Fars Province - Latest updates (Image: USGS)

IRAN has been rocked by a major earthquake, as a powerful magnitude 5.7 tremor hit the southern part of the country.

Iran: 5.7 magnitude earthquake shakes Fars Province

A powerful earthquake rocked an area located 22 km from the city of Beyram at 21:48 local time, (18:18 GMT), in Iran's Fars Province. The tremor was so strong that it was felt in the neighbouring countries of Qatar and Bahrain, according to Earthquake Report.


The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the tremor hit 10 kilometres beneath the surface.

There have been no immediate reports regarding injuries to civilians or damage to buildings.

Several people reported their experience of the tremor to seismic monotoring servive Volcano Discovery.

One person from Qatar wrote: " Tile floor was creaking and popping and it sounded like a sandstorm was hitting the outside windows of the apartment building. Didn’t last very long but I wondered what it was until a friend said it was an earthquake from Iran"


Earthquakes (Image: EXPRESS)

Another in Doha said: "I live at the 13th floor. Felt an horizontal movement, quite intense for about 5/6 seconds. Creak sounds around the apartment and a feeling of dizziness while standing up. Tall apartment plants were shaking."

Iran is known to be one of the most seismically active countries in the world, with fault lines criss-crossing through the nation.

According to the Institute of Geophysics of the University of Tehran, there were more than 960 earthquakes across the country between April 20 and May 20.

The same institute states that two percent of the world's earthquakes take place in Iran, and more than 6 percent of those who died as a result of earthquakes in the 20th century were in Iran.

READ MORE: Iran to execute agent convicted of spying for US and Israel

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Iran has been hit by another earthquake (Image: QUAKE APP)

In December 2019, Iran was struck by a 5.9-magnitude quake in the north-west of the region.

Hundreds were injured, with many of the injuries caused by crowd stampedes according to state-run TV reports.

In 2003, a magnitude-6.6 quake in Kerman province killed 26,000 people and flattened the ancient city of Bam.

Almost a month ago to the day on May 6, Iran was hit by a 5.1-magnitude earthquake. Thankfully there were no deaths.

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In 2003, a magnitude-6.6 quake in Kerman province killed 26,000 people (Image: GETTY)

Iran's population boom in recent decades has seen the danger of an earthquake rise too.

The country's capital Tehran is not only built on new sediment that is not particularly great for the welfare of buildings, but it is also located near to three major fault lines.

Additionally a population increase has seen officials rush to build homes, without all the necessary safety concerns of an earthquake-prone city, leaving its bustling population vulnerable to the devastation.

Seismologist Bahram Akasheh of the a professor at Tehran's Islamic Azad University previously warned that risk of the city experiencing an earthquake of at least 6 on the Richter scale is at 90 percent.

Iran's fault lines (Image: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)

He told Reuters that it could be "maybe in 50 years. Maybe tomorrow night. Or maybe while I'm speaking".

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned that the city is too populated to cope with the potentially catastrophic tremor.

He said: "Tehran has 13 million inhabitants. If an incident happens, how can we manage it? Therefore, Tehran should be evacuated.

"At least 5 million people should leave Tehran.”