Royal Navy sailor sues MoD after she was ‘raped by soldier in Gibraltar army’ base

Devil's Tower camp in Gibraltar, the scene of the alleged attack (Image: Wikipedia)

A ROYAL Navy sailor is suing the Ministry of Defence claiming that she became pregnant after she was raped by a soldier who spiked her drink.

She gave birth to a girl after the alleged assault by an Army private at a military base in Gibraltar. The 42-year-old, who cannot be named, says she was given a shot of what she thought was rum at Devil's Tower Camp. She claims she passed out and was then raped. But she says when she reported the alleged rape she was "made to feel like a criminal" by her superiors and quit two months before she was eligible for a pension. No charges were brought but she has been given the green light to sue the MoD for damages. The case had originally been struck out at the High Court but the decision has been overturned on appeal. She said: "I didn't think anybody would believe me that this man had raped me and then I found out I was pregnant as a result.


"I just wanted to move on and keep what happened to myself, but then the attack started affecting me psychologically and I went to see the doctor.

"She asked me who the father was and it all came flooding out that I had been raped.

"When I told my superiors in the Navy they acted like I was making it up so I didn't have to go back to sea. I thought that they would help me but they made me feel like a criminal."

No action was taken because prosecutors ruled the alleged attack on the British territory was not covered by English law.

The woman, who joined the Navy in 2003, said she did not report the alleged 2012 sex attack until after her daughter's birth because of "previous negative experiences" reporting an earlier rape.


She has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress. The woman added: "All I want is some kind of justice.

"This man is still in the Armed Forces whereas I had to leave because of what he did to me. I felt suicidal and helpless but I have managed to get through it for my little girl."

The MoD said it would not comment as litigation was ongoing.

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