How can you tell if it's an Asian giant hornet and what should you do?

ASIAN GIANT HORNETS known as "murder hornets" could be appearing in the UK soon. So how can you recognise them and what should you do if you spot one?

Close up of Giant Asian Hornet

With summer fast approaching and the weather heating up many of us will be looking forward to spending more time outdoors, but as the season approaches so too does the chance of an invasion of giant Asian Hornets. Here is what to do if you spot one.

What are Asian giant hornets?

Asian hornets, also known as “murder hornets”, are the largest species of hornet in the world. They could pose a very real risk to Brits.

Their stings could prove fatal to people who are allergic to their venom - though it should be noted that this is incredibly rare.

The United States Department of Agriculture state that these hornets are responsible for an estimated 30 to 50 deaths per year in Japan.


Picture of the native honey bee and holidaymakers

Asian giant hornet: The native honey bee (pictured) is under threat from the Giant Asian hornet (Image: GETTY)

Picture of a giant asian hornet

Asian giant hornet: Giant Asian hornets could wreak havoc on native british honey bees (Image: GETTY)

But they pose a great risk to Britain's native honey bees - they are known to decapitate up to 50 bees a day.

These hornets are capable of destroying entire beehives in a matter of hours, decapitating all inside.

This could wreak havoc on the UK’s environment as a decline in the native honey bee could be devastating as these bees are responsible for pollinating plants up and down the country.

Giant asian hornet picture

Asian giant hornet: These hornets can decapitate up to 50 honey bees a day (Image: GETTY)

When are they likely to strike?

The Giant Asian hornet is not native to the UK, as the name would suggest they were originally from East Asia.

They first appeared in the UK in 2016 after France was accidentally exposed to them in 2004.

Nicola Spence, Defra Deputy Director for Plant and Bee Health, said: "We have been anticipating the arrival of the Asian hornet for some years and have a well-established protocol in place to eradicate them and control any potential spread.

"It is important to remember they pose no greater risk to human health than a bee, though we recognise the damage they can cause to honey bee colonies.”

picture of a man exterminating the hornets

Asian giant hornet: Exterminating hornets can be challenging and dangerous (Image: GETTY)

"That's why we are taking swift and robust action to identify and destroy any nests.”

In 2020 there was one confirmed sighting of Asian hornets in the UK. But, as many Brits can’t recognise them they could easily go undetected in Britain for some time.

How to spot them

The Asian hornet is similar in looks to the European hornet so the two are often confused. Brits have often mistaken the Asian giant hornet for another smaller Asian hornet that appears in the UK.

One major difference is the size of Asian hornets, their bodies are about two inches long.

They are a dark brown colour, the fourth segment of their abdomen is yellow and they have bright yellow tips on their legs. They are not active at night.

If you do spot a nest or a group of Giant Asian hornets you should not try to get rid of them yourself as this could be very dangerous.

Instead, the government advise that you should report your findings as soon as possible this can be done through the Asian Hornet Watch App or by emailing [email protected].

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