Fishing fury: Boris told to stand firm in Brexit talks as 'intransigent' Macron to blame

Brexit news: Boris issued warning over fisheries (Image: GETTY)

BORIS JOHNSON has been issued a stern warning by British fishermen as Brexit talks continue to stall over a deal.

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The Prime Minister has presented the future of the UK’s fisheries as one of the most important aspects of the current Brexit negotiations. With the industry set to benefit massively, Mr Johnson has been warned of the political consequences if he doesn’t deliver a good trade deal. Speaking to, chief executive of the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisation, Barrie Deas, warned there will be a huge fall out if fisheries are not protected.


However, Mr Deas also pointed the finger for the lack of a deal at France whom he claimed had been the “most intransigent”.

Mr Deas said: “I think it would be very difficult for Mr Johnson, given what the Prime Minister has said, given the sentiments within the Cabinet, the sentiments within the Conservative Party, actually opinion right across parliament, and in the public that there's an opportunity to fix the problem which the referendum result has given the opportunity to do that.

“Now if there's a perception that it is not going to happen, that it's an opportunity that's been squandered.

“I think there would be a very heavy political cost associated with that.”


Brexit news: The UK's water have been exploited (Image: GETTY)

The UK is pushing for a deal whereby the two sides would negotiate access and quotas on a yearly basis. 

This concept is not only how the EU operates within its agreement with Norway, but also how the landmark UK deal with Norway is outlined.

It is this balance, which Mr Deas states must be achieved between the UK and France in order to restore Britain’s fisheries.

He added: “It's that balance that is missing in the relationship between the EU and the UK.

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Brexit news: France has the most to lose from restricted fisheries access (Image: PA)
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“And if the UK were to agree to anything that doesn't have that balance at the heart of it than the fishing industry, and it's our allies in Parliament and across the country, I think would be very upset.”

Despite his warnings over the negotiations, Mr Deas believes Lord David Frost will push to secure Britain’s fishing rights.

After coming back to the negotiating table, both Lord Frost and Michel Barnier agreed to expedite talks in pursuit of a deal.

Although talks have intensified, negotiations have so far failed to agree on a compromise on fisheries, the level playing field and security.

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Brexit news: Michel Barnier (Image: PA)

Brexit news: Fisheries have remained one of the areas of divergence (Image: GETTY)

Talks resumed in Brussels this week before moving to videoconferences in pursuit of an agreement.

They will return to London this upcoming week after the failure to reach an agreement.

Now the October deadline has passed, it is thought the EU has set the middle of this month as the deadline for an agreement.

Crucially, Brussels needs the agreement to then be ratified by the EU 27 before the end of the year.

EU's fisheries dependence (Image: Express)

Throughout talks, Mr Barnier has insisted serious areas of divergence still remain on all three areas.

Mr Barnier said on Wednesday following talks: “Despite EU efforts to find solutions, very serious divergences remain in level playing field, governance and fisheries.

Brexit news: Boris Johnson has vowed to regain the UK's waters (Image: PA)

"These are essential conditions for any economic partnership."