Rwanda deportation flight on runway as 11th hour legal challenges fail

THE plane set to be used for the first deportation flight of migrants to Rwanda is reportedly poised to take off from a military runway.

By Matthew Dooley, World News Editor, Michael Curzon

Liz Truss grilled on £250K Rwanda flight that could takeoff empty

The Supreme Court today rejected an appeal bid by an Iraqi man due to be on the flight. Other legal bids have also failed, though the number now set to be taken away from the UK on the flight is understood to have been lowered to just seven.

Downing Street refused to confirm whether the flight would depart from the Ministry of Defence's Boscombe Down airfield in Wiltshire. Boris Johnson’s official spokesman said: “I'm still not going to get into commenting on operational matters like that. "In general, we need to plan these flights so that they are done in a secure manner, so that they are done properly and that we can plan properly. This is an issue that needs to be done properly and we will plan as such."

The news comes following an announcement by Foreign Secretary Liz Truss this morning that the flight would indeed go ahead, defying fears that there was a "slim chance" it would take place. These fears were reignited after Downing Street earlier said “at this point I can’t be definitive”. The Foreign Secretary couldn't give exact figures on the number of people expected on the flight and defended the plan as "completely moral" amid criticism from refugee charities and the church.

She said: “We are expecting to send the flight later today.

"I can’t say exactly how many people will be on the flight.

"The really important thing is that we establish the principle and we start to break the business model of these appalling people traffickers."

Speaking to Sky News, she added: “There will be people on the flight and if they are not on this flight they will be on the next flight because we are determined to break the model of the appalling people traffickers and sort this issue out which has caused untold misery, including people dying in the English Channel.”

The Foreign Secretary was unable to confirm how many people would be on the flight with some reports claiming the number could be as low as seven. 

The news comes following a ruling, yesterday, by three Court of Appeal judges to uphold a High Court ruling last week that the removals could proceed - rejecting an appeal by two refugee charities and the Public Commercial Services Union. 

A Government source had previously told The Times that the likelihood of the flight going ahead as planned was "very slim".

Liz Truss

Liz Truss has confirmed the first Rwanda deportation flight will take place today. (Image: GETTY)

People protesting the Rwanda deportation flights.

Refugee charities, members of the church and others have protested the deportation flights to Rwanda (Image: GETTY)

He said: "All the lawyers who have been fighting in the courts will now turn their collective might elsewhere and direct all their resources at the remaining individuals due to be on board.

"They'll be exploiting every single loophole possible and using every trick in the book to get those last people removed from the flight.

"[The chances of the flights going ahead as planned] are very, very slim."

There has been significant resistance to the policy from both refugee charities and members of the church.

In a letter to The Times Most Rev Justin Welby - the Archbishop of Canterbury - and Most Rev Stephen Cottrell - Archbishop of York and Primate of England - as well as 23 bishops who sit in the House of Lords called the policy "shameful".

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A lifeboat assists migrants in a small boat.

The Rwanda Plan aims to deter people from making the dangerous channel crossing. (Image: GETTY)

The Archbishop of Canterbury.

Members of the church have condemned the plan which Liz Truss called "completely moral". (Image: GETTY)

They said: "Whether or not the first deportation flight leaves Britain today for Rwanda, this policy should shame us as a nation.

"The shame is our own, because our Christian heritage should inspire us to treat asylum seekers with compassion, fairness and justice, as we have for centuries."

The Government, however, claims that the policy is necessary to put a stop to "evil" criminal gangs profiting on smuggling people across the channel.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss rejected the the Church of England's condemnation calling the plan "completely moral".

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A UK Border Force ship next to a small boat with migrants.

This year has seen more than 8,000 people attempt to make the channel crossing. (Image: GETTY)

Three more people who are currently scheduled to be on the flight are likely to bring about last minute legal challenges before the plane takes off today.

Of the approximately 130 people scheduled to be on the first flight, only seven remain after dozens of asylum seekers won legal challenges and were removed from the list.

A Government source has told the BBC that they would "do everything possible to keep people on the flight".

They said: "Campaigners and opponent lawyers will be doing everything possible, exploiting every loophole, throwing in every spurious and meritless claim, to get their client dragged off the flight today.”

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