Theresa May faces SIMPLE choice – Ex-European Commissioner issues DIRE WARNING to EU

Brexit news: Theresa May faces a simple choice according to Lord Hill (Image: Getty)

THERESA May should thank Emmanuel Macron because she does “not need any more time” and has a simple Brexit choice to make, Lord Hill claimed.

Brexit: UK doesn't need more time says former EU commissioner

Jonathan Hill, the former European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, argued the last thing the EU wants is the UK “festering” nearby after Brexit. Speaking the BBC Radio 4 he said: “The day after the vote when I was back in the EU the first feeling was one of shock and sadness and then I do think people thought other countries have had referenda before and then they ended up changing their mind and perhaps that is what will happen here. That mood has now certainly changed and I think from that point of view actually having a relatively short extension from Macron is helpful for Britain because we do not need more time.


“The choices we have got are still the same choices we faced the morning after the referendum and it is basically a trade off between what is more important to us?

“Controlling our borders or having access to the single market and from the beginning on the British side we pretended we could have both.

“That is still going on now on the Government side and the Labour side, there is a choice and the quicker we take it the quicker we will be able to re-establish sensible relations with the Europeans otherwise they are going to have a festering neighbour 25 miles off their coast.”

The UK is heading for a Halloween Brexit after the remaining 27 EU nations offered Theresa May a further six months to ratify or rethink her withdrawal deal.

The second extension to the Brexit process - initially intended to conclude on March 29 - definitively stopped the clock on a no-deal withdrawal on Friday with less than 48 hours to go.


In an early-hours press conference, European Council president Donald Tusk did not rule out further extensions beyond October.

And he sent a message to the UK: "This extension is as flexible as I expected, and a little bit shorter than I expected, but it's still enough to find the best possible solution.

"Please do not waste this time."

Brexit: Pound stalls against euro after May granted extension

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Addressing the press shortly before 2am, Mrs May said that she still wanted the UK to leave the EU "as soon as possible".

Speaking outside her flat in Westminster, Leader of the House of Commons Andrea Leadsom played down speculation that the latest delay could mean the end of Brexit.

She said: "We have to use this time to make sure that we deliver the Brexit we are all looking for, that we work closely with the EU and that they are genuinely helping to make sure we do deliver on the referendum - there won't be any changing our minds about that.

"We are absolutely determined to deliver on that referendum."

Brexit Minister Kwasi Kwarteng told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "It is not a secret that we have had a difficult time in trying to get the deal through the House of Commons.

"Parliament is in gridlock at the moment and I think that we have got the time, hopefully, to get the deal through.

"But, it's been challenging.

"I think that the extension is long enough to get a deal through."

Norbert Röttgen, German CDU politician and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, tweeted: “A longer Brexit extension would have been better!

“But Macron prioritised his own election campaign and interests over European unity.

“UK now needs to use new deadline to either decide on the case or a political path forward. Good news: time should be sufficient for that.”