Rees-Mogg dismantles Labour's attack on Boris - 'You WANTED us to prorogue Parliament!'

Jacob Rees-mogg made a shocking revelation regarding proroguing Parliament (Image: Getty)

JACOB REES-MOGG snapped at the Labour Party as he insisted opposition MPs had called for proroguing parliament earlier this year despite their outcries after Boris’s announcement.

Brexit: Rees-Mogg says Labour wanted ‘session to end’

Brexiteer and European Research Group (ERG) leader Jacob Rees-Mogg took aim at the Labour Party’s stance on proroguing Parliament. Mr Rees-Mogg complained the Tory Party had obliged to Labour's wishes despite their now objections to Mr Johnson’s decision to prorogue Parliament ahead of the conference season. The Tory MP said: “My right honourable friend is very learned but his learning doesn’t always lead him in the right direction.


“The prorogation is completely routine.

“The opposition front bench, when I was first and indeed last at this dispatch box was asking for this session to be brought to an end.

“We were merely being our obliging selves in leading forth to a new Queen speech.”

When Mr Rees-Mogg appeared in the Commons in his new role in July, MPs asked for a new Queen's Speech so fresh legislation could be introduced.

After his comments, an MP in the Commons can then be heard asking for the European Research Group leader to give way.


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Jacob Rees-Mogg argued that the Labour Party initially wanted to have Parliament prorogued earlier this year (Image: Parliament TV)

He replied: “In due course, because we always like to hear from the honourable gentlemen the member for the Rhonda.

“He informs and educates us when he speaks.

“We are going to have to wait Mr Speaker for this informing and educating.

“We are all bating our breath for it but I like to keep people on tenterhooks for the time being.”

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Boris Johnson's decision to prorogue Parliament greatly divided Parliament (Image: Getty)

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The Queen agreeing to prorogue Parliament from September 9 to October 14 would mean Remain MPs have a short amount of time to prevent a no-deal Brexit on 31 October.

The idea of shutting down Parliament - known as prorogation - has caused controversy, with critics saying it would stop MPs being able to play their democratic part in the Brexit process.

Prorogation marks the end of a parliamentary session and is the formal name given to the period between the end of a session of Parliament and the State Opening of Parliament that begins the next session.


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Jacob Rees-Mogg remains confident that if a no deal Brexit is delivered the UK will thrive (Image: Parliament TV)

The parliamentary session may also be prorogued before Parliament is dissolved.

With Parliament prorogue it would ensure that MPs won’t be able to do anything in the House of Commons to hold up Brexit.

Tory Rebels and the opposition party have hinted they will force a general election following a vote of no confidence as tensions continue to rise.