FUNNY THAT – Pro-Europe think-tank says Brexit has cost Britain £26BILLION

Brexit news: Hammond is under pressure to ensure the UK economy prospers after Brexit (Image: GETTY )

A PRO-Europe think-tank has said Britain suffered a £26billion blow to the economy annually after the nation voted Brexit.

Hammond ‘shares PM’s determination to get Chequers agreed’

The report by the Centre for European Reform said this was the equivalent to £500million a week - even though the nation is yet to unshackle itself from the bloc.


Experts said the UK economy was now 2.5 percent smaller today than if the nation had voted to remain in the bloc.

It read: “But since the start of 2017, Britain’s economy has grown by an average of just 0.3 percent each quarter - despite an acceleration in the pace of global growth. Advanced economies are currently growing twice as fast as the UK (0.6 percent) on average.

“In June 2018, we published our first estimate of the cost of the decision to leave the EU, based upon a modelling exercise, and found that the British economy was 2.1 percent smaller by the end of the first quarter of 2018. According to our revised model, which uses a broader set of data,


“The British economy was 2.5 percent smaller in the second quarter of 2018 than it would have been if the referendum had gone the other way: the cost is growing.

The report said the “the culprit is the vote for Brexit,” adding: “One way to sanity-check our estimate is to compare the UK’s growth to that of other comparable countries since the referendum.

“The UK has grown by 3.1 percent over that period. Compare that to the average of the 22 most advanced economies. 5.2 percent, which amounts to a 2.1 percent gap, not far away from our estimate of the cost of Brexit.”

It comes comes as Chancellor Philip Hammond insisted the British economy will be able to withstand a no-deal Brexit.


Brexit news: The report says the UK has lost £500million a week (Image: CENTRE FOR EUROPEAN REFORM)

Since the start of 2017, Britain’s economy has grown by an average of just 0.3 percent each quarter

Centre for European Reform

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The Remainer said the UK had the "fiscal capacity" to unshackle itself from the bloc without a deal, adding: “You should never go into any negotiation unless you're prepared to walk away”.

He said keeping the UK united would be worth the pain of a no-deal Brexit, Mr Hammond said, despite an expected £80 billion price tag.

On the expected cost of no deal, he said "the position will not have radically changed" since the Government published financial documents in February.

But he said even this was outweighed by the potential break-up of the UK, which could not be accepted.

He said: "If the EU put to us a proposal for a deal that would involve us accepting the break-up of the UK then I would readily accept that no deal would be a better outcome than that."