Has a British hiker found the elusive Yeti in the Himalayas?

A BRITISH trekker hiking across the Himalayas believes he has found traces of the elusive Yeti.

yeti steve berrySteve Berry

The footsteps in the Himalayas

Steve Berry snapped an image of footsteps left in the snow in the small country of Bhutan and has no other explanation than the mythical snow creature.

Mr Berry says that the footprints are bigger than the average human and were found in a part of the mountain that had been untouched by man.

yeti 2Steve Berry

Due to the positioning of the prints, it is unlikely it would have been left by a snow leopard or another four-legged creature as this animal seemingly only has two legs.

The 66-year old spotted the prints on Gangkhar Puensum and said: “The local people said we were the first to ever set foot on that pass.

“I had always thought that stories about the yeti were a bit of old bunkum. But there is no denying these tracks existed.


There has been numerous reported sightings of the Yeti in the Himalayas

“The prints were clearly visible with the naked eye from where we were standing on a pass at 17,800ft.

“There was a vertical drop in front of us, not to mention a very serious mountainside to cross, so we could not get to them.”

When Mr Berry, of south Gloucestershire, was back in touch with human contact four days after snapping the images, he was told by a yak herder that he too had seen the mysterious beast, which the locals know as migo, a decade earlier.

Mr Berry, who runs tourism firm Mountain Kingdom, added: “He said it was about 100 yards from him and standing upright facing him and looked straight at him.

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The Abominable snowman

“It was completely covered in long dun brown-coloured hair and a face covered in hair like a cat or dog but of human height.

“Then, he said, ‘You can recognise migo tracks because they put one foot directly in front of the other’ and I nearly fell over.

“I showed him the pictures from my camera and he said, ‘Yes, these are migo tracks’.”

Russian Yeti Footage

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