'Won't be PM by Christmas' Boris warned 'crumbling' support to see him toppled before 2022

Boris Johnson's support has begun to drop (Image: GETTY)

BORIS JOHNSON'S public support has begun to wane following the alleged No10 Christmas Party which has left Britons"terribly upset".

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Amid the reports over several parties held by Westminster officials last year, Britons have warned Mr Johnson may not have long in office. Indeed, following the resignation of Allegra Stratton as press secretary, Express.co.uk readers revealed their support for the Prime Minister is beginning to drop. Commenting on the story, Simanpieman said: "I don’t think he’ll still be PM by Xmas.


"This story just gets bigger and bigger, the house of cards glued together by corruption is beginning to crumble. Hallelujah.

"It’s been a long time coming!"

Johngeorge added: "Once you have become pm there is only one way to go."

Another user named, Grt, said: "I am terribly upset.

Boris Johnson has come under intense pressure (Image: GETTY)

"The last election I voted Tory for the first time after voting Labour for over 50 years.

"If I can no longer vote Tory then I will not vote at all as there will be nobody left to vote for."

The comments were sparked after former GB News chairman, Andrew Neil, questioned whether Mr Johnson's time as Prime Minister was heading towards its end following the controversy.

On December 8, Mr Neil said: "It will not happen overnight or even in the next few months and it could struggle on for a while beyond that, but we have entered the beginning of the end of Boris Johnson.


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Boris Johnson: Allegra Stratton announced her resignation (Image: GETTY)

"These are serious times. We face a new Covid variant. Inflation is rearing its ugly head.

"A revanchist Russia is threatening Ukraine and Europe’s eastern borders. Europe is devoid of leadership.

"The US is a shambles. China a threat.

"Does anybody think our PM is up to any of this?"

Boris Johnson: Simon Case will now investigate the matter (Image: GETTY)

Boris Johnson admitted his fury over the video (Image: GETTY)

Simon Case, Cabinet Secretary, will investigate parties that allegedly took place in Whitehall and Downing Street last year.

The investigation was announced after a leaked video showed advisers laughing as they attempted to rehearse questions relating to an alleged Christmas party on December 18.

Mr Johnson admitted he was furious over the video during PMQs.

Boris Johnson's approval rating (Image: Express)

Speaking on Thursday, Solicitor General Michael Ellis confirmed the Cabinet Secretary will investigate events on November 27 and December 10 and 18.

He said: "The primary purpose of the cabinet secretary's investigation will be to establish swiftly a general understanding of the nature of the gatherings, including attendance, the setting and the purpose, and with reference to adherence to the guidance in place at the time.

Boris Johnson during PMQs (Image: GETTY/PA)

"If required, the investigation will establish whether individual disciplinary action is warranted."