May on the BRINK: Brexiteers vow to SINK PM’s deal and force new battle for leadership

A string of leading Eurosceptics have queued to condemn Mrs May’s deal (Image: GETTY)

THERESA MAY’s torrid tenure as Prime Minister is set to come to a catastrophic end, as Conservative Brexiteer MPs warn she faces another three-figure defeat when her botched deal comes before Parliament next month.

A string of leading Eurosceptics have queued to condemn Mrs May’s deal, which has already been rejected three times. According to The Sun, a fourth heavy defeat would see her premiership ended once and for all. Mrs May has come under heavy pressure after turning to Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour in a bid to win support for her withdrawal agreement to complete Brexit.


The agreement will be back before Parliament during the week beginning June 4.

One senior Brexiteer said “dozens” of Eurosceptic MPs who had initially backed Mrs May’s deal would now opt to rescind support and vote against it.

Iain Duncan Smith, the former Conservative leader, led calls for MPs to vote it down.

He raged: “It’s over for this deal, I’m not going to support it and I’m not the only one.

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Iain Duncan Smith, the former Conservative leader, led calls for MPs to vote it down (Image: GETTY)

“The Government has no intention of trying to replace the backstop, in which case all reason to vote for this deal has gone.”

Despite Mrs May’s optimism, pro-Brexit Labour MPs have also vowed to reject the agreement.

One claimed she would “be lucky to get 10” MPs.

The DUP also confirmed it refused to support Mrs May’s deal.

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Despite Mrs May’s optimism, pro-Brexit Labour MPs have also vowed to reject the agreement (Image: GETTY)

However, Mrs May was handed a lifeline by Mr Corbyn as if a number of his party abstain, it would enough to clear the deal of its first hurdle at next month’s ballot.

A Labour spokesman was asked six times by a variety of media outlets including The Sun, Guardian and the Daily Mail today, and refused to rule it out on the second reading of the EU withdrawal agreement bill.

The spokesman said: “We’ve made pretty clear we won’t support it.”

The same spokesman also said “a number of different entrenchment mechanisms” have been “explored extensively” in cross-party talks with regard to the Government stepping in to stop Mrs May’s successor tearing up Tory-Labour negotiations should she quit before securing her deal in Parliament, the Mirror reports.