BREXIT BLOCK: Austria demands EU countries STAND STRONG against UK concession demands

Brexit news: Sebastian Kurz warns of 'rocky' months if Theresa May deal is voted down in UK (Image: EbS)

SEBASTIAN Kurz urged European Union countries to not bow down to British pressure if Theresa May’s controversial Brexit deal is shunned by MPs tonight.

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The Austrian Chancellor insisted the bloc could face a number of “rocky” months but must display the same unity in the face of any British Government efforts to secure further concessions to make the withdrawal agreement palatable in Westminster. Summing up his six months in charge of the EU’s rotating presidency, Mr Kurz said Brussels has “nothing to reproach itself” for after concluding the 585-page withdrawal deal and the political declaration on the future agreement that accompanies it. He also promised Austria would continue to support the EU throughout the Brexit process despite the threat of a no-deal divorce as Brussels maintains the deal will not be renegotiated.


Speaking in the EU Parliament, Mr Kurz said: “When we took over in July, we were asked to do everything in our power to preserve the unity of the 27. And my heartfelt thanks go to the President of the Commission as well as to Michel Barnier for their untiring efforts because they have been successful, we have preserved that unity amongst the EU27.

“The European Union, I believe, in negotiations with the United Kingdom, has nothing to reproach itself for because we negotiated a very balanced exit agreement and we also have a political declaration on the future of our relationship.

“Now, even if things don’t go our way this evening in the vote in the British Parliament and even if the next few weeks and months are rocky it is important that we continue to sing from the same hymn sheet.

“Following on from its presidency, I can ensure you that Austria will do everything it can to support that line.”

His warning comes after a spokesman for Angela Merkel was forced to quash media reports that suggested the German Chancellor is primed to offer a number of concessions to Britain if the deal is voted down in the House of Commons.


The spokesman insisted no further guarantees had been offered to Mrs May beyond the assurances given in December’s European Council conclusions and yesterday’s letter from EU presidents Donald Tusk and Jean-Claude Juncker.

The German Chancellory denied anything extra had been offered when Mrs Merkel held talks with the Prime Minister on the telephone in recent weeks.

Yesterday, Mrs May warned rebel Conservative MPs that they risk the Government’s future if they decide to oppose her Brexit deal in this evening’s so-called ‘Meaningful Vote’.

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The Prime Minister is facing what would be the heaviest defeated suffered by a government in modern politics.

Downing Street is now preparing for a no-confidence vote as Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn tries to force an election that he claims would break the latest Brexit impasse.

Michael Gove, the Environment Secretary, issued a desperate plea to MPs to support the deal, suggesting that a Government defeat would infuriate Brexit voters and risk “damaging our democracy”.

He told BBC’s Today programme: “I do hope people will give it a close look – people have changed their mind and people can change their mind.”

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Former Brexit secretary Dominic Raab told the programme he maintains his opposition to the Government’s deal because it contains “bad terms which would haunt us for years to come”.

Mr Raab, yesterday, said: “The whips and various ministers quite understandably want to promote this deal.

“I think it is clear it is going to be voted down, it’s a bad deal. We can see it.

“The EU has been clear there is going to be no changes on the backstop, or anything else.

“What I wanted to set out today is why there is a positive, optimistic, alternative and a vision for Brexit that is there to serve the worker, the consumer and aspirational working Britain if you like.”

Government sources have conceded that Mrs May could lose by as many as 180 votes. The Prime Minister is expected to make a short statement but will wait to see “how Brussels reacts” before offering a more substantial response.