Migrant crisis deepens as hundreds descend on Dover in just one day

EIGHT boats carrying migrants were picked up in the English Channel yesterday and there have reportedly been more arrivals this morning.

By Matthew Dooley, World News Editor

Migrant crossings: Record number of people enter country

According to data from the Ministry of Defence, 235 migrants in eight boats were brought to Dover yesterday. BBC journalist Simon Jones claimed that more had arrived this morning.

Mr Jones said in a tweet: "253 migrants in eight boats were brought to Dover yesterday after being picked up in the Channel. There have been further arrivals this morning."

The news comes after 2,341 migrants attempted to cross the channel from August 29 to September 4, according to the latest figures released by the MoD.

According to the Home Office, 12,747 people were detected arriving by small boats in January to June 2022. This is more than double the amount for the same time as last year.

However, this number exploded in August, when 8,000 people made the Channel crossing, making it the highest monthly total ever recorded.

Migrants on September 5.

There have been reports of more crossings today. (Photo from September 5). (Image: PA)

A group of suspected migrants land at Folkstone, Kent.

A group of suspected migrants land at Folkstone, Kent. (Image: PA)

Home Secretary Suella Braverman, who replaced Priti Patel during new PM Liz Truss's Cabinet shuffle last week, has vowed to tackle the huge problem of small boats making the journey across the English Channel.

Ms Braverman said she would act to end all small boat crossings across the channel - Ms Patel similarly made it top priority to crack down on Channel crossings and target criminal people smugglers thought to be responsible for coordinating the dangerous journeys. However, the former Home Secretary struggled to achieve this goal and migrant crossings have continued to rise.

Immigration experts have warned that it would almost impossible to stop the illegal crossings unless the Government began to offer safe alternative routes to the UK.

The crisis has been worsening year on year, according to the Home Office.

Home Secretary Suella Braverman.

Home Secretary Suella Braverman has vowed to tackle the crisis. (Image: GETTY)

Migrants at Dover, Kent.

Around 8,000 migrants made the crossing in August. (Image: GETTY)

It said: "There were 28,526 people detected arriving on small boats in 2021, compared with 8,466 in 2020, 1,843 in 2019 and 299 in 2018."

The move by Ms Braverman sparked fury among civil servants with one telling The Guardian: "Suggesting she can stop all boat crossings is pie in the sky – it doesn’t bode well."

She also criticised Home Office staff working practices, urging staff to return to the office.

The move caused an uproar in the PCS Union which represents civil servants, including 14,000 Home Office and Border Force staff.

PCS General Secretary Mark Serwotka said: "Ordering our members back to the office shows a complete lack of awareness and understanding of what Home Office staff have been doing for the past two and a half years.

A chart showing Channel crossings.

Channel crossings are set for an all time high in 2022. (Image: PA)

"Most staff in Border Force and the passport office have been in the workplace regularly since the start of the pandemic and throughout the countrywide lockdowns.

“For those staff who adapted to work from home, because the Home Office needed them to do it during the pandemic, they have been working efficiently and productively at home and have been hybrid working between the office and home for months.

"To now imply this arrangement is no good, without any understanding, is not a good start for the new Home Secretary."

He added: “Our members, not her, are the ones with the expertise here. She would be better advised listening to them about ways of working and to see how they can best implement her policies."

With migrant crossings at an all time high, the Home Secretary looks to be locked in an uphill battle to keep her pledge to tackle the small boat crossings.

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