Labour MEP said her colleagues are 'astonished' by Supreme Court's ruling on Boris

The Labour MEP said her colleagues are "astonished" (Image: EXPRESS/SKY)

LABOUR MEP Theresa Griffin have revealed her EU colleagues are “astonished” after the Supreme Court ruled Prime Minister Boris Johnson prorogued Parliament ‘unlawfully’.

Brexit: EU are 'astonished' with Supreme Court ruling says Griffin

Ms Griffin explained the result was “extraordinary” as Mr Johnson, who is currently attending a conference in New York, has said he will not resign because of it. Her comments come on the same day Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said the Prime Minister should resign during a speech in Brighton. Speaking to, Ms Griffin said: “It’s extraordinary the Supreme Court, 11 to 0, finding that the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom had acted unlawfully.


“We are in unchartered terrirtory.

“I’ve already had reactions from our colleagues across Europe who are quite frankly looking at what was the cradle of democracy and watching the Prime Minister of UK acting undemocratically.

“They are astonished to be honest.

“Everyday in the European Parliament a colleague from another country comes up to me and says, ‘please stay. We want you to Remain.’

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Ms Griffin said the ruling was "extraordinary" (Image: EXPRESS)

“So I think what’s happened here actually might commend to that.

“We’re still doing our work, we should continue to do that work and I can tell that the mood music in Europe is to accept it.”

“In my region, because the truth is now coming out, people have changed their minds.”

Ms Griffin noted a large JLR factory in Liverpool voted to Leave but have since seen the “implications” and changed their minds.

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Mr McDonnell said Parliament must reconvene immediately (Image: SKY)

Supreme Court ruling: McDonnell calls for Johnson to resign

Her comments come as Labour’s Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell admitted Labour's conference may be cancelled in order for MPs to return to Parliament.

Mr McDonnell told “It is an abuse of power by the Prime Minister so what should happen now is we should get back into Parliament and hold the Government to account."

When asked what would happen to conference, the Shadow frontbencher said: "We will manage conference as best we can.

"But it is more important to raise questions about Yellowhammer.


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Is Corbyn Eurosceptic? (Image: EXPRESS)

"As Jeremy Corbyn has said he should consider his position now.

"This is unprecedented – to have a court ruling against a Prime Minister."

Mr McDonnell, who yesterday used his keynote speech at the party conference to call for a 32-hour working week and lavish praise on his "comrade" Mr Corbyn, insisted Parliament should be able to return to debate Brexit after the ruling against Mr Johnson.

He said: "At least we should be back in Parliament now holding him to account asking him questions about what sort of advice he did give to the Queen.

"And having full and open transparency on that material."