Stand up to EU bullies: Jacob Rees-Mogg tells PM 'Britain's future is at stake' at summit

Jacob Rees Mogg rallied Brexiteers to stand up to EU 'bullies' (Image: GETTY)

BREXITEER Jacob Rees-Mogg has urged Theresa May to get tough with the EU, saying: “What is the response to a bully? You stand up to a bully.”

Jacob Rees-Mogg: 39 Tory MPs are against Chequers

In a warning shot across the PM’s bow, he warned that there were dozens of Eurosceptic MPs “more hardline” than he was who would vote down a bad deal in Parliament and declared “the future of our country is at stake, the future of our party is at stake”.


Jacob Rees-Mogg added that if the EU insisted on “kneecapping” Britain for Brexit in a punishment deal, it would prove it was a “mafia-style organisation” that we were better off leaving.

His calls came as former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson repeated demands that the PM ditch her controversial Chequers plan, and DUP leader Arlene Foster warned: “I appreciate the risks of a ‘no deal’ (Brexit) but the dangers of a bad deal are worse,”

Ahead of a crunch Brussels summit on Wednesday, Mr Rees-Mogg said that a tough approach was the only way to show EU leaders like Angela Merkel she means business.

But he said Britain had not been strong enough in its negotiations, saying: “Other EU countries are backing Michel Barnier and why should they not?

“Every time someone backs down it is the UK.

“Until she has shown that willing to be tough with Barnier, she won’t get anywhere. She won’t get anywhere by going over his head (and appealing to other EU leaders).

“He has always won every round.”


His comments follow reports that the EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier has suggested the UK’s transition period could be extended by a year - to 2021- to allow more time to solve the Irish border problem.

Downing Street last night played down suggestions that the UK could sign up to such an agreement.

But intense negotiations are taking place this weekend, as Mrs May attempts to find a solution to the Northern Irish border that keeps her cabinet and confidence and supply agreement with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) intact.

Mr Rees-Mogg, the leader of the European Research Group (ERG) of Eurosceptic Tory MPs, suggested that there were more Conservative rebels than the 40 ‘definites’ cited by fellow Tory MPs last week.

“Every time we look at the numbers they are stronger than expected rather than weaker,” he said.

Brexit: DUP predicts 'developments' over the weekend

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Brexit news: Theresa May is under pressure to get tough with the EU (Image: REUTERS )

“The government is underestimating us quite how robust and determined the support is."

He added: “I am by no means the most hardline member of the ERG.

“Even if the government could persuade me that the deal was worth supporting... the government would still lose.”

And he said his message to readers was: “Fear not, there are endless obstacles to a bad deal. No deal remains better than a bad deal. And whatever the government comes back with still has to get through parliament.”

He added: “There are probably 39 Tory MPs who are more tough-minded on this issue than I am. I am not the most tough-minded among my friends in the Conservative Party, and those 39 will not turn, I will not turn and there are growing numbers beyond that who are determined that we should deliver on the Brexit that we promised.

“We are close, we are almost there, we just need to be steady for a few more weeks and if we do that the prize is there to be grasped.”

Brexit news: Jacob Rees-Mogg said the UK must stand up to the EU (Image: PA )

Speaking at a Leave Means Leave rally in Torquay, Mr Rees-Mogg said that if there was a “punishment Brexit” and chaos at Dover it would demonstrate that it was the right choice to leave the EU.

He said: “Even if there are problems - and there may be some, there may be a punishment Brexit, bear that in mind.

“But what is our response to a punishment Brexit? What is always the response to a bully? You stand up to a bully.”

He added: “If there are queues at Dover, if the M20 becomes a car park, if there are certain difficulties for a short time because the EU decides to cut off its own nose to spite its face, if the EU is a mafia-style organisation that says ‘if you want to leave we will kneecap you’ then all the better for leaving, because you have to get out of that organisation.”

But Mr Rees-Mogg said there was no prospect of a general election, even if the government lost a vote on Brexit.

He said he was in the “fortunate position in being able to vote against a bad deal while still having confidence in the government. So there is not going to be an early general election because of this”.

Brexit news: Theresa May has been warned that she is underestimating Brexiteers (Image: GETTY )

Mr Rees-Mogg said that a Canada-style trade agreement with the EU could solve the Northern Ireland problem.

The same argument was made by Boris Johnson yesterday in an article in the Belfast Newsletter and designed to appeal to DUP voters.

Meanwhile, DUP leader Arlene Foster used a similar article in the Belfast Telegraph newspaper to issue a warning that the Prime Minister must not accept a “dodgy” plan that would “effectively cut Northern Ireland adrift” and rejected suggestions her party was bluffing.

Without the confidence and supply agreement with the DUP Mrs May does not have a majority in the House of Commons.

The DUP is opposed to plans to allow goods checks “east-west”, between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK.

Last night government insiders denied the government was considering breaking with the DUP.

But sources made clear that they had got last week’s Agriculture Bill through the Commons without the DUP. The party abstained in what was seen as a warning shot to the government.

Mrs May has previously won other key votes in the Commons without having to rely on the DUP, who have 10 MPs in the House of Commons.

Mrs May has rejected the EU’s European Union’s ‘backstop’ proposal, to keep just Northern Ireland aligned with Brussels’ rules if no future trade deal has been agreed.

Mrs May’s countered with a “temporary customs arrangement” for the whole UK, but Tory Brexiteers fear this could become permanent, restricting the ability to strike trade deals around the world.

Insiders suggested that scrapping the backstop would only create a vacancy for something similar in its place.

But they insisted that the idea was equivalent to an insurance policy and designed never to be used.

Last night a Downing Street source said: “This Government’s position is the future customs agreement needs to be in place by the end of December 2021 at the latest.

“The Prime Minister would never agree to a deal which could trap the UK in a backstop permanently.”

The UK Government’s position is that the EU’s position has to move before any progress can be made.

A number of cabinet ministers are understood to be considering their position, following a meeting with Mrs May last week.

Insiders believe that of those showing signs that they could walk, Esther McVey is the most likely to leave government.

She has never publicly said that she backs the Prime Minister’s Chequers compromise.

She is also under intense pressure over the government’s Universal Credit system, amid concerns from Tory MPs that many of their constituents will be worse off.

Stewart Jackson, who was chief of staff to former Brexit secretary David Davis, said it was “quite possible” that another Cabinet minister could follow the example of his former boss and resign.

Cabinet is due to meet on Tuesday, where the Prime Minister will walk them through the results of furious negotiations by officials over the weekend.