'Brexit NOT even top five' Tory Brexiteer SHUTS DOWN claims investors moving away from UK

Brexit news: Mayor of Tee Valley claims foreign investors do not worry about Brexit (Image: BBC•GETTY)

BREXIT is not even in the "top five" worries foreign investors have before agreeing to do business in the UK, the Conservative Mayor of Tees Valley has claimed.

By Alessandra Scotto di Santolo, World News Reporter

Brexit: Houchen shuts down claims of investors moving away

Speaking to BBC Politics Live, the Tory Brexiteer argued Britons in Teesside are "sick of hearing about Brexit" and just want politicians to "get on with it".


Mr Houchen called on MPs to put aside political differences and work together to deliver on the result of the 2016 referendum. 

He added investors planning to do business in the UK are not shun away by the prospect of Brexit, as the question does not even come in the top five worries they might have.

He said: “People expect us to leave and when I’m out in Teesside and in Middlesbrough and Stockton, they just want us to get on with it.

“And they’re sick of hearing about Brexit.

“And actually when I speak to big investors we’re trying to attract from abroad into the UK, Brexit isn’t in the top five.

“It’s skills, it’s cost to build, it’s price of labour, it’s energy cost.

“These are the first question we get from investors from abroad, it’s not Brexit.

When I speak to big investors we’re trying to attract from abroad into the UK, Brexit isn’t in the top five

Ben Houchen

“And we also have to put it into context that the bubble that we have in London is not what the people on the streets of Teesside and the north-east are saying.


“They want to get on with Brexit, they want Brexit delivered and they want the politicians to put to one side a lot of this nonsense.”

Teesside, which voted overwhelmingly to Leave the EU, could be seen as Britain’s biggest trading hub after Brexit if it was made into a free port. 

Free ports are inside the geographical boundaries of a country but are considered outside of a country for customs purposes - meaning companies can import, assemble, manufacture and export products without having to pay taxes and duties. 

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Mr Houchen has called on the Government to create a free port in Teesside.

UK customs duties are only paid on goods entering the domestic UK economy. 

Teesside would also become the UK’s first free port, which some have claimed has the potential to create thousands of new jobs. 

Teesside residents remain hopeful about post-Brexit Britain, despite a leaked Government Brexit forecast claiming North East England will suffer a 16 percent decline to GDP in the event of a no deal Brexit.