How to see the 'intensely coloured' Geminids meteor shower tonight

Geminids meteor shower: How to see the Geminids meteor shower tonight (Image: GETTY Images)

GEMINIDS meteor shower is expected to light up the UK skies tonight, with stargazers looking forward to "intensely coloured" shooting stars that are visible to the naked eye. Here's how to see the Geminids meteor shower in the sky from your very own home tonight - and you won't need any special equipment, either.

Geminids 2018: NASA explains origin of dazzling meteors

The Geminids meteor shower is the most highly-anticipated meteor shower of the year. It comes packed with sparkling colours and an array of shooting stars. Here's how to watch the light show from your own home tonight.


The Geminids meteor shower is caused by a Palladian asteroid, known as 3200 Phaethon.

The meteors are generally very slow-moving, which makes them perfect for lighting up the skies, and are visible to the naked eye.

They usually appear every December, between the sixth and 14th - and this year was no different.

The meteor shower peaked between Sunday night and Monday morning, with up to 70 meteors being spotted every hour.

READ MORE: Geminids - what time is the meteor shower tonight?


But just because the Geminids have already peaked, it doesn't necessarily mean that you should give up now.

There's still a big chance that you could spot some stragglers tonight, through to the early hours of the morning.

Weather conditions are looking relatively good for another light show in the sky tonight, as the shower continues into the week.

You're also more likely to see the Geminids tonight, because there's also a New Moon, which means there won't be any bright lights to distract from the meteor shower.

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How to see the Geminids meteor shower

You should be able to see the meteor shower from your own home tonight.

Most places in the UK will have some visible meteor fragments throughout the evening.

But the very best place to see the Geminids is away from built-up areas, in rural countryside.

Light pollution from towns and cities can make it increasingly difficult to see the meteors, which is why darker areas are always best.

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Geminids meteor shower: The Geminids peaked on Sunday night (Image: GETTY Images)

"Meteors in the upcoming shower can appear anywhere in the sky," said the Royal Astronomical Society.

"Their trails appear to originate from a single point [known as the radiant] in the constellation of Gemini, hence the name Geminids.

"These meteors appear to be fairly slow-moving, and can be intensely coloured.

"Prospects for what should be this year’s best display of meteors are particularly good, as there will be no Moon in the sky to interfere with the view."

Seeing as the peak was last night, you should be able to see the meteor shower straight away.

But don't lose hope straight away if you can't spot anything! It may take a little while for the first meteor to appear within your eye-line.

You won't need any special equipment to see the Geminids, either. Simply look out your window with the lights off, and look upwards.

If you decide to venture outside to catch a glimpse of the meteor shower, it's crucial that you stick to your local Covid restrictions.