Diane Abbott claims May’s advisors should be SACKED moments before PM pays tribute to her

Gaffe-prone Diane Abbott mocked the Prime Minister moments before she paid tribute to her (Image: BBC•GETTY)

DIANE Abbott said Theresa May’s advisors should be sacked in a tweet sent moments before the Prime Minister paid tribute to the Labour MP in her keynote speech.

Tory Conference: Theresa May pays tribute to Diane Abbott

Labour MP Diane Abbott took to Twitter to mock the Prime Minister moments before Theresa May leapt to her defence over the abuse she has suffered through her service as an MP.


Speaking to the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham, Mrs May said: “Rigorous debate between political opponents is becoming more like a confrontation between enemies.”

As if to prove Mrs May right, Diane Abbott scathingly criticised the Prime Ministers awkward dancing as she took to the stage to deliver her keynote speech, and even called for her advisors to be sacked.

Ms Abbott tweeted: “So Theresa May comes on stage for her big conference speech...dancing. Whoever thought that was a good idea should be sacked. I am looking at you Robbie Gibb #ConservativeConference2018”.

You don’t have to agree with everything that Diane Abbot has to say to believe in her right to say it free from abuse.

Theresa May

Just moments later, Mrs May delivered a robust defence of the MP, declaring to her audience that Members of Parliament should be free to voice their opinions without fear of abuse.

Mrs May said: “People who put themselves forward to serve are becoming targets. Not just them, but their families as well.

“We all saw the sickening pictures of a far-left extremist shouting abuse at Jacob Rees-Mogg’s children.

“And it’s not only Conservatives who are facing abuse.

Labour Conference: Diane Abbott makes blunder during speech

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The first black woman ever to be elected to the House of Commons receives more misogynist messages today than when she first stood over 30 years ago.


“You don’t have to agree with everything that Diane Abbott has to say to believe in her right to say it free from abuse.”

Twitter users were quick to criticise her mocking tweet, writing: "You really should’ve listened to her speech before tweeting. #fail"

Another user wrote: "She then singles out the abuse which you yourself receive, as an example of the sort of mean politics that has to end. Something you or your colleagues would not do in turn - as your tweet betrays."

But others agreed with Ms Abbott's assessment of Theresa May's wooden moves as she came out to the tune of 'Dancing Queen'.

One twitter user wrote: "I hope ABBA sues her".

Ms Abbott has hit back at Theresa May's tribute, tweeting: "Some nice words from Tory leaders like Theresa May and Sajid Javid. Makes you wonder who was responsible for the Tory party’s relentless personal attacks in the general election campaign 2017 #CPC18"