Covid: Boris taking 'brave position' on lockdown as Omicron hospitalisations to soar

BORIS JOHNSON is taking an "extremely brave position" on lockdown as "it is a matter of time" Omicron infections lead to increased hospitalisations and deaths, according to a scientist.

By Tara Fair, News Editor

Covid-19: Ministers reportedly resisting calls for extra measures

Commenting on Boris Johnson's decision not to introduce new restrictions or a lockdown before Christmas, Dr Peter English, a retired consultant in communicable disease control, said “this is an extremely brave position for the cabinet to take". He explained: "Hospitalisations and deaths arise 10 days to several weeks after infection, so don't be falsely reassured that numbers of hospitalisations and deaths from the omicron variant haven't yet hit large numbers. It’s just a matter of time before they do." The Prime Minister has stated that he will review the data on Omicron "hour by hour" and will reportedly announce within the next 48 hours if there will be another circuit breaker lockdown after Christmas.


Additional reporting by Olivia Stringer

Covid LIVE: Warning over 'annual winter lockdowns' – UK in 'deep, deep trouble'

Covid LIVE: Warning over 'annual winter lockdowns' – UK in 'deep, deep trouble' (Image: Getty)

More than half of Britons think Government is mishandling the pandemic

More than half of Britons think the Government is mishandling the pandemic, according to a YouGov poll. 

Some 59 percent of people said they believed the Government was handling it badly whereas only 34 percent said they thought they were handling it well. 

The results come as Omicron infections soar across the UK. 

Boris Johnson confirmed on Tuesday that there would be no further restrictions implemented before Christmas, but did not rule in new measures after that date. 

Israel to offer fourth dose of Covid vaccine

Israel is set to deliver a fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine for people older than 60, the Government announced on Tuesday. 

Amid rising Omicron infections, a Health Ministry expert panel recommended the fourth shot, a decision that was swiftly welcomed by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett as "great news that will help us overcome the Omicron wave that is spreading around the world."

Although the decision is pending formal approval by senior health officials, Mr Bennett urged Israelis to get the dose as soon as possible, saying: "My message is - don't waste time, go get vaccinated."

Israel to offer fourth dose of Covid vaccine (Image: GETTY)

Searches for ‘depression’ explode as government refuses to rule out post-Christmas lockdown

Google searches for "depression" exploded 230 percent on December 21 - the shortest and darkest day of the year - as the Government hinted at post-Christmas lockdown measures. 

A new finding by sleep and wellbeing experts Each Night revealed that online searches for ‘depression’ skyrocketed to over three times the average volume in one day, an unprecedented spike in people Googling "depression", according to analysis of Google search data.   

A spokesperson for Each Night commented on the findings: “With the country experiencing a meager seven hours of daylight today, coupled with uncertainty about whether the UK will be forced to lock down in the New Year over the rise of the Omircron variant, the spike in searches for ‘depression’ shows just how much people are feeling the negative effects of increased darkness and coldness, alongside stress around restrictions we might face next year.

"To protect your mental health at this time of year, particularly with growing worries around new Covid-19 variants, it’s important to focus on what you can control, rather than what you can’t. 

"For example, limiting caffeine consumption after lunchtime and replacing screen time before bed with a soothing activity like reading or colouring will mean that you get better quality sleep, helping you fight anxiety and low mood.”  

Searches for ‘depression’ explode as government refuses to rule out post-Christmas lockdown (Image: )

Professor Chris Whitty thanks health sector after 'difficult year'

Professor Chris Whitty has thanked the health sector for their work after "a very difficult year". 

He said: "After a very difficult year for the health system, the UK CMOs want to express our enduring thanks to, and great pride in, the health professions across the country.

"We face yet more hard weeks ahead. Look out for one another as we continue to care for the public."

What rules are in place in England?

Boris Johnson has confirmed that no new restrictions will be introduced in England before Christmas, but could not rule out new measures after that date. 

England currently has the most relaxed rules in the UK, but a recent vote in Parliament saw some measures introduced, including Covid passes for entry into nightclubs and other venues as of December 15.

This applies to indoor events with 500 or more attendees where people are likely to stand or move around, such as music venues, outdoor events with 4,000 or more attendees, such as music festivals, and any events with 10,000 or more attendees, whether indoors or outdoors, such as sports stadiums.

Face coverings have also been made compulsory in most indoor public settings, as well as on public transport, and people have been told to work from home if they can.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has offered a £1billion support package to businesses hit by Covid restrictions, after days of urgent lobbying from MPs, firms and industry officials.

'Mega Monday': Sajid celebrates 897,000 boosters in UK

Health secretary Sajid Javid has celebrated the 897,000 booster shots delivered in the UK on Monday. 

The figure smashes last Monday's figure which stood at 513,772.

Brits warned to ‘change or delay’ Christmas plans - Omicron case explosion

Millions of Britons have been warned to "change or delay" their Christmas plans by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Christmas gatherings which involve lots of people should be “changed or delayed” to curb the spread of Omicron, Dr Margaret Harris, spokesperson of WHO, told Sky News on Tuesday.

She said: “If you have gatherings that are not going to be safe, change them, delay them, do them later - don’t do them now.

"If you’ve got a large number of people, or a considerable number of people, especially people coming from different places, you don’t know what their exposures been.

"People coming together in that sort of circumstance - what we call social mixing - that’s the moment at which you’re most likely to spread Covid and particularly Omicron.”

Shadow chancellor accuses PM of being distracted by internal Tory politics

Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves has slammed Rishi Sunak and his vague support package, as well as accusing the Prime Minister of being "too distracted" by Tory internal politics to act in the national interest. 

On Twitter, she said: "Labour has been calling for an economic support plan for businesses affected by a wave of pre-Christmas cancellations.

"Support is welcome but we will be going through the details of this announcement to see which business and workers are included and excluded.

"But the government have been dragged kicking and screaming here.

"In fact, the Chancellor was dragged back kicking and screaming from California, when this support should have been announced alongside Plan B.

"This is a holding package from a government in a holding pattern.

"The PM continues to be too distracted by a revolt from Tory backbenchers to act in the public interest.

"Businesses and workers are crying out for clarity on what restrictions are down the road as many continue to be hit hard.

"The government must bring some certainty now."

Shadow health secretary demands post-Christmas clarity

Shadow health secretary Wes Streeting has called for clarity on the restrictions that could be imposed after Christmas, to help businesses and families to plan ahead. 

On Twitter, he said: "We’re all breathing a sigh of relief that Christmas is going ahead as planned, but the country also deserves some certainty about what comes after Christmas so that families and businesses can plan ahead.

"The virus isn’t taking Christmas off and there’s still a risk to the NHS."

'It is just a matter of time' before hospitalisations spike, warns scientist

Dr Peter English a retired consultant in communicable disease control, has warned it is only a matter of time before hospitalisations spike due to the Omicron variant. 

He said: “This is an extremely brave position for the cabinet to take.

"Hospitalisations and deaths arise 10 days to several weeks after infection, so don't be falsely reassured that numbers of hospitalisations and deaths from the omicron variant haven't yet hit large numbers.

"It’s just a matter of time before they do."

Boris Johnson's approval rating plummets further

Some 71 percent of Britons think Boris Johnson is doing a bad job of being Prime Minister, according to the latest YouGov poll. 

This is up seven points from the previous poll and now sits at an all-time high. 

Only 23 percent of people now believe that he is doing well as Prime Minister - down by six from the previous poll. 

The latest figures come amid speculation about restrictions which could be introduced after Christmas to curb the Omicron variant. 

Johnson's decision 'likely to result in more stringent measures in the future', warns scientist

Boris Johnson's announcement today that there would be no new Covid restrictions before Christmas has come under fire from scientists. 

Professor Lawrence Young, a virologist at the University of Warwick, said: "This is a very risky approach and is very likely to result in the need for more stringent restrictions in the near future.

"Given the extraordinarily and inexorable rapid spread of the omicron variant, it's never been more important for people to take individual responsibility to protect themselves, their families and friends.

"If the Omicron variant continues to spread at the current rate, it is inevitable that more restrictions will be necessary in England."

"Waiting for case numbers and hospitalisations to increase is likely to be too late to suppress the spread of the omicron variant and will subject the NHS to unprecedented pressure."

Focus turns to post-Christmas restrictions

Jim Pickard, chief political correspondent for the Financial Times, has questioned whether Boris Jonson will introduce new Covid restrictions after Christmas.  

On Twitter, he said: "?Not sure why the Boris Johnson comments about no restrictions *before* Christmas Day are surprising to anyone, the question has been - for a long time - whether they'll do a clampdown a few days later."

Today the Prime Minister refused to rule out the possibility of more Covid restrictions being introduced after Christmas Day to curb the spread of the Omicron variant. 

Israel reports first Omicron death

Israel has become the latest country to declare its first Omicron death.  

Local media reports that the man in his seventies had pre-existing conditions and died in Be'er Sheva on Monday.

He had reportedly been given two vaccine doses.  

'Lurching from announcement to announcement is not governing' says Angela Rayner

Deputy leader of the Labour Party, Angela Rayner has warned that the Government's approach to Covid regulations "is not governing". 

Commenting on Boris Johnson's refusal to rule out post-Christmas measures, Ms Rayner said: "I hope everyone will have the best Christmas they can.

"But lurching from announcement to announcement isn't governing.

"The job of Government is to plan and prepare, not dither and delay.

"Boris Johnson doesn't have a grip and our country is paying the price."

Cabinet split on new restrictions, reports political correspondent

Sky News political correspondent Tamara Cohen has claimed the cabinet was split on whether to bring in new Covid restrictions. 

She reports that Rishi Sunak, Kwasi Kwarteng, Grant Shapps and Alister Jack were opposed to restrictions. 

On the other side of the argument, Sajid Javid, Michael Gove and Nadine Dorries were reportedly in favour. 

Societal consequences of lockdown continue to be ignored, warns Iain Duncan Smith

Britain has allowed skewed data to distract from the devastating consequences of lockdowns, warns former-Conservative Party leader, Iain Duncan Smith. 

Writing in the Telegraph, Mr Duncan Smith argues that the economic and human cost of lockdowns is not considered enough by policy makers who seem fixed on infection rates. 

A study by the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) found that pupil absences grew by over half to just under 100,000.

"Missing school, it goes without saying, has extraordinary long-term consequences, including acting as a conveyor belt to gangs and crime," Mr Duncan Smith points out. 

Other issues exacerbated by national lockdowns include a widening wealth gap, debt and a crippled hospitality industry. 

Mr Duncan Smith concludes: "We must avoid another lockdown for that, I believe, would be a wrecking ball through our society and economy."

Societal consequences of lockdown continue to be ignored (Image: GETTY)

Covid hospital cases continue to climb

A total of 7,801 people were in hospital in the UK with COVID-19 as of December 20, Government figures show.

This is the highest number since November 23 and is up 1 percent from the previous week.

During the second wave of coronavirus, hospital numbers peaked at 39,254 on January 18.

Covid hospital cases continue to climb (Image: GETTY)

Prime Minister 'cannot rule out restrictions after Christmas'

Boris Johnson has said he is unable to rule out further restrictions on public life after Christmas, though Christmas day can go ahead without the introduction of new measures. 

He said: "What I can say tonight is that naturally we can't rule out any further measures after Christmas, and we're going to keep a constant eye on the data - we will do whatever it takes to protect public health.

"But, in view of the continuing uncertainty about several things - the severity of Omicron, uncertainty about the hospitalisation rates or the impact of the vaccine rollout and the boosters - we don't think today that there is enough evidence to justify any tougher measures before Christmas.

"We continue to monitor Omicron very closely and if the situation deteriorates we will be ready to take action if needed."

Prime Minister 'cannot rule out restrictions after Christmas' (Image: GETTY)

There will be no new restrictions before Christmas, says Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson has revealed there will be no new Covid restrictions implemented in England before Christmas. 

However, he said the situation remained "finely balanced" amid soaring Omicron infections. 

The Prime Minister said it may be necessary to take steps to curb infections after Christmas and urged members of the public to exercise caution in the meantime. 

'An event cancelled is better than a life cancelled,' warns WHO head

The Director General of the World Health Organisation, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has warned that “an event cancelled is better than a life cancelled” amid soaring Omicron infections in the run-up to Christmas. 

He urged people to postpone gatherings as festive gatherings could lead to “increased cases, overwhelmed health systems and more deaths”.

He explained: “All of us are sick of this pandemic. All of us want to spend time with friends and family. All of us want to get back to normal.

“The fastest way to do this is for all of us leaders and individuals to make the difficult decisions that must be made to protect ourselves and others.

“In some cases, that will mean cancelling or delaying events.”

'An event cancelled is better than a life cancelled,' warns WHO head (Image: GETTY)

UK daily Covid figures: 90,629 new positive tests

Another 90,629 positive tests have been reported in the latest 24 hour period.

As well as that, 172 more COVID-19 related deaths have also been reported. 

On vaccines, 897,979 booster and third doses of COVID-19 vaccines were reported in the UK on Monday - the second highest daily figure.

On Omicron cases, 15,363 additional confirmed cases of the variant have been reported across the UK - bringing the total to 60,508.

Lockdown fears over 'unbelievable' Omicron spread – 'hour-by-hour' data calls

Fears of a festive lockdown are continuing to grow, as an expert called the rate of transmission of the Omicron variant of coronavirus "unbelievably fast".

Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the global charitable foundation Wellcome, said that we are perhaps in the most difficult and uncertain time of the whole pandemic.

Speaking on Radio 4's Today programme, he said: "Omicron is spreading unbelievably fast. It is a phenomenal variant, transmission is eye-wateringly high, but there is great uncertainty.

"What is it going to lead to in terms of pressure on the health system, people going to hospital, people dying, but also what impact is it going to have on the broader society, staff absences, the ability to have functioning other services?"

Boris Johnson has stated that he will review the data on Omicron "hour by hour" and will recall Parliament from Christmas recess if a decision needs to be made on further restrictions.

Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance to brief MPs tonight

Chief medical officer Professor Chris Whitty and chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance will brief MPs on coronavirus at 6pm this evening, according to Sky News. 

The briefing, which will be a private event, will be chaired by Health minister Ed Argar.

48h until the UK finds out if there will be a circuit breaker

Boris Johnson will reportedly make an announcement in the next 48 hours on whether he will bring in a so-called circuit breaker lockdown in England.

The prime minister is apparently considering rolling the country back to Step 2 restrictions, which would limit household mixing and return pubs and restaurants to outdoor service only.


Media chair demands to know likelihood of another lockdown

Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee chair Julian Knight demands to know likelihood of another lockdown, given the impact it would have on the events sector. 

He added: “While we await the detail, the announcement of additional financial support for the entertainment and hospitality sectors is welcome.

"It will be important for this funding to help all those whose livelihoods depend on thriving theatres and live venues, whether they be on the stage, behind the scenes or front of house.”

Media chair demands to know likelihood of another lockdown (Image: GETTY)

Government's 'inadequate' support for the arts 'bordering on insulting'

The Government's support measures for the arts has been widely criticised by the sector as "inadequate" and "bordering on the insulting".

On Tuesday, the Treasury announced that cultural organisations in England can access a further £30million funding during the winter via the culture recovery fund.

The £1.57billion CRF was launched in July 2020 with the objective of protecting Britain's cultural, arts and heritage institutions.

Michael Kill, chief executive of the Night Time Industries Association, said: "Businesses are failing, people are losing their livelihoods and the industry is crippled.

"Mixed messaging, coupled with additional restrictions, have had a catastrophic impact on our sector over the last two weeks.

"At this critical point, we need strong leadership and a clear pathway from Government with a long-term strategy for new Covid variants.

"The open/close strategy is crucifying businesses. Every pound of help is much needed. But this package is far too little and borders on the insulting."

Good afternoon

Good afternoon from London. I’m Tara Fair, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on the COVID-19 pandemic for the next eight hours. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @TaraFair_

Sturgeon announces new restrictions for Scotland

Nicola Sturgeon has announced new Covid restrictions for Scotland, as the Omicron variant continues to spread rapidly across the country. 

From Boxing Day all outdoor events will be limited to 500 people.

All indoor events will be limited to 200 people if they are seated and 100 people if they are standing. 

Edinburgh's Hogmanay street party has also been cancelled and football matches will be effectively spectator free. 

Pubs and other venues selling alcohol will also need to revert back to table service from December 27. 

These measures will be in place for at least three weeks. 

Omicron may have already plateaued or even peaked, says expert

Cases of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 may have already plateaued or even peaked, a Professor in Medicine at the University of East Anglia (UEA) has said. 

Paul Hunter said that if this is the case then a lockdown will not be needed. 

Speaking on Times Radio he said: "It looks as though this previous rapid increase may have slowed quite dramatically, and if that is the case, then there probably isn't a need for a lockdown."

Professor Hunter added that lockdowns "never ultimately prevent infection unless eradication is a possibility".

He said: "If restrictions are not needed then they would only delay illness and prolong the impact on health services as well as the other negative impacts that lockdowns have on our wellbeing."

Government needs to provide 'certainty' not just 'handouts', says business owner

The Government needs to provide 'certainty', not just 'handouts' to support businesses during Covid, a business owner has said. 

Nathan Godley, of restaurant supplier Premier Seafoods' comments come after Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced on Tuesday a  £1 billion support package for businesses affected by the latest Covid restrictions. 

Mr Godley told BBC Radio 4's World at One: "This time of year I need to know what I need for the restaurants and they are unsure what to tell me, and I am unsure what to tell my supplier.

"Fish doesn't just go from the boat to the restaurant. There's quite a few of us in this supply chain in between and we all need to know what is happening."

"I don't need any handouts. I am not asking for that. I am just asking for certainty."

Support for businesses 'far too little', says Night Time Industries Association, chief exec

The chief executive of the Night-Time Industries Association has said that the newly announced £1 billion support package for businesses affected by the latest Covid restrictions is 'far too little'. 

Michael Kill said: "Businesses are failing, people are losing their livelihoods and the industry is crippled.

"Mixed messaging, coupled with additional restrictions, have had a catastrophic impact on our sector over the last two weeks.

"At this critical point, we need strong leadership and a clear pathway from Government with a long-term strategy for new Covid variants.

"The open/close strategy is crucifying businesses. Every pound of help is much needed. But this package is far too little and borders on the insulting."

Chancellor offers £1 billion support package to businesses hit by restrictions

Chancellor Rishi Sunak is offering a £1 billion support package for businesses affected by Covid restrictions as the Omicron variant continues to spread rapidly across the UK. 

The package includes one-off grants of up to £6,000 per premises for affected businesses in England. 

The Treasury expects that these will be administered by local authorities and will be made available in the coming weeks. 

Taxpayers cash will also be used to cover the cost of statutory sick pay for firms with less than 250 employees. 

A further £30 million will also be available to cultural organisations in England during the winter via the culture recovery fund.

The announcement by Mr Sunak comes after he cut short a trip to California to hold crisis talks with business leaders. 

Theatre chief appeals for Covid support for 'already fragile industry'

A theatre chief has appealed to the Government to provide support for an 'already fragile' industry as the Omicron variant of Coronavirus causes disruption to performances.

Dame Rosemary, chief executive of the UK's second biggest theatre company, Trafalgar entertainment said the new variant was "causing huge disruption and irreparable damage to an already fragile theatre industry".

She said: "Whilst we are doing everything we can within our theatres to protect staff, customers and performers through robust safety measures, the virulent Covid Omicron variant is now causing huge disruption and irreparable damage to an already fragile theatre industry.

"In what would usually be our busiest time of year, we are now sadly witnessing cancelled performances across the board and outbreaks of Covid amongst casts and production staff.

"This, coupled with the confusing and contradictory Government messaging, is causing consumer confidence to plummet.

"The Government must act now and offer financial support and compensation to our world-beating theatre, live entertainment and hospitality industries or we will struggle to survive. Our industries depend on each other, but we can't do this alone."

Warning over 'annual winter lockdowns' – UK in 'deep, deep trouble'

The UK is in "deep trouble" and could face heading into annual winter lockdowns due to Covid, an expert on evidence-based medicine has warned.

Professor Carl Heneghan, director of evidence-based medicine at Oxford University, also argued it was time to "treat people like adults" and let them moderate their own behaviour instead of imposing strict lockdowns on them.

Amid the rapid spread of the Omicron variant across the UK, he said: “This time last year, there were over 2,000 people being admitted. So we’re in a very different place with the presence of vaccines, the presence of the boosters, antivirals on board, and you have to reflect on that information.

“We’re in deep, deep trouble here of potentially talking ourselves into annual winter lockdown. Because what happens is this is as good as it gets.”

“People will moderate their behaviour accordingly. That’s what we need to trust people to do going forward because that’s the only sustainable policy.”

DUP leader tests positive for COVID-19

The leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) of Northern Ireland has announced via Twitter that he has tested positive for COVID-19. 

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson tweeted: "When I returned from London on Friday evening I felt a cold coming on but it has been getting worse. PCR test has now come back positive. Close contacts will be notified. Thankfully I received my booster two weeks ago. The importance of being vaccinated cannot be overstated.

"Work still goes on even though I’m a bit croaky. Sore throat is most uncomfortable symptom. I will still be having a virtual meeting with the Foreign Secretary @trussliz this afternoon on the need to remove the Irish Sea border which is reducing accessibility to medicines etc."

Biden to increase testing and persuade people to get vaccinated

US President Joe Biden is set to open federal COVID-19 testing sites in NYC this week in a bid to tackle the rapidly spreading Omicron variant.

The Biden administration is also set to buy 500 million rapid home tests kits that Americans will be able to order online for free from January. 

Later on Tuesday, President Biden will aim to persuade Americans to get vaccinated in a speech a senior administration official said.

The official said: "If you are unvaccinated, you are at high risk of getting sick. This variant is highly transmissible and the unvaccinated are eight times more likely to be hospitalized and 14 times more likely to die from COVID."

Health officials in Texas recorded what is believed to be the US' first Omicron related death on Monday. 

London NYE celebrations cancelled

London's NYE celebrations have been cancelled due to the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, the Mayor of London has confirmed. 

Sadiq Khan took to Twitter to say: "Due to the surge in Covid cases, we've taken the difficult decision to cancel our NYE event in Trafalgar Square. The safety of Londoners must come first. A spectacular NYE celebration showcasing our city will still be shown on midnight on BBC1 - I urge all Londoners to tune in."

Widespread train cancellations due to staff shortages

A number of rail companies are running reduced timetables over the Christmas period due to COVID-19 related staff shortages. 

CrossCountry is having to cancel dozens of trains every day and many of the trains that are still running have fewer carriages than usual. 

Meanwhile, Avanti West Coast told passengers has removed all peak ticket restrictions over the festive period in order to spread out demand.

The train company said: "The pandemic is, unfortunately, resulting in some staff shortages.

"We're doing everything we can to run our full timetable but there may be some short-notice cancellations."

WHO not in favour of large scale lockdowns, says expert

The World Health Organisation is not in favour of large scale COVID-19 lockdowns because of their impacts on mental health and the economy, one of its leaders said. 

Dr Margaret Harris, a public health doctor from the WHO, told Sky News that getting vaccinated is the most important thing people can do to combat Omicron. 

Dr Harris said that when making plans for Christmas, the public should think about: "Who is coming? What is their status? Have they all been vaccinated? Are you taking other measures - are you opening your windows, ventilating your room? Can you space things, have they worn masks? So there are lots of things that you need to do and take into account when you put your party together."

Dr Harris added that although lockdowns do work, there are large impacts.

She said: "We prefer not to see lockdowns, a big lockdown, because they have huge economic implications, they have very severe social implications and mental health implications.

"However, they do work. So governments do get to a point when the hospitals are overwhelmed, where they run out of options."

Sturgeon to give update on Covid restrictions

Nicola Sturgeon will give an update on the coronavirus situation in Scotland later on Tuesday, as cases of Omicron remain high. 

Ms Sturgeon had previously suggested that she would not impose any more restrictions before Christmas. 

However, the Daily Record has reported that the First Minister is considering restrictions on football matches in order to curb the spread of Omicron. 

Ms Sturgeon will address MSPs at Holyrood at around 2:20 pm.

Sturgeon to give update on Covid restrictions

Sturgeon to give update on Covid restrictions (Image: Getty)

Government will say more on financial support for businesses, says minister

The Government will say more on its discussions with business leaders, calling for more financial support following the latest COVID-19 restrictions, later on Tuesday, a minister has said.

When asked about the matter on BBC Breakfast, Steve Barclay said: "The Chancellor was talking to industry leaders about this very issue last night. We will say more about this later today.

"We recognise obviously we are keen to keep businesses open and businesses should continue to plan for the bookings they have.

"We absolutely recognise that through Plan B and the behaviour change there has been an impact on those bookings."

Parliament not yet due to be recalled to discuss new measures

The Government is not yet at the stage where it will recall Parliament to discuss new Covid restrictions, a minister has stated. 

Steve Barclay told BBC Breakfast: "The Prime Minister has given a commitment that where there are additional regulations bought forward that Parliament would be recalled in order that Members of Parliament can scrutinise and debate those issues, but we are not at that stage.

"We are looking closely at the data and we need to recognise there are economic consequences to further restrictions."

He added: "There is much that we still don't know but we are still looking at that data on what are very finely-balanced decisions."

Moderna could be ready to develop Omicron booster in weeks

Moderna has stated that it could be ready to begin developing a booster shot tailored specifically to the Omicron variant in weeks. 

The company hopes to start clinical trials on a vaccine to protect against Omicron early next year, but is now focusing on a booster. 

Chief Executive Stephane Bancel in an interview said: "It only needs minor adjustments for Omicron. I don't expect any problems."

Mr Bancel added that Moderna was waiting for more information on the variant to begin development. 

He said: "That will take another week or two."

"It will take a few months before we can produce 500 million doses after (regulatory) approval. But our capacities are much higher today than a year ago."

New Zealand postpones reopening

New Zealand has postponed the staged reopening of its borders until the end of February, amid concerns over the rapid spread of the Omicron variant. 

After being shut for almost two years, New Zealand was set to loosen some travel restrictions from January, with foreign tourists allowed in from April. 

COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins told a press conference in Wellington: "All of the evidence so far points to Omicron being the most transmissible COVID-19 variant yet.

"There's no doubt this is disappointing and will upset many holiday plans, but it's important to set these changes out clearly today so they can have time to consider those plans."

Good morning

Good morning, I'm Olivia Stringer and I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on Coronavirus, for the next eight hours. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.

Email: [email protected] 

Twitter: @Livstringer_

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