Coronavirus setback: Soaring dementia cases have crippled hospitals

Dementia patients are not being seen because of coronavirus (stock image) (Image: Getty)

NHS hospitals have been "crippled" by a fourfold increase in emergency admissions of dementia patients in ten years, it was revealed yesterday. Alzheimer's Research UK said that more than 2,000 cases a day were being recorded even before coronavirus brought a new dimension to the crisis. They published a report claiming many admissions were necessary because of a social care crisis, day centre closures and a shortage of treatments.

Caroline Abrahams, Age UK charity director, said: "Good social care makes a huge difference to people with dementia and their families, helping them to stay fit and well. "These new figures really are worrying and demonstrate just how many older people with dementia are being hurt by shortfalls in social care, and the terrible impact on the NHS too."


Alzheimer's Research UK said the number of emergency dementia admissions rose from 494 daily in 2008-2009 to 2,064 in 2017-2018.

Hospitals were forced to spend £2.7billion in the last year – a 365 percent increase from the £581million costs ten years ago.


Many patients become stuck in hospital for weeks, despite being medically fit to leave, because of a shortage of beds in care homes.

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