Julian Assange BANNED from political statements - and told to CLEAN BATHROOM by embassy

JULIAN Assange’s stay at the Ecuador embassy in London is being made increasingly unpleasant after he received a new set of rules prohibiting him from making political statements and ordering him to take care of his cat.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

WikiLeaks supporters demand freedom of Julian Assange

The founder of WikiLeaks was also asked to clean his own bathroom, six years after he was granted political asylum at the embassy.

In the nine-page memo he received, Mr Assange was told his access to the internet will be cut if he doesn’t refrain from activities “that could prejudice Ecuador’s good relations with other states”.

Ecuador fears Mr Assange could release into the world more controversial statements after he challenged Theresa May’s claim Russia was behind the Salisbury nerve agent attack against former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

After Mr Assange’s rebuke, the embassy’s staff cut him off from the internet in March to avoid stirring relations with the UK or other European Union’s countries. 

The internet privilege .

Ecuador also denied Mr Assange to make phone calls and prohibited him to receive any visitors but his lawyers.

Under the new rules, the WikiLeaks founder can have guests, but they must be approved by diplomatic staff three days in advance.

The Australian-born WikiLeaks founder and his visitors are also banned from using “unauthorised equipment” in the building, and his wifi access is limited to his personal computer and phone. 

Julian Assange was given a new set of house rules by the Ecuador's embassy in London

Julian Assange was given a new set of house rules by the Ecuador's embassy in London (Image: GETTY)

The memo also made clear that Mr Assange is responsible for the “wellbeing, food, hygiene and proper care” of his pet cat - which has often been photographed at the window facing Landon Place, the same from which Mr Assange speaks to the press.

The controversial journalist, who sparked outrage across the world by releasing 500,000 secret military files on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2010, was also told to keep his bathroom clean.

After revealing details regarding the two wars the US government allegedly kept from the public, Mr Assange became the target of a criminal investigation launched by the US.

On the same year, Sweden issued an international arrest warrant for the journalist, as he was accused of rape. 

Prosecutors dropped the preliminary investigation in May last year claiming “all possibilities to conduct the investigation are exhausted”. 

Julian Assange was told to take care of his cat

Julian Assange was told to take care of his cat (Image: GETTY)

Julian Assange sought asylum at the embassy in 2012

Julian Assange sought asylum at the embassy in 2012 (Image: GETTY)

Despite denying the allegations, the WikiLeaks founder surrendered himself to UK police in December 2010.

Authorities released him on bail ten days later, but in 2012 he was under the police’s spotlight again as he breached his bail’s terms.

Mr Assange immediately sought political asylum at the Ecuador’s embassy, amid fears he could be extradited to the US and prosecuted over his role in WikiLeaks.

However, his six-year stay could soon be over, as Ecuador told Mr Assange he will have to pay for his food, laundry and medical checkups from December 2018.

The journalist faces the termination of the asylum granted him if he fails to comply with the new rules, the memo added.  

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