'Two years too late' Brilliant TV host response when told May to learn to 'speak European'

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Brexit news: Theresa May needs to learn to speak European according to Chatham House (Image: CNBC)

THERESA May needs to learn to “speak European” to properly negotiate a Brexit agreement with Michel Barnier and the EU, a Chatham House researcher claimed.

Brexit: 'Two years too late' for May to speak European says host

Georgina Wright, Chatham House Research Associate on the Europe Programme, argued that it is not too late for the Prime Minister to adjust her negotiation strategy.


Speaking on CNBC, she said: “There is still very much a credible threat of no deal Brexit.

“Michel Barnier said around 80 percent of the terms of the withdrawal has been agreed but there is still 20 percent that they need to find some agreement on.

“If they do not find an agreement by October or at the latest November there will not be enough time for ratification for March.

“There is a credible threat in that respect so it is perhaps not that positive.”

Steve Sedgwick, CNBC anchor, argued that surely the ability to “speak European” is a historic issue for British Prime Ministers.

He said: “One of your latest pieces you say Theresa May needs to learn to speak European.

“You could scratch that out and say David Cameron needs to learn to speak European.

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Theresa May needs to learn to speak European

Georgina Wright

“Funnily enough Mrs Thatcher did learn to speak European even if she was very rumbustious in how she dealt with her European counterparts.


“You are saying she needs to speak European but we are two years too late to learn that language aren’t we?”

Ms Wright responded: “It is never too late to learn anything but the point I was trying to make is the UK as a big member state had very transactional approach to the EU.

“So we could call the shots if we agreed with an EU policy we would say so loudly and clearly in the council and then if we disagreed we built alliances with EU capitals and we would get the commission to come up with an alternative.

“It is a very different negotiation dynamic now its us against the EU we can’t expect the commission to come up with proposals and in fact they have tabled some existing models and the UK has said ‘actually no, those are not good enough for us’.

“We are going to have to be much clearer and it is why I was saying speaking European requires a depth of detail and much more than we have provided up until now.”

The Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab, speaking in July, said that Michel Barnier wanted to do a deal with the UK but the UK is prepared for a no deal Brexit and the UK would “thrive”.

He warned a 'no deal' Brexit is possible if talks fail by October.

Mr Raab told BBC’s Andrew Marr: “I am striving with my department, with Michel Barnier who I think is a man who wants to do a deal with us, there are tremendous pressures on his side, to get the best deal.

“But I think we have got to, I think it is the only responsible thing to do, to be prepared if those negotiations and the energy, the ambition, and the pragmatism are not reciprocated.

“So that is the responsible thing to do, whether it is the allocation of money, the preparation of our terry relations, we are hiring extra border staff.

“I think people need to know that we are ready, so that Britain can thrive whatever happens.”