Michael Gove challenges Marr in FIERY Brexit clash – ‘Leave voters too THICK are they?’

Brexit news: Michael Gove said another referendum could harm the social fabric of the UK (Image: BBC)

MICHAEL Gove challenged those calling for a second referendum as “condescending” and claimed it shows they think Leave voters were “too thick” to understand what they were voting for.

Brexit: Michael Gove challenges Andrew Marr in HEATED row

Environment Secretary Michael Gove appeared on the Andrew Marr show to encourage MP’s to support Theresa May’s Brexit deal. He said: “Why are we asking people again on the basis they got it wrong last time around?” Mr Marr interjected: “On the basis that things have changed they did not understand everything that was going to pertain.”


Mr Gove said: “They were too thick to make the decision then were they?

“People knew that they were voting to Leave the European Union and we should honour that verdict.

“I think the idea that people were somehow too dim to appreciate what was being offered at the time, I think that is profoundly wrong.

“I fear that many people would interpret the attitude of those who are arguing for a second referendum as condescending.

“I think if there were a second referendum people would vote in even larger numbers then they did before but the very act of calling a second referendum would damage faith in democracy and rip apart the social fabric of this country.


“It would confirm in the minds of many that the establishment is willing to give you a choice but if you make the wrong choice then you have to choose again.

“People whose voices had never been heard before and certainly never been listened to said sorry we want this country to take a different course.

“If they are told sorry you are too daft or too prejudiced last time round so think again.”

Brexit news: Andrew Marr clashed with Mr Gove on his decision to not take the Brexit Secretary role (Image: BBC)
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He claimed the Government can win the crucial Commons vote on Theresa May's Brexit deal on December 11.

With dozens of Tory MPs saying they intend to vote against the Withdrawal Agreement, Mr Gove acknowledged that it would be "challenging".

However, he told BBC1's The Andrew Marr Show that the alternative was either "no deal or no Brexit".

He said: "I believe that we can win the argument and win the vote. I know it is challenging."

"I reflected long and hard about this deal but I concluded, like lots of people, that while it is imperfect it is the right thing to do.

"One of the things that I hope people will have the chance to do over the next nine days is to recognise that we should not make the perfect the enemy of the good.

"We have got to recognise that if we don't vote for this, the alternatives are no deal or no Brexit."

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Sir Keir Starmer has said Labour will seek to call a motion of no confidence in the Government if Theresa May loses a Commons vote on her Brexit deal.

The shadow Brexit secretary told Sky News' Sophy Ridge on Sunday: "It seems to me that if the Prime Minister has lost a vote of that sort of significance then there has to be a question of confidence in the Government.

"I think it's inevitable that we will seek to move that - obviously it will depend on what actually happens in nine days, it will depend on what the response is - but if she's lost a vote of this significance after two years of negotiation, then it is right that there should be a general election.

"Because, but for the Fixed Term Parliaments Act, the convention was always if a Government loses what's called a confidence vote - something of such significance - then that Government has to go."

Conservative Brexiteer and former Cabinet minister Theresa Villiers said she would "have to look at the circumstances" before deciding how to vote if a no-confidence motion in the Prime Minister was called.

She told Sky News' Sophy Ridge on Sunday: "I would certainly vote against any motion of no confidence in the Government.

"If there was a confidence resolution in relation to the Prime Minister, I would have to look at the circumstances at the time, but my present intention would be to vote to have confidence in the Prime Minister."