Ruth Davidson attacks Tory MPs and the Brexit Party

Ms Davidson said the Conservatives were in a “privileged position” and had a “job to lead” (Image: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)

RUTH Davidson yesterday attacked Tory MPs for boycotting the European election campaign as she urged supporters not to lodge a protest vote with the Brexit Party on May 23.

Ruth Davidson SLAMS Sturgeon over Scottish independence

The Scottish Conservative leader said it was “pretty disappointing” that some Westminster colleagues were prepared to abandon the Conservatives. Senior party figures fear a hammering as voters angered by the failure to deliver Brexit turn to Nigel Farage’s new party in next Thursday’s ballot. Some Eurosceptic MPs and local parties in England have said they will sit out the campaign after  taking a drubbing in the English council elections. And polls suggest nearly 40 per cent of voters who backed the Scottish Tories two years ago could switch to Mr Farage this time.


Launching her party’s campaign yesterday, Ms Davidson conceded voters were “frustrated” by the Brexit delays but dismissed suggestions Theresa May was a “drag” on Scottish Conservative ambitions.

Asked why there was no manifesto, she said Scottish Tories were “very clear” about campaigning to Leave “in an orderly fashion.”

Speaking at the Deanston Distillery in Doune, Perthshire, Ms Davidson said: “In terms of Scotland, it’s very clear what the Tory vote means. We’ve got a First Minister who said 
this election is about overturning the result of two referenda and having two referenda run again. A vote for the Conservative Party in Scotland is to say no to that. 

“Nicola Sturgeon said she was making independence the focus of her campaign. Voting for the Scottish Conservatives is a way to tell Nicola Sturgeon ‘stop twisting our vote’.”

The Leave-supporting Tory MP for Lewes, Maria Caulfield, has said she will not campaign for the European elections and might not even vote for the local Conservative candidate, and other MPs and activists are privately 
furious at having to canvass.


But Ms Davidson said the Conservatives were in a “privileged position” and had a “job to lead”.

Leader of the Brexit Party Nigel Farage (Image: Matthew Horwood/Getty Images)

Pointing to her own party’s “tough campaigns”, she added: “I would say to some colleagues down south who are perhaps choosing not to campaign that that’s pretty disappointing.

“Just because the fights harder, that means that you have to fight harder. It doesn’t mean you give up. 

“So for any of my colleagues down south who are thinking of perhaps sitting this one out, I would ask them to reconsider.

“I genuine believe that we as a party, as individuals, as people in leadership positions, as elected representatives, should take every opportunity we are given to go and bang the drum at election time.”

Asked about the Brexit Party threat, Ms Davidson said her party had “held our own” against Ukip in the 2014 European poll.

And in a plea to Tory waverers, she added: “A large number of people in Scotland are committed to leaving the European Union – more than a million, more than voted for Nicola Sturgeon for First Minister at the last Scottish election.

“They are frustrated that we haven’t left yet. What I would say to these people, as well as those who were Remainers like me but who respect the result, is that the Prime Minister is trying to make this happen in an orderly manner. I support her in that, and I come back to the central point. It’s time for people to start walking back to the middle.” 

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