Jill Dando timeline: From murder to today - will police ever find Dando's killer?

JILL DANDO’s murder shook the UK but as we reach the 20-year anniversary of her death, her killer has still not been found. Here is a timeline of events from Jill’s murder until today.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Jill Dando murder: Ex policeman says the evidence was FLAWED

Jill Dando was just 37-years-old when she was shot and killed at 11.30am outside of her home in Fulham, London. Before the BBC star could even get her keys in the front door she was shot once in the head with a 9mm bullet. Theories and suspicion circulated following her brutal death, as the killing was carried out in an execution style and a silencer was thought to be used as none of the neighbours said they heard a gunshot. 

The murder took place on April 26, 1999, now almost 20 years ago, and police at the time said they found no sign of a struggle. 

Emergency treatment was given on her doorstep, and at Charing Cross Hospital, but Miss Dando was pronounced dead at 1.03pm.

Jill worked as an investigative journalist and on television show Crimewatch and was a household name. 

On May 25, 2000, police arrested Barry George, also known as Barry Bulsara, following surveillance on him. 

Read More: The pain of my brother being wrongly imprisoned for killing Jill Dando

Jill Dando timeline

Jill Dando timeline: It is nearly 20 years since Jill Dando was murdered (Image: GETTY)

Two months later on July 2, 2001, a jury found Mr George guilty of murder on a 10-1 majority. 

Bary George was later sentenced to life imprisonment but maintained his innocence, later going on to submit an appeal against his conviction.

Mr George lost his first appeal at the Court of Appeal in London on July 29, 2002, when three judges rejected his claim that his conviction was "unsafe". 

On December 16, 2002, The House of Lords refused permission for Mr George to mount a further challenge to his conviction. 

Three months later in March 2006 lawyers for Mr George submitted new evidence to the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) which they believed undermined the safety of his conviction. 

The Criminal Cases Review Commission then referred the conviction to the Court of Appeal and a second appeal against Mr George's conviction took place at the Court of Appeal on November 5, 2007. 

His appeal was upheld and a retrial was ordered after scientists claimed a particle of firearms discharge residue (FDR) found in his pocket was too small to say where it came from. 

The retrial began on June 9, 2008, at the Old Bailey with the judge ruling out the inclusion of the FDR evidence. 

And just two months later Mr George was cleared of Miss Dando's murder - having already spent eight years in prison for her death.

Jill Dando timeline

Jill Dando timeline: The timeline of events after Miss Dando's murder (Image: EXPRESS)

Will police ever find Miss Dando's killer?

More than 2,000 people had been named as potential suspects in the death of the popular presenter.

And now, as the UK marks 20 years since her death the detective who led the inquiry into the newsreader’s murder told the BBC he believes her case will never be solved. 

Hamish Campbell said: “Do I think somebody will come back to court? Probably not, no.”

A documentary marking 20 years since Miss Dando’s death, which reveals the decision-making behind the scenes of the murder inquiry, will air on BBC One at 9pm on Tuesday, April 2.

Jill Dando timeline

Jill Dando timeline: We are unlikely to know who killed Jill said Mr Campbell (Image: GETTY)

The BBC has said "previously unseen archive and photographs" will feature in the documentary, alongside interviews with Jill's colleagues, friends and family members.

Mr Campbell added: "Sometimes I felt we were a day away from solving it and other times, I thought 'no, we're a long way away'.

"Senior officers were asking: ‘What are the likelihoods of this case being resolved?’

“We had over 2,000 people named as potential suspects or responsible. Some actions to trace and eliminate one person might take a day.

"One action might take two weeks. But there’s thousands of them and that’s the issue of managing stranger homicides.”

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