End of Theresa May? Brexiteer business owner demands leader who seizes GREAT opportunity

Brexit news: Lance Forman said he always knew Theresa May was the wrong person for the job (Image: Express)

THERESA May is the wrong person to lead the UK out of the European Union because she has never believed in the Brexit project or understood the fantastic opportunities that lie ahead.

We need a leader who believes in Brexit says business owner

Lance Forman is the owner of H. Forman & Son, Britain's leading salmon smokers, he argued Mrs May was the wrong person to lead negotiations He said: “I think it is very challenging to have a Prime Minister who does not believe in Brexit. I think that is a problem. I remember being interviewed a day or two after the referendum and I was asked who should be the next Prime Minister.


“I think I said at the time that I couldn’t tell you who it should be but I could tell you who it shouldn’t be.

“I made the point that you have to have someone who believes in it. If I had a particular project that needed to get done and I needed to employ someone to run that project there is no way I would employ someone who doesn’t believe in the project.

“If it all goes pear-shaped they are going to come and say to me: ‘Mr Forman I told you it wasn’t going to work’.

“You have to have somebody who is invested in it, you have to have someone who believes in it.

“It is not just about managing, despite Theresa May saying she is just about managing, Brexit is an opportunity and she is very defensive about Brexit, she is trying to protect Britain.


“We do not need protecting we need to seize this great opportunity. We have not had an opportunity like this in 40 years.

“We need leadership that really sees the opportunities here and so blame has to go right to the top.

Talking on the Express’ Brexit: The Final Countdown podcast the business tycoon claimed obsessing over ‘frictionless’ trade is pointless as it is actually almost identical to regular trade.

He said: “My business does exports and we export to the EU and we export outside the EU. So we do export to the USA and to China and to many other countries around the world.

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“And there’s not a huge difference between one or the other.

“Yes, if you’re going to Italy, let’s say, you send the goods in - you send the invoice, you send the packing list and you send, in our case, the smoked salmon.

“When we ship it to America we do exactly the same thing except we fill in an online form on the computer which takes about fifteen seconds to fill in.

“That is it. That is the friction everyone’s so worried about.

“You don’t mind this if you’re going to get the business. Who cares? Another fifteen seconds to fill in a form!

“That’s all it is. People don’t understand when they’re told there’s going to be a lot of friction and it’s going to be bad for business.

“It’s really not a big deal.