Passenger launches vile racist rant at elderly woman - and Ryanair moves HER

A Ryanair passenger launched a vile racist attack against a fellow passenger (Image: Twitter)

AN elderly black woman from the Windrush generation received a barrage of racist abuse onboard a Ryanair flight by a man refusing to sit next to an “ugly black b*****d” before she is told to switch seats by flight attendants in a shocking video.

Ryanair passenger refuses to sit next to a black woman

Mrs Gayle, a 77-year-old pensioner from East London, was returning from holiday to mark the anniversary of her husband’s death when another passenger refused to sit next to her and threatened to push her to another seat if she didn’t move voluntarily. 


At the beginning of the shocking video, filmed by fellow passenger David Lawrence and published on Twitter which has been viewed millions of times, a muffled row between the man and Mrs Gayle’s daughter can be seen. 

Moments later, the argument escalates with the man yelling “I don’t want to sit next to your ugly f***** face”.

When Mrs Gayle responds to his name-calling he comments on her Jamaican accent, stating “don’t talk to me in a f***** foreign language - you stupid ugly cow”.

Shortly after, another passenger sitting in the row behind Mrs Gayle reaches through the gap in the chairs acting as a barrier and asks the man to stop barking at her.

But the man’s obstinate determination to get her moved continues with violent prodding in her direction; again, the man behind, who appears to be more active than the flight attendants in defending her, stands up and leans over the seats in a bid to hush the man’s bullying.

Meanwhile, another man calls for him to be thrown off the flight arguing that staff should “get rid of him”, while others passengers attempt to defend her by asking permission for her to switch seats. 

Eventually Mrs Gayle is seen to be moved but the aggressor takes this as support for his tirade and agrees its the right thing for his own piece of mind. 

After, the flight attendant returns to the man to warn him that Ryanair does not accept aggressive behaviour and said he must discuss the matter with his supervisor. 


The man responds by saying he is “alright, now she’s gone”.

The incident took place just before flight FR9015 was due to leave from Barcelona for London Stansted on Friday afternoon. 

Ryanair have issued a statement stating they are aware of the video and the incident which they have now reported to Essex Police. 

Mrs Gayle's daughter, 53, has vowed to never fly with Ryanair again, believing that if it had been a black person behaving in that way “police would have been called and we would have been kicked off of the flight,” the Huffington Post reported. 

She added that the row over seating began when her mother, who has arthritis, stood up slowly from her aisle seat to give him access to the window seat. 

She said: “I don’t know how to go forward or where to take this. I’m not even sure what I want done to resolve the situation, beyond an open apology to my mother for the way that the things were handled.”

The shocking video has attracted a storm of support for Mrs Gayle on Twitter - with many outraged at how Ryanair staff handled the situation. 

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The man shouted 'I don't want to sit next to your ugly f****** face' (Image: Twitter)

Thousands of people have called for Ryanair to formally apologise to Mrs Gayle and to retrain their staff.

Labour MP for East Hull and shadow Attorney General Karl Turner tweeted: "He should have been removed from the flight and handed over to the police.

"We assume the aircraft was in the UK. If it was he definitely committed criminal offences. I fully expect @Ryanair to confirm the situation if in fact it was their flight."

MSP for Greenock and Inverclyde Stuart McMillan posted: "This is really appalling @Ryanair . You will know the identity of the man and the level of training given to your staff."

Fellow MSP politician Margaret Ferrier said: "Just watched the shocking footage on a @Ryanair aircraft, utterly disgusting. Racist male passenger should have been put off flight before it departed.

"Flight attendant incapable of responding appropriately. However well done to passenger with black t-shirt that intervened £hero."

One person wrote: “Was it reported to Essex Police at the time OR just because of the bad press you are now getting. Passengers having to settle arguments, the steward was NOT in control at all. Disgraceful behaviour.”

Another said the response from Ryanair staff warranted a boycott of the airline. 

The Twitter user said: “Honestly with all the options that are available for flying in Europe I might as well switch my loyalty to another airline”.

Broadcaster Jeremy Vine tweeted: “If this is @Ryanair, they need to explain how this man’s disgusting racial abuse of the black lady in the seat next to him ends up with HER being asked to move. It is beyond belief”. 

A spokeswoman for Essex police said: "This incident, which we were made aware of this morning, is believed to have taken place on a plane at Barcelona Airport.

"Essex Police takes prejudice-based crime seriously and we want all incidents to be reported.

"We are working closely with Ryanair and the Spanish authorities on the investigation."