Theresa May DISMANTLES Labour's Brexit strategy point-by-point in FIERY commons debate

Brexit news: Theresa May hit out at EU's decision to remain in customs union (Image: Parliament TV)

PRIME MINISTER Theresa May dismantled Labour’s Brexit strategy during a heated Commons debate with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Brexit: Theresa May SLAMS Labour’s strategy in heated debate

Theresa May was speaking in the House of Commons on Monday after Brexit talks failed to materialise with the European Union on Sunday.


During a fiery Commons debate, the Labour leader said: “The Prime Minister faces a simple and inescapable choice – be buffeted this way and that way by the chaos of her own party or back a deal that can win the support of Parliament and the people of this country.”

But the Prime Minister fired back and destroyed Labour’s Brexit proposals point-by-point.

The Labour Party latest amendment to its Brexit strategy is its decision to negotiate UK's post-Brexit membership of a newly designed customs union with the EU to retain veto powers on future trade deals.

We never hear from the Labour Party exactly what deal it is they think they want

Theresa May

Mrs May said: “He said that the discussion on the backstop was in order to avoid the questions of the future relationship.

“If he’d had actually listened to my statement, which in fact he had received one early copy of, he would’ve seen that iId made clear that actually, we have made good progress on both the structure and scope of the future relationship, which we have been discussing alongside the withdrawal agreement.”

The Prime Minister then referenced Mr Corbyn’s suggestion of a “better deal”. She added: “Well, we never hear from the Labour Party exactly what deal it is they think they want.

“What we have heard from the Labour Party is that at one point they say they want to do really good trade deals around the rest of the world.

“The next moment they want to tie us into the Brussels trade deals by being part of the customs union.


“One minute they say they want to respect the voter of the British people in relation to free movement. The next minute they say ‘well actually no, free movement is still on the table’.

“So what we see from the Labour Party is constantly no firm proposals on this particular issue.

“They also talk about being in a customs union and, can I say to the right honourable gentleman, this is perhaps the sort of detail he may not have recognised but even if you were to go down the route of the sort of deal that might involve being in a customs union, it would still be necessary to have a backstop in case there was a delay between bringing that in and the end of the implementation period.”

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Brexit: Boris Johnson scolds Labour for 'shameless u-turn'

Mrs May said the Tory Party remains “very clear” about its commitments to the people of Northern Ireland and to the UK.

The Prime Minister said the vast majority of the Withdrawal Agreement has been agreed and “significant progress and agreement” of the structure of Britain’s future relationship with the EU.

The comments follow a crunch meeting between Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab and his EU counterpart Michel Barnier on Sunday where talks failed to break the Brexit deadlock.

The collapse resulted in Mrs May facing the prospect of no deal being reached by Wednesday’s deadline.

The key issue in Brexit negotiations remains to be the Ireland backstop, which is an arrangement set to be implemented if there is no solution to the border issue in place in time for Brexit.

The EU’s proposed backstop, which would see just Northern Ireland remain aligned with Brussels' rules, has been branded as unacceptable by Mrs May and rejected outright by the DUP.